The Study of Transition, Outcomes, and Gender (STRONG) is a cohort study of health in transgender people before and during or after gender-affirming treatments such as gender-affirming hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. [1] It is being conducted at Kaiser Permanente sites in Northern California, Southern California, and Georgia and includes over 6,000 transgender people. [1] The study was underway by 2015 [2] and the first paper for the study was published in 2017. [1] The STRONG cohort represents the largest cohort of transgender people studied to date and the first such large-scale study conducted in the United States. [2]
STRONG has published papers assessing transgender population size and demographics, [3] agreement between electronic medical records and self-reported gender identity, [4] gender dysphoria and mental health, [5] [6] suicidality, [7] "passing" and mental health, [8] progression of gender dysphoria in transgender youth, [9] hematological parameters, [10] liver parameters, [11] acne risk, [12] [13] psoriasis risk, [14] cardiovascular health, [15] [16] diabetes risk, [17] [18] and cancer risk. [19]