The First Law

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The First Law
The First Law covers.jpg
UK hardback covers for the trilogy

  • The Blade Itself
  • Before They Are Hanged
  • Last Argument of Kings

Author Joe Abercrombie
CountryUnited Kingdom
Genre Fantasy
Published2006 – present
Media typePrint

The First Law is a fantasy series written by British author Joe Abercrombie. The First Law is the title of the original trilogy in the series, but is also used to refer to the series as a whole. [1] The full series consists of a trilogy, three stand-alone novels, short stories, and a second trilogy, titled The Age of Madness, of which the third book was published in September 2021. [1]


The original trilogy is published by Gollancz in the UK and Pyr in the United States. The stand-alone novels remain with Gollancz in the UK but were published by Orbit Books in the United States, [2] with Orbit also releasing later editions of the original trilogy. Gollancz and Orbit also released The Age of Madness trilogy in the UK and the US, respectively.

A film adaptation of Best Served Cold from Skydance Media is currently in pre-production, with Tim Miller attached to direct. Abercrombie wrote the screenplay and Rebecca Ferguson is set to star as Monza Murcatto. [3]

Published works

SeriesBookUK releasePagesWords [4] UK ISBN
The First Law trilogyThe Blade Itself4 May 2006529191,200 978-0575077867
Before They Are Hanged15 March 2007539198,300 978-0575077874
Last Argument of Kings20 March 2008603234,100 978-0575077898
Standalone books [5] Best Served ColdJune 2009534228,000 [6] 978-0575082458
The HeroesJanuary 2011506 978-0316123358
Red CountryOctober 2012451 978-0575095823
Short story collectionSharp EndsApril 2016336 978-0575104709
Age of Madness trilogyA Little Hatred19 September 2019471177,800 978-0575095861
The Trouble With Peace15 September 2020506195,300 978-0575095915
The Wisdom of Crowds14 September 2021 [7] 560199,200 978-0575095960
Short story collectionThe Great Change (And Other Lies)18 September 2023120 978-1645240648
Short stories

All short fiction is collected in Sharp Ends: Stories from the World of the First Law (April 2016) and The Great Change (And Other Lies) (September 2023). [8]

StoryPublished inNotes [9] [10]
"The Fool Jobs"Swords & Dark Magic: The New Sword and Sorcery anthology (June 2010) and in Sharp Ends.Features Curnden Craw and his dozen in events prior to The Heroes.
"Yesterday, Near A Village Called Barden"As an extra in the Waterstones hardcover version of The Heroes (2012) [11] and in Sharp Ends.Focuses on Bremer dan Gorst on campaign prior to The Heroes.
"Freedom!"As an extra in the Waterstones hardcover version of Red Country (2013) [11] and in Sharp Ends.Focuses on the liberation of the town of Averstock by the Company of the Gracious Hand.
"Skipping Town"Legends: Stories in Honour of David Gemmell anthology (November 2013) and in Sharp Ends.Features the couple pairing of Shevedieh (Shev) and Javre, Lioness of Hoskopp.
"Some Desperado" Dangerous Women anthology (December 2013) and in Sharp Ends.Features Shy South on the run during her outlaw days before Red Country.
"Tough Times All Over" Rogues anthology (June 2014) and in Sharp Ends.Follows courier Carcolf and the circuitous route one of her packages takes through the city of Sipani. It also features Shev and Javre.
"Small Kindnesses"Unbound: Tales by Masters of Fantasy anthology (December 2015) and in Sharp Ends.Features Shev.
"Two's Company"Online on (January 2016) [12] and in Sharp Ends.Features Shev and Javre, a "female Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser style thief and warrior odd couple."
"A Beautiful Bastard"Original to Sharp Ends.Features Sand dan Glokta.
"Hell"Original to Sharp Ends.Shows the fall of Dagoska through the eyes of a young acolyte.
"Wrong Place, Wrong Time"Original to Sharp Ends.Features Monzcarro Murcatto.
"Three's a Crowd"Original to Sharp Ends.Features Horald the Finger and Shevedieh.
"Made a Monster"Original to Sharp Ends.Features the chieftain Bethod.
"The Thread"As an extra in the Waterstones hardcover version of A Little Hatred and in The Great Change (And Other Lies).Follows a thread of fabric from raw material to finished product, and the lives whose hands it passes through.
"The Stone"As an extra in the Waterstones hardcover version of The Trouble With Peace and in The Great Change (And Other Lies).Follows a diamond from discovery to finished product, and the lives whose hands it passes through.
"The Point"As an extra in the Waterstones hardcover version of The Wisdom Of Crowds and in The Great Change (And Other Lies).Follows an ingot of iron from discovery to finished product, and the lives whose hands it passes through.
"The Great Change"Original to The Great Change (And Other Lies).Follows the creation and evolution of the Great Change.

