Social Christian Conservative Party

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Social Christian Conservative Party
Partido Conservador Social Cristiano
Leader Eduardo Cruz-Coke
Dissolved28 July 1957
Split from Conservative Party
Merged into Christian Democratic Party
Headquarters Santiago de Chile
Political position Centre-right

The Social Christian Conservative Party (Spanish : Partido Conservador Social Cristiano, PCSC) was a centre-right political party in Chile, founded in 1949 as the Conservative Party split in two factions. For electoral purposes, one of the factions was named the Social Christian Conservative Party (the other being called the Traditionalist Conservative Party). Some of the Social Christian Conservatives later returned to form in together with the 'Traditionals' the United Conservative Party (1953), whereas others participated in the Social Christian Federation with the National Falange from 1955 to 1957. In July 1957 the Social Christian Conservative Party merged with the Chilean National Falange to form the Christian Democratic Party of Chile.


Presidential candidates

The following is a list of the presidential candidates supported by the Social Christian Conservative Party. (Information gathered from the Archive of Chilean Elections).

Election results

Year (number of all deputies)Number of deputiesVotes receivedPercentage
1949 (147)3198.22121,1
1953 (147)233.3324,3
1957 (147)233.6543,8

Source: Cruz-Coke 1984


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