Spin geometry

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In mathematics, spin geometry is the area of differential geometry and topology where objects like spin manifolds and Dirac operators, and the various associated index theorems have come to play a fundamental role both in mathematics and in mathematical physics.

An important generalisation is the theory of symplectic Dirac operators in symplectic spin geometry and symplectic topology, which have become important fields of mathematical research.

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Symplectic geometry Branch of differential geometry and differential topology

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In differential geometry, given a spin structure on an -dimensional orientable Riemannian manifold one defines the spinor bundle to be the complex vector bundle associated to the corresponding principal bundle of spin frames over and the spin representation of its structure group on the space of spinors .

Contact geometry

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Killing spinor is a term used in mathematics and physics. By the more narrow definition, commonly used in mathematics, the term Killing spinor indicates those twistor spinors which are also eigenspinors of the Dirac operator. The term is named after Wilhelm Killing.

In physics and mathematics, supermanifolds are generalizations of the manifold concept based on ideas coming from supersymmetry. Several definitions are in use, some of which are described below.

In mathematics, Floer homology is a tool for studying symplectic geometry and low-dimensional topology. Floer homology is a novel invariant that arises as an infinite-dimensional analogue of finite-dimensional Morse homology. Andreas Floer introduced the first version of Floer homology, now called Lagrangian Floer homology, in his proof of the Arnold conjecture in symplectic geometry. Floer also developed a closely related theory for Lagrangian submanifolds of a symplectic manifold. A third construction, also due to Floer, associates homology groups to closed three-dimensional manifolds using the Yang–Mills functional. These constructions and their descendants play a fundamental role in current investigations into the topology of symplectic and contact manifolds as well as (smooth) three- and four-dimensional manifolds.

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This glossary of areas of mathematics is a list of definitions of the terms and concepts that indicate or distinguish areas of study within mathematics. Mathematics is a broad subject with a vast history of topics identified as mathematical concerns. Concerns have been included in mathematical discourse of notable mathematicians, and some of those authors have explicitly defined areas of mathematics, conceptually encapsulating particular mathematical concerns, theorems and achievements. Other authors have categorised their concerns, theorems and achievements into areas of mathematics, by simply labelling their work with a title using terms implying an area of mathematics. To handle the dissimilarity in how areas of mathematics are identified, this glossary makes use of both extensional and intensional definitions. For a hierarchical organisation of topics of mathematics see mathematics subject classification. For a list of current mathematical concerns see list of unsolved problems in mathematics.

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