"Tough Times All Over" won a Locus Award, and "The Fool Jobs" and "Some Desperado" received nominations. [13]

Chronology of events

All fictional dates are in relation to the founding of The Union; Before the Union (BU) or After the Union (AU).

The Original Trilogy story arc (with characters Logen Ninefingers, Jezal dan Luthar, Sand dan Glokta, Dogman, Collem West and Ferro Maljinn):

The Best Served Cold story arc (with characters Monza Murcatto, Nicomo Cosca, Castor Morveer, Friendly, Caul Shivers and Cas Shenkt):

The Heroes story arc (with characters Bremer dan Gorst, Prince Calder, Curnden Craw, Finree dan Brock, Tunny and Beck):

The Red Country story arc (with characters Shy South, Lamb, Ro South and Temple):

The Shevedieh, Javre and Carcolf story arc:

The Age of Madness Trilogy story arc (with characters Leo dan Brock, Savine dan Glokta, Orso dan Luthar, Rikke, Gunnar Broad, Vick dan Teufel and Jonas Clover), begins in 605 AU:

Book titles

The titles of the works derive from various sources, including real-world quotes or phrases, and in-world references.

The title of the original trilogy is a reference to a law put forth by the legendary half-Demon Euz from the series, which stated, "It is forbidden to touch the Other Side direct," the Other Side being the realm of Demons, from which magic power derives.

SeriesTitleOrigin or inspiration
The First Law trilogyThe Blade Itself (2006)Taken from a quote said by Odysseus to Telemachus at the beginning of Book XIX of The Odyssey by Homer: "The blade itself incites to deeds of violence."
Before They Are Hanged (2007)Taken from a quote by German writer Heinrich Heine: "We should forgive our enemies, but not before they are hanged."
Last Argument of Kings (2008)A reference to the words that Louis XIV had inscribed on his cannons: "Ultima Ratio Regum," which is Latin for "the last argument of kings."
Standalone novelsBest Served Cold (2009)A reference to the phrase "Revenge is a dish best served cold," which originated with the French diplomat Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord. [14]
The Heroes (2011)A reference to an in-world monument consisting of many large, upright stones on the top of a hill, called "The Heroes", where it is said that a legendary hero of old is buried. The monument is a central part of the setting for the book.
Red Country (2012)A reference to something a character in the book says, referring to the Near and Far Country and specifically encroaching civilization. "The world out there is a red country, without justice, without meaning."
The Great Leveller (2015)
(omnibus release of the three standalone novels)
A reference to the proverb "death is the great leveller", meaning that everyone is equal in death.
Age of Madness trilogyA Little Hatred (2019)Inspired by a quote by English literary critic William Hazlitt: "Love turns, with a little indulgence, to indifference or disgust; hatred alone is immortal."
The Trouble With Peace (2020)Taken from a line of dialogue in the play Mother Courage and Her Children (1939) by German playwright Bertolt Brecht, said by a character called 'The Sergeant': "What they could do with 'round here is a good war. What else can you expect with peace running wild all over the place? You know what the trouble with peace is? No organization. And when do you get organization? In war."
The Wisdom of Crowds (2021)Taken from the title of the book The Wisdom of Crowds (2004) by American author James Surowiecki, which was itself inspired by and a reversal of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841), a study of crowd psychology by Scottish author Charles Mackay.


The First Law series is set in an epic fantasy world at war, on the verge of an Industrial Revolution. Long ago, the world was inhabited by both Demons and Humans. Then hundreds or thousands of years ago, in the Old Time, Euz, a legendary half-Demon, half-Human with great magical powers, banished the Demons from the world. Magic still exists, which relies on connections to the Other Side, where the Demons live. However, Euz left behind the First Law: "It is forbidden to touch the Other Side direct."

The books of the trilogy do not contain maps, as Abercrombie prefers not to use them. [15] However, the three stand-alone novels do contain their own local maps and a World map was finally produced in full on the cover of the Sharp Ends short story collection.

Plot overview

The First Law

The plot of the original trilogy involves three major powers: The Union, the Gurkish Empire, and the North, recently united under King Bethod.

There are two major theaters of war. The first takes place in the north between the Union and the Northmen, who invade the Union's northern province of Angland. The second is in the south between the Union and the Gurkish Empire, who attempt to annex the Union city of Dagoska. The trilogy centers on the fortunes of a variety of characters as they navigate through these and other conflicts. The trilogy follows the stories of six point-of-view characters, whose paths often intersect.

