The Tarakeswar affair (also known as the Tarakeswar scandal) refers to a public scandal in 19th-century Bengal during the British Raj. It resulted from a forceful sexual relation between Elokeshi, the teenage wife of a government employee Nobin Chandra, and Maharaj Madhab Chandra Giri, the scandalous Brahmin head priest (or mahant ) of the Tarakeswar Shiva temple. [1] [2] Nobin subsequently decapitated his wife Elokeshi because he couldn't save her from the salacious mahant. [3] A highly publicised trial followed, dubbed the Tarakeswar murder case of 1873, in which both the husband and the mahant were found guilty in varying degrees. [2]
Bengali society considered the mahant's actions as punishable and criminal, while justifying Nobin's action of killing an unchaste wife. The resulting public outrage forced authorities to release Nobin after two years. [1] [4] The scandal became the subject of Kalighat paintings and several popular Bengali plays, which often portrayed Nobin as a devoted husband. The mahant was generally presented as a womaniser, who took advantage of young women. The murder victim Elokeshi was sometimes blamed as a seductress and the root cause of the affair. In other plays, she was absolved of all guilt and was portrayed to have been tricked and raped by the mahant. [5]
Elokeshi, the fifteen-year-old wife of the Bengali government employee Nobin Chandra (Nobinchandra/Nabinchandra/Nobin Chandra) Banerjee, lived in Kumrul, a village of Tarakeswar, with her parents, while Nobin was away for work in a military press in Calcutta. [2] [6]
Elokeshi was the eldest daughter of a poor priest Nilkamal Mukhopadhyay, who struggled to meet ends for his family. She also had a half sister Muktokeshi, from her step mother Mandakini.
Mahant Madhab Chandra Giri was the lewd head priest of Tarakeswar temple. He was well known in the village for his randy character. Mandakini was one of the endeared women of Madhab Giri. She used to get food and clothing from Madhab, in exchange. Nilkamal was aware of it. [3]
They married off their daughter, Elokeshi, in 1867 at the age of 8. Nabin immensely loved his wife but couldn't afford to take her to Calcutta city where he lived in a tiny rented house and worked in a government press for a minimal salary. He often visited Elokeshi and also used to give some expenses to her step mother-in-law. [3]
When Elokeshi turned 15, one day lascivious mahant Madhab Giri spotted her bathing in the village pond and followed her till home. He understood that she was the step daughter of Mandakini, immediately after reaching the house, she entered. [3]
That night Mandakini was summoned to the temple and was offered to hand over her step daughter to mahant Giri, in exchange of money and gold. Nilkamal upon learning this was shocked at first, but later agreed to the plan, for the financial benefits they'd get in return. [3]
She was taken to Madhab Chandra Giri, the "powerful" mahant of the popular and prosperous Tarakeswar temple, [6] by her step mother, seeking fertility medication; however the mahant allegedly seduced and raped her. [2] A shameful chapter began with the "connivance" of Elokeshi's parents. [6]
Starting from then, the poor girl was compelled to live with that "powerful" mahant to fulfil his libido.
