Smiley v. Citibank | |
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Argued April 24, 1996 Decided June 3, 1996 | |
Full case name | Barbara Smiley v. Citibank (South Dakota), N. A. |
Citations | 517 U.S. 735 ( more ) 116 S. Ct. 1730; 135 L. Ed. 2d 25; 1996 U.S. LEXIS 3594 |
Case history | |
Prior | Class action complaint dismissed, Superior Court of California, affirmed by Court of Appeal, 26 Cal. App. 4th 1767, 32 Cal. Rptr. 2d 562 (1994); judgment affirmed, Supreme Court of California, 11 Cal. 4th 138, 900 P.2d 690 (1995); certiorari granted, 516 U.S. ___, (1995) |
Holding | |
Comptroller of Currency regulation including credit card late fees and other penalties within the definition of interest was reasonable enough that Court defers to its expertise, thus individual states cannot limit them when charged by nationally-chartered banks | |
Court membership | |
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Case opinion | |
Majority | Scalia, joined by unanimous |
Laws applied | |
National Banking Act |
Smiley v. Citibank, 517 U.S. 735 (1996), is a U.S. Supreme Court decision upholding a regulation of the Comptroller of Currency which included credit card late fees and other penalties within the definition of interest and thus prevented individual states from limiting them when charged by nationally-chartered banks. Justice Antonin Scalia wrote for a unanimous court that the regulation was reasonable enough under the Court's own Chevron standard for the justices to defer to the Comptroller.
The decision, which had begun as a class action in California, was seen as a victory for banks and credit-card issuers, who could mostly charge late fees as they pleased. For that same reason consumer advocates were displeased, warning that late fees could rise to previously unseen levels. They did, and one of the Citibank attorneys has expressed regret for his involvement. [1]
In its 1978 Marquette Bank decision, the court had unanimously held that the National Banking Act of 1863, which created nationally-chartered banks in addition to the state ones that had previously existed, barred states from enforcing their anti-usury laws, which set caps on interest rates, against any national bank based in another state. In 1980, Citibank took advantage of that decision and moved its money-losing credit-card operations to South Dakota, after persuading that state's legislature and governor to repeal its anti-usury law. Other states and banks followed the example, and by 1990 the number of credit cards in circulation had doubled, while the average household's revolving balance increased more than fivefold. [1] At the time late fees were bringing in $2 billion annually to the industry. [2]
The increased use of more freely available credit changed the American economy, but not without creating some backlash. Consumer advocates complained that some issuers were using late fees of $5 or $10, charged if a single month's payment was even one day overdue, to gouge extra profits from customers who might otherwise be borrowing and spending responsibly. Laws in some states limited those fees, yet companies and banks continued to charge above those limits, claiming the late fees were a form of interest and thus not subject to the laws of those states as long as they were headquartered elsewhere.
Activist lawyers were challenging this notion in lawsuits across the country, mostly in state courts, with different degrees of success at different levels. In Pennsylvania, Michael Donovan, Michael Malakoff and Ann Miller had filed one of their own, with the intent of taking it to the Supreme Court and forcing a resolution of the issue. Barbara Smiley was a California woman who had filed a class action against Citibank's South Dakota subsidiary in her state's courts in 1992 alleging that the $15 late fee she was charged for her Citibank Classic card violated California law. After reading about the Pennsylvania lawyers in Business Week , she had contacted them to represent her. [3]
Citibank responded to Smiley's original filing with a motion to dismiss on the grounds that late fees were interest covered by the National Banking Act. California's Superior Court in Los Angeles County denied the motion, but after Citibank appealed that denial, the Second District of the California Courts of Appeal ordered the lower court to either grant the motion or explain why it wasn't. [4] The Superior Court granted the motion and dismissed the case, a decision upheld on appeal.