The Blade Itself

The first book introduces the three main characters of the trilogy and three secondary ones. Logen Ninefingers is a warrior who earned a fearsome reputation helping to bring Bethod to power in the North, but has since fallen out with him. Logen and his small crew of friends flee after being attacked by Shanka creatures. Logen is separated from his crew, and sets off on his own path. He meets Bayaz, a powerful centuries-old Magus, who enlists Logen's help in accompanying him to Adua. Sand dan Glokta leads an Inquisition investigation into a bribery case, which leads to him uncovering a wider corruption among the merchants. His superiors divert him into investigating Bayaz. Jezal, a vain young nobleman who has become a Union army officer due to his connections, trains for a prestigious swordfighting tournament. He falls in love with Ardee, the sister of his friend and superior Major Collem West, and wins the tournament with help from Bayaz. At a celebration banquet, Bayaz is challenged to prove who he is by entering the House of the Maker. The main characters of the book converge in accompanying Bayaz into the building. Bayaz retrieves an artifact and announces his plan to retrieve the Seed, a powerful magical artifact that can help him take on Khalul and the Gurkish Empire. The book also follows the journey of Logen's companions, led by Dogman, to warn Bethod about the Shanka, and Ferro, a mysterious escaped Gurkish slave, with some useful hidden powers, who travels with another Magus to find Bayaz. West is recruited to the Lord Marshall's personal staff, in preparation of the army moving out to defend Angland.

Before They Are Hanged

The book follows three distinct sets of characters as war breaks out on two fronts. In the south, Sand dan Glokta and his inquisitors attempt to repel a Gurkish invasion of the city of Dagoska, the Union's sole possession on the continent, won some decades earlier at great cost. In the North, the book follows Colonel West and the Northmen as they attempt to deal with Bethod, who intends to force the Union out of Angland, their principal northern possession. Finally, the book follows Logen, Ferro, and Jezal as they journey into the far west of their world with the sorcerer Bayaz, First of the Magi, seeking out a powerful and dangerous ancient artifact known as the Seed. The book makes it explicit that all these events are interconnected and part of the greater machinations of a sorcerer called Khalul, Second of the Magi and one of Bayaz's enemies. Khalul has raised a great army of slaves and Eaters (cannibalistic transformed humanoids with enhanced durability and magical abilities), and has indirectly given Bethod an alliance with the Flatheads, orc-like creatures created as weapons in an ancient war, as well as a man known as the Feared, who is supernaturally all but immune to damage. The story ends on a low note for all groups involved: Dagoska is lost to the Gurkish; an intrigue sees both heirs to the throne killed and an innocent man is blamed for political reasons; the quest for the Seed is an abject failure; and Bethod remains at large in the North; Ferro and Logen's burgeoning relationship ends abruptly as both are incapable of making it last.

Last Argument of Kings

After returning from the west, Jezal is revealed to be a bastard son of the deceased king and his identity was hidden by Bayaz. Bayaz’s manipulation sees Jezal elected as new king of the Union. Logen returns to the North, kills Bethod and becomes the new king. Bayaz goes to the house of the Maker, and succeeds in unlocking the power of the Seed (which is found in the house). Meanwhile, the Gurkish have invaded the Union and have reached Adua. Logen sets out to aid the Union and a treaty is forged between the Union and the North. During the battle, Bayaz destroys large parts of the Gurkish army, together with the city of Adua itself, while using the power of the seed. His rampage is only ended when Ferro manages to contain the seed and, in the end, the battle is won. At the end of the book, Glokta, now the Arch Lector, is installed as Bayaz proxy in the Closed council, while Jezal's role as king is revealed to be merely Bayaz's puppet. Ferro, granted fresh powers by her exposure to the seed, returns to the south to kill the emperor. Logen returns to the North, but is betrayed by Black Dow who becomes king.

Standalone books

The three standalone books are set in the same world as the trilogy. Some of the major characters are minor characters from the original trilogy while several major characters from the trilogy sometimes also appear in smaller roles, cameos or are mentioned in passing.

This set of novels is sometimes marketed under the name World of the First Law, [16] and has also been released as a combined, omnibus volume with the title The Great Leveller.

Best Served Cold

The first of three stand-alone books following the original trilogy, this book follows mercenary Monza Murcatto, known as the Snake of Talins, on her quest for revenge after a deadly betrayal. The book introduces new characters from the world of the First Law and features multiple known characters from the original trilogy, including Caul Shivers, Shylo Vitari and Nicomo Cosca.

The Heroes

This book focuses on a three-day battle set in the same world as the First Law trilogy, about seven years after events of the original trilogy. Union commander Lord Marshal Kroy leads the Union forces against the much smaller Northern army led by Black Dow. The story features many characters seen in previous First Law novels such as Bremer dan Gorst, Lord Marshal Kroy, and the Dogman. [17]

Red Country

The last of the three is set about thirteen years after the First Law trilogy and revolves around a youthful female protagonist who is hoping to bury her bloody past, but she'll have to sharpen up some of her old ways to get her family back. Her journey will take her across the barren western plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre and high into the unmapped mountains.