When Nobin eventually learned about the affair from village gossip, he was publicly humiliated by the villagers. [2] [4] He confronted Elokeshi, who confessed and begged him for forgiveness. Not only did Nobin forgive her but he decided to run away with her from Tarakeswar. However, the mahant did not allow the couple to escape; his goons blocked their way. [6] Overwhelmed with anger, Nobin slit his wife's throat with a fish knife, decapitating her, [4] on 27 May 1873. [1] Full of remorse, Nobin surrendered to the local police station and confessed his crime. [6]
The Tarakeswar murder case of 1873 (Queen vs Nobin Chandra Banerjee) [6] first stood in the Hoogly Sessions Court at Serampore in south-west Bengal. The Indian jury acquitted Nobin, accepting his plea of insanity, but the British judge Field overruled the jury's decision and forwarded the matter to the Calcutta High Court. [6] However, Judge Field accepted that there was an adulterous relationship between Elokeshi and the mahant, with whom she was seen "joking and flirting". [7] Judge Markby, who presided over the case in the High Court, also accepted the evidence proving adultery. [7] The High Court convicted both Nobin and the mahant. Nobin was sentenced to life imprisonment; the mahant got 3 years rigorous imprisonment and a fine of ₹2000. [1] [4]
The newspaper Bengalee remarked: "People flock to the Sessions Court as they would flock to the Lewis Theatre to watch Othello being performed". The courtroom drama became a public spectacle. Authorities had to charge an entrance fee to control the crowds at the Hoogly Sessions Court. The right of admission was also restricted to those literate in English, citing that the mahant's British lawyer and the judge only spoke in English. [7]
The overruling of the Indian jury's decision by the Sessions Court judge was heavily debated. [7] According to Swati Chattopadhyay (author of Representing Calcutta: Modernity, Nationalism and the Colonial Uncanny), the court proceedings were seen as an interference by the British in local matters. The court represented a conflict between village and city, the priest and bhadralok (Bengali gentleman class) and the colonial state and nationalist subjects. [2] The court proceedings were disturbed several times by crowds demanding clemency for Nobin or stringency for the mahant. The mahant and his English lawyer were often attacked outside the court. [6] The mahant's punishment was termed lenient by the Bengali public. Nobin was released in 1875, following several public petitions for pardon. [6] Such pleas came from members of the Calcutta elite and district town notables, local royals and "acknowledged leaders of native society", as well as from the "lower middle class"—from whom a 10,000-signature mercy plea was received. [6]
The 1873 mahant–Elokeshi incident was not the first incident against a mahant of Tarakeswar. Mahant Shrimanta Giri was executed in 1824 for the murder of his mistress's lover. However, according to Sarkar (author of Hindu wife, Hindu nation), while the 1824 scandal hardly created any public outrage and faded quickly from public memory, the 1873 affair was embedded in public memory and created a huge sensation in contemporary Bengal. When a satyagraha was organised against the reigning mahant of Tarakeswar, Satish Giri, in 1974 for his sexual and financial misconduct, the 1873 affair was alluded to several times. [6]
A regional daily reported that the mahant's affair with Elokeshi was still discussed by the common people of Bengal, who did not know of other current affairs, even six months after the murder. Bengali newspapers followed the court trial on a day-to-day basis, often reporting it verbatim and capturing the responses of all parties involved: judges, jury, lawyers and the common man. The "culpability" of each of the characters of the scandal was debated, and British justice and Hindu norms were analysed, especially by British-owned newspapers. [6] While Missionaries interpreted the public outcry against the mahant as the "disenchantment" of the Hindus, British-owned newspapers also pondered over the question of asserting more control on Hindu temples and organisations. [6] In an era when Hindu reform movements were blossoming in Bengal, the scandal led the reformist as well as orthodox society to re-examine "the relationship between Hindu norms, leaders and women". [6]
Many products were specially manufactured to commemorate the event. Saris, fish knives, betel-leaf boxes and other memorabilia with Elokeshi's name printed or inscribed on them were made. A balm for headache was advertised as using the oil made by the mahant in the jail oil press. Such commemorative items were still in sale in as late as 1894. These items were unique in the sense that they were the only such commemorative items modelled on an event. [6]