On March 3, 1995, after the Superior Court had dismissed the complaint, the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC), the official charged by the National Banking Act with regulating national banks, issued a proposed regulation defining "interest" under the Act as including "any payment compensating a creditor or prospective creditor ... [for] any default or breach by a borrower of a condition upon which credit was extended." It specifically included late fees, among many others that had been criticized as unfair and misleading to consumers. [5] It was formally adopted a year later.
Later in 1995, the California Supreme Court agreed to review Smiley's case, and did so. It affirmed the lower courts, but with two justices dissenting. [6] Since New Jersey's Supreme Court had reached the opposite conclusion in a similar case, [7] the Supreme Court granted Smiley's certiorari petition.
Donovan argued Smiley's case before the justices. Late fees, he said, were not interest whatever the Comptroller's regulation said since they were fixed amounts and did not vary based on the money owed or schedule of payments. He also pointed to two previous documents from OCC suggesting that, in the past, it did not consider penalty fees of any kind to be interest. For more than a hundred years, he noted, OCC had not seen fit to define specifically what kind of payments were considered interest. Yet, coincidentally, only when a case turning on that issue appeared headed to the Supreme Court did it see a need to do so.
He claimed that it was not entitled to the deference the Court accorded agencies of the executive branch. It was not, he said, a reasonable interpretation of the National Banking Act and thus, per the rule it had established in the 1984 Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. case, the Court should review it afresh and rule on whether it was the best interpretation of the statute.
Richard Kendall of the Los Angeles firm Shearman & Sterling argued the case for Citibank. He was joined by Irving Gornstein on behalf of the government as amicus curiae . Both argued for the Court to defer to the Comptroller's statutory interpretation.
Two months after oral argument, the Court ruled unanimously in Citibank's favor. Antonin Scalia wrote for the Court.
The cases from New Jersey and California, he uncharacteristically [8] agreed, made it "difficult indeed to contend that the word 'interest' in the National Bank Act is unambiguous with regard to the point at issue here." [9] Nevertheless, he rejected all of Donovan's arguments.
The Court did not find the timing of the regulation to be fatal. "[N]either antiquity nor contemporaneity with the statute is a condition of validity." It was "irrelevant" that it was issued in advance of a case to be heard by the Supreme Court. [10] He also found the regulation to be rational. "It seems to us perfectly possible to draw a line, as the regulation does, between [penalties] and ... all other payments." [11] Nor did he find the prior documents in which representatives of the Comptroller's office had said that they did not consider late fees could be considered as interest payments adequately controlling since they did not fully represent an official agency position. "What these statements show, if anything, is that there was good reason for the Comptroller to promulgate the new regulation, in order to eliminate uncertainty and confusion." [12]
After dealing with another issue Donovan raised, that the regulation was not entitled to deference because it pre-empted state laws, by saying two issues had been confused and thus that question was moot, Scalia said "[T]he question before us is not whether it represents the best interpretation of the statute, but whether it represents a reasonable one. The answer is obviously yes." [13] Legal dictionaries of the late 19th century, as well as the Court's own jurisprudence of that era, did not define interest so narrowly, and indeed such flat fees were often intended to evade state anti-usury laws, as state courts of that era had ruled. Finally, he rejected an argument that penalties were inherently separate from interest by suggesting the petitioner had misread the case they were relying on and citing cases he considered more appropriate. The section of the National Banking Act at issue, he noted, did not distinguish between interest and penalties. [14]
Lawyers and lobbyists for the credit-card industry, who had feared costly litigation and a myriad of state laws if the Court ruled against OCC, praised the decision. "It's a big victory for the 97 percent or so of cardholders who pay their bills on time," said a Citibank spokeswoman. [2] "There's no reason why those of us who pay on time should subsidize those who do not", said Kendall. That's not equity." [3]
On the other side, Donovan described the result as "an unfortunate interpretation ... that will allow small states to override the longstanding consumer protection laws of more heavily populated ... states." [2] His co-counsel Ann Miller called the decision "incorrect and shortsighted ... I don't think that the answer the U.S. Supreme Court came up with is going to be the long-term resolution of the problems posed by old laws trying to deal with new and very changed banking practices." [3]
