Streptococcus sRNA

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In molecular biology, Streptococcus sRNAs are small RNAs produced by species of Streptococcus bacteria. Several screens (both computational and experimental) have identified numerous sRNAs in different species and strains of Streptococcus including S. pneumoniae , [1] [2] [3] [4] S. pyogenes , [5] [6] [7] S. agalactiae [8] and S.mutans . [9] The function of most of these is currently unknown, however a few have been characterised including FasX small RNA. [10] Many sRNAs have roles in pathogenesis. [3]

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<i>Streptococcus pyogenes</i> Species of bacterium

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Bacterial small RNAs (bsRNA) are small RNAs produced by bacteria; they are 50- to 500-nucleotide non-coding RNA molecules, highly structured and containing several stem-loops. Numerous sRNAs have been identified using both computational analysis and laboratory-based techniques such as Northern blotting, microarrays and RNA-Seq in a number of bacterial species including Escherichia coli, the model pathogen Salmonella, the nitrogen-fixing alphaproteobacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti, marine cyanobacteria, Francisella tularensis, Streptococcus pyogenes, the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus, and the plant pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pathovar oryzae. Bacterial sRNAs affect how genes are expressed within bacterial cells via interaction with mRNA or protein, and thus can affect a variety of bacterial functions like metabolism, virulence, environmental stress response, and structure.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">RivX sRNA</span>

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In molecular biology, cia-dependent small RNAs (csRNAs) are small RNAs produced by Streptococci. These RNAs are part of the regulon of the CiaRH two-component regulatory system. Two of these RNAs, csRNA4 and csRNA5, have been shown to affect stationary-phase autolysis.

In molecular biology, the FasX small RNA (fibronectin/fibrinogen-binding/haemolytic-activity/streptokinase-regulator-X) is a non-coding small RNA (sRNA) produced by all group A Streptococcus. FasX has also been found in species of group D and group G Streptococcus. FasX regulates expression of secreted virulence factor streptokinase (SKA), encoded by the ska gene. FasX base pairs to the 5' end of the ska mRNA, increasing the stability of the mRNA, resulting in elevated levels of streptokinase expression. FasX negatively regulates the expression of pili and fibronectin-binding proteins on the bacterial cell surface. It binds to the 5' untranslated region of genes in the FCT-region in a serotype-specific manner, reducing the stability of and inhibiting translation of the pilus biosynthesis operon mRNA by occluding the ribosome-binding site through a simple Watson-Crick base-pairing mechanism.

RopB transcriptional regulator, also known as RopB/Rgg transcriptional regulator is a transcriptional regulator protein that regulates expression of the extracellularly secreted cysteine protease streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B (speB) [See Also: erythrogenic toxins] which is an important virulence factor of Streptococcus pyogenes and is responsible for the dissemination of a host of infectious diseases including strep throat, impetigo, streptococcal toxic shock syndrome, necrotizing fasciitis, and scarlet fever. Functional studies suggest that the ropB multigene regulon is responsible for not only global regulation of virulence but also a wide range of functions from stress response, metabolic function, and two-component signaling. Structural studies implicate ropB's regulatory action being reliant on a complex interaction involving quorum sensing with the leaderless peptide signal speB-inducing peptide (SIP) acting in conjunction with a pH sensitive histidine switch.


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