At least 34 farces were published by the "popular press" on the events of the Tarakeswar affair—the rape, the murder and the trial. At least four of these were reprinted several times. This is the largest number of 19th-century farces in Bengal created in response to a contemporary event. [6] Farces and plays of the era were often inspired by the real courtroom drama. [7] At least 19 plays were also based on the scandal, all of which became very popular and big money-makers; especially Mohanter Ei ki Kaj! became a huge hit on stage. [2] [6] Plays written as late as 1924 referred to the affair as if it was common public knowledge. [6]
Numerous Kalighat paintings and Battala woodwork prints—created in the decade after the scandal—depicted the "immoral" affair, the gruesome murder and the resultant trial. [2] [6] According to Chattopadhyay (author of Representing Calcutta: modernity, nationalism, and the colonial uncanny), it was the popularity of the plays combined with "the rhetoric of sin and morality" that inspired Kalighat painters to present this "tragedy as a spectacle". [2] Kalighat painters often chose to paint mythological themes and Bengali day-to-day life; the paintings on the Tarakeswar affair were a unique exception. [7]
Often painted as a series, the Kalighat paintings depict various scenes related to the affair: the mahant riding on an elephant howdah ; The Meeting of Elokeshi and the mahant—Elokeshi goes to the temple with her sister and meets the mahant; The Seduction—Elokeshi offering paan (betel nut leaf), the mahant fans Elokeshi and/or the mahant offering her childbirth medicine in order to drug her before raping her; Elokeshi embracing Nobin and asking his forgiveness; the three stages of the murder such as The Fatal/First Blow (Nobin about to decapitate Elokeshi with a fish knife) and After the murder (Nobin with the decapitated body of Elokeshi). The Kalighat paintings also depict a courtroom scene of the trial of the mahant followed by the mahant in jail, enduring rigorous labour turning an oil press or working as a jail gardener, while jail guards or the superintendent watch over him. [2] [8]
The plays and the paintings suggested the theme of loss of traditional Indian culture in the face of colonialism. [2]
Most accounts agree that Nobin loved his wife dearly, evidenced by the fact that he was ready to accept his wife at first and run away with her, even after knowledge of the affair. [9] In an era where the chastity of a wife was highly valued, Nobin's blind love and acceptance of a guilty wife were deemed inappropriate by a large section of society. Her murder was considered justifiable. Some songs criticise Nobin's stupidity of trying to save his adulterous wife and thereby risking his own life. [9] Police reports, confirming Nobin's love, read that after the murder, Nobin rushed to the police saying: "Hang me quick. This world is wilderness to me. I am impatient to join my wife in the next [world/life]", a line reported verbatim in newspapers as well as used in plays and songs. [9] Some public petitions argued that given a choice to leave Elokeshi in the arms of the mahant to live a life of dishonour—which was worse than death—and to kill her, like a true husband, Nobin chose the latter to end her misery. [9] However, some plays portray that Nobin has a mistress in town so leaves his wife in the village. [9]
Most of the plays were named to suggest the main crime was not Elokeshi's murder by Nobin, but the immoral activities of the mahant. The mahant is portrayed as the root cause of Elokeshi's death, which was an "inevitable conclusion" of the mahant 's activities. Elokeshi, "the object of desire", had to be killed by Nobin to restore his honour. [2] Titles of such plays reinforce the theme and focus on the mahant's crime. Examples include: Mohanter Chakrabhraman, Mohanter Ki Saja, Mohanter Karabash and Mohanter Ei Ki Dasha. [10]
The Kalighat paintings and Battala woodcuts often depict the mahant as a womaniser and the temple as "a haven for pimps". [10] He was also described as "a vile seducer". [9] The Tarakeswar shrine was a famed cure for barren women. The mahant was rumoured to seduce women like Elokeshi who came to him for childbirth medicine and appropriate them with the help of his goons. After being raped, the women could not return to their family and languished in the brothels of Tarakeswar. [10] In most plays, the mahant is described as drugging Elokeshi—by offering fake childbirth medicine—and then raping her. [9] In the play Mohanter Dafarafa, a rare exception to the general theme of immorality in plays where the mahant misuses Elokeshi, his love is portrayed to be genuine and her seduction by him a resultant after-effect. However, later he is repentant. [10]
