Temple of Hercules Custos

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The Temple of Hercules Custos (Latin:Aedes Herculis Custodis) was a Roman temple dedicated to 'Hercules the Guardian'. Its location is unknown and no remains have been found, although a Temple to Hercules linked to Lucius Cornelius Sulla (the Herculem Sullanum) was noted as standing in the region of the Esquiline Hill during the late 4th century. [1]


Its history is unclear. Ovid writes that it was to the west of the Circus Flaminius - it was probably built around the same time (221 BC). It was re-built by Sulla after consulting the Sibylline Oracles. [2] [3] This consultation of the oracles and the epithet 'Custos' seems to imply it was built and/or rebuilt in response to a major crisis, though it is unknown what its nature was.

In 218 BC, the senate decreed a supplicatio in the Aedes Herculi. [4] Though there were several temples of Hercules, this probably refers to that of Hercules Custos. The decemvirs ordered a statue to be set up in the temple of Hercules Custos in 189 BC. [5]

See also

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  2. Ovid, Fasti 6.209-612
  3. Becker, J. (23 April 2021). "Places: 805897375 (Aedes Hercules Custos)". Pleiades. Retrieved January 17, 2021.
  4. Livy, 21.62.9
  5. Livy, 38.35.4