Donovan was especially critical of the role played by the OCC. "We got tackled by a player standing on the sideline as we were sprinting toward the goal line". However, it did show him that he'd underestimated the role played by a regulatory body that, as Chief Justice Rehnquist had said during oral argument, had never come before the Court with a regulation that wasn't favorable to the banking industry. "We should have focused more on the appropriateness of an executive agency defining what Congress meant by a law as opposed to a court defining what Congress meant by a law." [3]
Duncan McDonald, formerly general counsel for Citibank's credit-card division, said he and others had merely hoped to have the freedom to set the fees at the $15 they had calculated as a fair market rate, but afterwards some cards late fees went as high as $39. [1]
"I certainly didn't imagine that someday we might've ended up creating Frankenstein," he told PBS's Frontline a decade later. "Millions and millions of people are being excessively charged late fees and bad-check fees and over-the-limit fees and then these 25 percent APRs to make the profits for the industry, so that they can keep the rates lower for people who are rate sensitive, who can in fact shop the system." [1]
On May 22, 2009, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure Act of 2009 (the Credit CARD Act) was signed into law.
In the United States, banking began by the 1780s along with the country's founding and has developed into highly influential and complex system of banking and financial services. Anchored by New York City and Wall Street, it is centered on various financial services namely private banking, asset management, and deposit security.
Citibank, N. A. is the primary U.S. banking subsidiary of financial services multinational Citigroup. Citibank was founded in 1812 as the City Bank of New York, and later became First National City Bank of New York. The bank has 2,649 branches in 19 countries, including 723 branches in the United States and 1,494 branches in Mexico operated by its subsidiary Banamex. The U.S. branches are concentrated in six metropolitan areas: New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Miami.
Bank fraud is the use of potentially illegal means to obtain money, assets, or other property owned or held by a financial institution, or to obtain money from depositors by fraudulently posing as a bank or other financial institution. In many instances, bank fraud is a criminal offence. While the specific elements of particular banking fraud laws vary depending on jurisdictions, the term bank fraud applies to actions that employ a scheme or artifice, as opposed to bank robbery or theft. For this reason, bank fraud is sometimes considered a white-collar crime.
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) is an independent bureau within the United States Department of the Treasury that was established by the National Currency Act of 1863 and serves to charter, regulate, and supervise all national banks and thrift institutions and the federally licensed branches and agencies of foreign banks in the United States. The acting Comptroller of the Currency is Michael J. Hsu, who took office on May 10, 2021.
An overdraft occurs when something is withdrawn in excess of what is in a current account. For financial systems, this can be funds in a bank account. For water resources, it can be groundwater in an aquifer. In these situations the account is said to be "overdrawn". In the economic system, if there is a prior agreement with the account provider for an overdraft, and the amount overdrawn is within the authorized overdraft limit, then interest is normally charged at the agreed rate. If the negative balance exceeds the agreed terms, then additional fees may be charged and higher interest rates may apply.
First National Bank Omaha is a bank headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. The namesake and leading subsidiary of First National of Nebraska, it is the third largest privately held bank subsidiary in the United States with $17 billion in assets and 4320 employees.
The UK default charges controversy was an issue in consumer law, relating to the level of fees charged by banks and credit card companies for late or dishonoured payments, exceeding credit limits, etc.
Interchange fee is a term used in the payment card industry to describe a fee paid between banks for the acceptance of card-based transactions. Usually for sales/services transactions it is a fee that a merchant's bank pays a customer's bank.
A credit card is a payment card issued to users (cardholders) to enable the cardholder to pay a merchant for goods and services based on the cardholder's accrued debt. The card issuer creates a revolving account and grants a line of credit to the cardholder, from which the cardholder can borrow money for payment to a merchant or as a cash advance. There are two credit card groups: consumer credit cards and business credit cards. Most cards are plastic, but some are metal cards, and a few gemstone-encrusted metal cards.