The Bengalee, a reformist newspaper, presents a rare view of the true victim Elokeshi being forgotten in the debate of the trial and sympathy towards Nobin. [9] In the First Meeting painting, Elokeshi is sometimes depicted as a courtesan, indicating that she is the one who seduces the mahant. She is often described as unchaste and to have developed the adulterous affair and even lived with him for some time despite the fact that he first rapes her. [9] In one play, Elokeshi's character is debated by village wives and prostitutes. The wives vilify Elokeshi as an unchaste woman, question her devotion for Nobin and express the belief that a woman cannot be raped without her consent. The prostitutes empathise with Elokeshi, another victim of male lust and lament her fall from grace, which for them illustrates the brittle status of a wife. [9] Some plays depict Elokeshi as having no choice but to surrender to the mahant's lust on her father's command. Such plays concentrate more on scenes where Elokeshi gives in to her father's orders than on the depiction of rape. [9]
One farce depicts a divine trial of not only Elokeshi and the mahant, but also of her parents, who are portrayed as being equally guilty. Elokeshi is condemned for seducing the mahant and tarnishing the name of the holy shrine of Tarakeswar. The mahant is punished for misusing the authority and money of the temple. [7] One newspaper describes Elokeshi's father as "the still worse scoundrel (worse than the mahant) who bartered his daughter's virtue". [9] In many plays, Elokeshi's father, who is now sexually incompetent, is driven by the greed of Elokeshi's young stepmother and he resorts to pleasing his wife by giving gifts like jewellery, for which he sells off his daughter to the mahant. [9] Elokeshi's staying at her parents' home—and not with her husband—is also blamed for their excessive control over her. [9]
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Kalighat painting, Kalighat Patachitra, or Kalighat Pat is a style of Indian paintings which originated in the 19th century. It was first practiced by a group of specialized scroll painters known as the patuas in the vicinity of the Kalighat Kali Temple in Kolkata, in the present Indian state of West Bengal. Composed of bold outlines, vibrant colour tones, and minimal background details, these paintings and drawings were done on both hand-made and machine manufactured paper. The paintings depicted mythological stories, figures of Hindu gods and goddesses, as well as scenes from everyday life and society, thereby recording a socio-cultural landscape which was undergoing a series of transitions during the 19th and early 20th century, when the Kalighat pat reached its pinnacle.
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Siddhartha Shankar Ray was an Indian lawyer, diplomat and Indian National Congress politician from West Bengal. In his political career he held a number of offices, including Chief Minister of West Bengal (1972–77), Union Minister of Education (1971–72), Governor of Punjab (1986–89) and Indian Ambassador to the United States (1992–96). He was, at one point, the main troubleshooter for the Congress Party.
Kalighat is a locality of Kolkata (Calcutta), in Kolkata district, West Bengal, India. One of the oldest neighbourhoods in South Kolkata, Kalighat is also densely populated — with a history of cultural intermingling with the various foreign incursions into the area over time.
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Tarakeswar is a famous sacred city and a municipality in Hooghly district in the Indian state of West Bengal. Tarakeswar is called "Baba Dham" or "The city of Shiva". It is one of the major tourist and holy place of West Bengal as well as India. Tarakeswar is a place of pilgrimage of Lord Shiva sect in West Bengal 58 kilometres (36 mi) away from State Capital Kolkata.
Hindu School is a state government-administered school in Kolkata (Calcutta), India. Founded in 1817, it is the oldest modern educational institution in Asia. The institution played a key role during Bengal Renaissance period. It is located on College Street, in the vicinity of Hare School, College Square, Presidency University, Sanskrit College, Calcutta Medical College and the University of Calcutta.
The culture of Bengal defines the cultural heritage of the Bengali people native to eastern regions of the Indian subcontinent, mainly what is today Bangladesh and the Indian states of West Bengal and Tripura, where they form the dominant ethnolinguistic group and the Bengali language is the official and primary language. Bengal has a recorded history of 1,400 years. After the partition, Bangladeshi culture became distinct from the mainstream Bengali culture, thus their culture evolved differently, still there are many commonalities in Bangladeshi culture & West Bengali culture which connects them both together as Bengali culture.
Nil Darpan is a Bengali-language play written by Dinabandhu Mitra in 1858–1859. The play was essential to Nil Vidroha, better known as the Indigo Revolt of February–March 1859 in Bengal, when farmers refused to sow indigo in their fields to protest against exploitative working conditions during the period of Company rule. It was also essential to the development of theatre in Bengal and influenced Girish Chandra Ghosh, who in 1872 would establish the National Theatre in Calcutta (Kolkata), where the first play ever commercially staged was Nildarpan.
