Suess effect

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The Suess effect is a change in the ratio of the atmospheric concentrations of heavy isotopes of carbon (13C and 14C) by the admixture of large amounts of fossil-fuel derived CO2, which contains no 14CO2 and is depleted in 13CO2 relative to CO2 in the atmosphere and carbon in the upper ocean and the terrestrial biosphere . [1] It was discovered by and is named for the Austrian chemist Hans Suess, [2] who noted the influence of this effect on the accuracy of radiocarbon dating. More recently, the Suess effect has been used in studies of climate change. The term originally referred only to dilution of atmospheric 14CO2 relative to 12CO2. The concept was later extended to dilution of 13CO2 and to other reservoirs of carbon such as the oceans and soils, again relative to 12C. [3]


Although the ratio of atmospheric 14CO2 to 12CO2 decreased over the industrial era (prior to atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons, commencing about 1950), because of the increase, due to fossil fuel emissions, in the amount of atmospheric CO2 over this period, roughly 1850 to 1950, the amount of atmospheric 14CO2 actually increased over this period. [4]

Carbon isotopes

Carbon has three naturally occurring isotopes. About 99% of carbon on Earth is carbon-12 (12C), about 1% is carbon-13 (13C), and a trace amount is carbon-14 (14C). The 12C and 13C isotopes are stable, while 14C decays radioactively to nitrogen-14 (14N) with a half-life of 5730 years. 14C on Earth is produced nearly exclusively by the interaction of cosmic radiation with the upper atmosphere. A 14C atom is created when a thermal neutron displaces a proton in 14N. Minuscule amounts of 14C are produced by other radioactive processes; a large amount was produced in the atmosphere during nuclear testing before the Limited Test Ban Treaty. Natural 14C production and hence atmospheric concentration varies only slightly over time.

Plants take up 14C by fixing atmospheric carbon through photosynthesis. Animals then take 14C into their bodies when they consume plants (or consume other animals that consume plants). Thus, living plants and animals have nearly the same ratio of 14C to 12C as the atmospheric CO2. Once organisms die they stop exchanging carbon with the atmosphere and thus no longer take up new 14C. This effect is the basis of radiocarbon dating, with the proviso that mass-dependent fractionation and the decrease in 14C due to radioactive decay and are accounted for.

Photosynthetically fixed carbon in terrestrial plants is depleted in 13C compared to atmospheric CO2. [5] This fractionation of carbon isotopes is caused by kinetic isotope effects and mass dependence of CO2 diffusivity. The overall effect is slight in C4 plants but much greater in C3 plants which form the bulk of terrestrial biomass worldwide. Depletion in CAM plants vary between the values observed for C3 and C4 plants. In addition, most fossil fuels originate from C3 biological material produced tens to hundreds of millions of years ago. C4 plants did not become common until about 6 to 8 million years ago, and although CAM photosynthesis is present in modern relatives of the Lepidodendrales of the Carboniferous lowland forests, even if these plants also had CAM photosynthesis they were not a major component of the total biomass.

Fossil fuels such as coal and oil are made primarily of plant material that was deposited millions of years ago. This period of time equates to thousands of half-lives of 14C, so essentially all of the 14C in fossil fuels has decayed. [6] Fossil fuels also are depleted in 13C relative to the atmosphere, because they were originally formed from living organisms. Therefore, the carbon from fossil fuels that is returned to the atmosphere through combustion is depleted in both 13C and 14C compared to atmospheric carbon dioxide.

See also

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Carbon (6C) has 14 known isotopes, from 8
to 20
as well as 22
, of which 12
and 13
are stable. The longest-lived radioisotope is 14
, with a half-life of 5.70(3)×103 years. This is also the only carbon radioisotope found in nature, as trace quantities are formed cosmogenically by the reaction 14
+ 1
. The most stable artificial radioisotope is 11
, which has a half-life of 20.3402(53) min. All other radioisotopes have half-lives under 20 seconds, most less than 200 milliseconds. The least stable isotope is 8
, with a half-life of 3.5(1.4)×10−21 s. Light isotopes tend to decay into isotopes of boron and heavy ones tend to decay into isotopes of nitrogen.

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ratio in different parts of the carbon exchange reservoir means that a straightforward calculation of the age of a sample based on the amount of 14
it contains will often give an incorrect result. There are several other possible sources of error that need to be considered. The errors are of four general types:

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Isotope analysis has many applications in archaeology, from dating sites and artefacts, determination of past diets and migration patterns and for environmental reconstruction.


  1. Tans, P.P.; de Jong, A.F.M.; Mook, W. G. (30 August 1979). "Natural atmospheric 14C variation and the Suess effect". Nature . 280 (5725): 826–828. Bibcode:1979Natur.280..826T. doi:10.1038/280826a0. S2CID   4323299.
  2. "CARD: What is the Suess effect?". Canadian Archaeological Radioactive Database. Archived from the original on 2007-09-29. Retrieved 2007-10-19.
  3. Keeling, C. D. (1979). "The Suess effect: 13Carbon-14Carbon interrelations". Environment International. 2 (4–6): 229–300. Bibcode:1979EnInt...2..229K. doi:10.1016/0160-4120(79)90005-9.
  4. Schwartz, S. E.; Hua, Q.; Andrews, D. E.; Keeling, R. F.; Lehman, S. J.; Turnbull, J. C.; Reimer, P, J.; Miller, J. B.; Meijer, H. A. J. (2024). "Discussion: Presentation of Atmospheric 14CO2 Data". Radiocarbon. xx (xx): 1–14. doi:10.1017/RDC.2024.27.{{cite journal}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  5. Farquhar, G. D.; Ehleringer, J. R.; Hubick, K. T. (1989). "Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Photosynthesis". Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. Plant Mol. Biol. 40: 503–537. doi:10.1146/annurev.pp.40.060189.002443.
  6. Bozhinova, D.; van der Molen, M. K.; van der Velde, I. R.; Krol, M. C.; van der Laan, S.; Meijer, H. A. J.; Peters, W. (17 July 2014). "Simulating the integrated summertime Δ14CO2 signature from anthropogenic emissions over Western Europe". Atmos. Chem. Phys. 14 (14): 7273–7290. doi: 10.5194/acp-14-7273-2014 .

Further reading