Office of Fair Trading v Abbey National plc and Others[2009] UKSC 6is a judicial decision of the United Kingdom Supreme Court relating to bank charges in the United Kingdom, with reference to the situation where a bank account holder goes into unplanned overdraft.
Marquette Nat. Bank of Minneapolis v. First of Omaha Service Corp., 439 U.S. 299 (1978), is a unanimous U.S. Supreme Court decision holding that state anti-usury laws regulating interest rates cannot be enforced against nationally chartered banks based in other states. Justice William Brennan wrote that it was clearly the intent of Congress when it passed the National Banking Act that nationally chartered banks would be subject only to federal regulation by the Comptroller of Currency and the laws of the state in which they were chartered, and that only Congress or the appropriate state legislature could pass the laws regulating them.
Buckeye Check Cashing, Inc. v. Cardegna, 546 U.S. 440 (2006), is a United States Supreme Court case concerning contract law and arbitration. The case arose from a class action filed in Florida against a payday lender alleging the loan agreements the plaintiffs had signed were unenforceable because they essentially charged a higher interest rate than that permitted under Florida law.
A bank is a financial institution that accepts deposits from the public and creates a demand deposit while simultaneously making loans. Lending activities can be directly performed by the bank or indirectly through capital markets.
Cuomo v. Clearing House Association, L.L.C., 557 U.S. 519 (2009), was a case decided by the United States Supreme Court. In a 5–4 decision, the court determined that a federal banking regulation did not pre-empt the ability of states to enforce their own fair-lending laws. The Court determined that the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is the sole regulator of national banks but it does not have the authority under the National Bank Act to pre-empt state law enforcement against national banks.
The Clearing House is a banking association and payments company owned by the largest commercial banks in the United States. The Clearing House is the parent organization of The Clearing House Payments Company L.L.C., which owns and operates core payments system infrastructure in the United States, including ACH, wire payments, check image clearing, and real-time payments through the RTP network, a modern real-time payment system for the U.S.
The Glass–Steagall Act was a part of the 1933 Banking Act. It placed restrictions on activities that commercial banks and investment banks could do. It effectively separated those activities, so the two types of business could not mix, in order to protect consumer's money from speculative use. The Banking Act of 1935 clarified and otherwise amended Glass–Steagall.
Joseph M. Otting is an American businessman and government official. He served as the 31st Comptroller of the Currency from November 27, 2017 to May 29, 2020.
Keith A. Noreika is an American lawyer who specializes in the regulation of financial institutions. He served as Acting Comptroller of the Currency from May 5, 2017, to November 27, 2017, following the 30th Comptroller of the Currency, Thomas J. Curry, and preceding the 31st Comptroller of the Currency, Joseph Otting. Noreika rejoined the law firm of Simpson Thacher on January 8, 2018. He joined Patomak Global Partners as Executive Vice President and Chairman of its Banking Supervision and Regulation Group on July 5, 2022.
Brian P. Brooks is an American lawyer, banker, entrepreneur, technologist, and former government official. He served as Acting Comptroller of the Currency from May 29, 2020, succeeding the 31st Comptroller of the Currency Joseph Otting, until January 14, 2021. Brooks was nominated twice by President Donald Trump for a five-year term as Comptroller of the Currency, once during the 116th Congress, and once in the 117th Congress.
Valid when made is a United States legal doctrine that holds that the terms of a loan, if legally valid at the time of its creation, remain valid after the loan is sold or assigned to a third party. Historically, the doctrine has often been applied to loans made by national banks and then transferred to secondary lenders. Under this doctrine, debt buyers may purchase loans from national banks and collect interest on them at the same rate as the original lender, without being prevented by their state's usury laws.
While this statement hardly seems revolutionary, Chevron watchers are surprised to see it come from Justice Scalia. After all, Justice Scalia is one known to be more likely to find a statute clear, rather than ambiguous.