The Noakhali riots were a series of semi-organized massacres, rapes and abductions, combined with looting and arson of Hindu properties, perpetrated by the Muslim mobs in the districts of Noakhali in the Chittagong Division of Bengal in October–November 1946, a year before India's independence from British rule.
The Age of Consent Act, 1891, also known as Act X of 1891, was a legislation enacted in British India on 19 March 1891 which raised the age of consent for sexual intercourse for all girls, married or unmarried, from ten to twelve years in all jurisdictions, its violation subject to criminal prosecution as rape. The act was an amendment of the Indian Penal Code and Code of Criminal Procedure, Section 375, 1882,, and was introduced as a bill on 9 January 1891 by Sir Andrew Scoble in the Legislative Council of the Governor-General of India in Calcutta. It was debated the same day and opposed by council member Sir Romesh Chunder Mitter on the grounds that it interfered with orthodox Hindu code, but supported by council member Rao Bahadur Krishnaji Lakshman Nulkar and by the President of the council, the Governor-General and Viceroy Lord Lansdowne.
Sarada Charan Das was an Indian Bengali polymath, scientist, confectioner, entrepreneur and businessman. He was the youngest son and successor of Krishna Chandra Das and the grandson of the legendary Bengali confectioner Nobin Chandra Das. Born on 15 May 1906, he established the first confectionery company in India, named K.C. Das Private Limited, in 1946. Sarada Charan also created artwork and competed for India at the 1956 Summer Olympics in weightlifting. He is considered as the founding father of K.C. Das Private Limited and a major innovator and pioneer of the Bengali sweetmeat industry due to his contributions towards revamping, modernizing and scientifically standardizing the confectionery industry.
Chhatrabhog is a village within the jurisdiction of the Mathurapur police station in the Mathurapur I CD block in the Diamond Harbour subdivision of the South 24 Parganas district in the Indian state of West Bengal.
Raja Gopi Mohan Tagore (1760–1819) was scion of the Pathuriaghata Tagore family and noted zamindar and philanthropist from Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent.
Battala woodcut prints (Bengali: বটতলার কাঠখোদাই, Romanized: Boṭṭolār Kāṭkhodāi) are the woodcut relief prints produced in the Battala region of Calcutta. These were a distinctive artform that flourished in 19th-century Bengal, particularly in the urban milieu of colonial Calcutta. These prints, produced in the Battala neighborhood, were known for their affordability, bold imagery, and accessibility, making them popular among the burgeoning middle class. Although woodblock printing on fabrics has been in India for centuries, the paper adaptation of woodblock printing appeared relatively late. Reproducing pictures using blocks began in India around the same time as the printing of books on paper, following the introduction of the printing press from Western sources. This marked the simultaneous development of the mass production of both books and images in India, aligning with the age of the printing press and the modern period. Battala woodcut printing had a remarkably short run due to its late entry into the Indian market and the advent of colour lithography. The Battala woodcuts were printed on a very cheap newsprint like paper to keep the cost of these prints low. Because of the short run, cheap paper and humid conditions of the region very few of these prints have survived.
Santosh kumar Mitra or Santosh Mitra was an activist of the Indian independence movement and a martyr.
Mahant Narendra Giri was an Indian Hindu leader from Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh. He served as the President of Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad, the largest organized body of Hindu seers and ascetics in India, for two consecutive terms from 2014 until his death. Giri was the head of Baghambari Math, a more than 400-year-old Hindu monastery, since 2004. He was the chief priest (Mahant) of Allahabad's Bada Hanuman Temple, one of India's most-visited temples, which is also administered by Baghambari Math. Giri died by suicide at his residence in Prayagraj on 20 September 2021. His death case is being investigated by the CBI.
Sundari paintings or Sundari images are a type of pin-up or erotic art that were popular in 19th-century Calcutta, in the province of Bengal in British India. Mostly sold as prints, the images depict women, particularly the new class of widows who took up sex work to survive, and are valuable references to understand the position of women in a society that was undergoing drastic shifts.
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