The Age of Madness

The Age of Madness takes place 15 years after the end of Red Country. The Union has begun to see rapid changes with the onset of an industrial revolution.

A Little Hatred

Takes place 15 years after the end of Red Country. The Union has entered early industrial age, and the North is invading Angland again. New characters are introduced, crown prince Orso (son of King Jezal and Queen Terez) and Savine dan Glokta (daughter of Sand dan Glokta and Ardee West). Angland is inherited to Leo dan Brock, the young and reckless son of Finree dan Brock and her late husband, and in the protectorate of Uffrith, Dogman's daughter Rikke has the Long Eye, the ability (or curse) to see the future. There is public discontent in the Union, aimed against the Banks and social structures, led by factions called the Burners and the Breakers. In the South there is a rumour that the prophet Khalul has been killed by a demon, and there is a civil war.
In the north, Stour Nightfall, son of Black Calder and nephew to King Scale Ironhand, leads the invasion of Uffrith and Angland.

The Trouble With Peace

King Jezal dies and is succeeded by crown prince Orso, with whom Savine had an affair, which she broke after finding out he was her half brother. After marrying to Leo dan Brock, the couple starts to plot rebellion against the crown, with the help of the North, which fails nevertheless. Rikke regains control of her Long Eye, and in the mist of Northern attack on the Adua, she betrays Leo and claims the North.
Leo is saved from the hanging by Savine's confession to Orso that they found out they were siblings, and even through Leo's rebellion failed, a new one is ready to succeed, armed with Angland's weapons.

The Wisdom of Crowds

Revolution is swift and new change is taking place in the Union. The first ones to go are the banks of Master Bayaz. Savine dan Glokta manages to became popular hero and mother of the nation, after her fight with rebel leaders, and her husband manages to gather enough forces to take over the government. After finding out that Savine and king Orso are related, he manages to throw off king, and proclaim his new born son (Savine had twins) as new one. Ex king Orso is hanged, which causes further tensions between him and his wife. New order is being established. At the North Rikke manages to beat Calder and becomes undisputed ruler of the North.
At the end it is shown that the real master-planner of the failed rebellion is Savine's father, Glokta. He wanted to rid the Union of Bayaz's influence. And in the words of his daughter, he put half of the world at fire so he could rule the other half. Bayaz banks are no more, and with them goes his control of the Union.

The Great Change (And Other Lies)

Major characters

Other characters




Adua Military



The Blade Itself was released to positive reviews. Writing for The Guardian , author Jon Courtenay Grimwood said, "for once, the novel comes close to living up to its publisher's hype", [18] and Strange Horizons's Siobhan Carroll said that "fans of character-driven epics who are willing to take their heroes with a grain of moral ambiguity should add this novel to their 'must read' list." [19]

Reviews for Before They Are Hanged were also positive; Fantasy Book Review stated that it was "hard not to try and read it in one sitting" and that it "does not disappoint". [20] Best Fantasy Reviews said it was "an excellent book, and accomplishes a fairly rare feat – the middle book of a trilogy that does a hell of a lot more than provide a stop gap between the beginning and the end." [21]

Last Argument of Kings was well received by critics, with Publishers Weekly saying that "readers will mourn the end of this vivid story arc." [22] SFX's David Bradley gave the book a five star review and stated that Abercrombie "signs off the trilogy on a high, interspersing breathless skirmishes with thriller-like moments." [23]

Eric Brown reviewed Red Country for The Guardian and said that Abercrombie was "tipping his hat to the Western genre but continuing his mission to drag fantasy, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century with his characteristic mix of gritty realism, complex characterisation, set-piece scenes of stomach-churning violence and villains who are as fully rounded as his flawed heroes" and concluded that the book was "a marvellous follow-up to his highly praised The Heroes." [24]

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  1. 1 2 "Personal website". Joe Abercrombie. Retrieved 24 October 2022.
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  7. Abercrombie, Joe (23 October 2020). "The Wisdom of Crowds Cover Copy - Joe Abercrombie". Retrieved 3 January 2021.
  8. The First Law Universe series listing at the Internet Speculative Fiction Database.
  9. Alexander, Niall (24 August 2015). "The Sharp Ends of Joe Abercrombie". Macmillan.
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  11. 1 2 Abercrombie, Joe (2016). Sharp Ends: Stories from the World of the First Law. Gollancz. Copyright page.
  12. Abercrombie, Joe (12 January 2016). "Two's Company". Retrieved 25 November 2018.
  13. "Joe Abercrombie Awards". Science Fiction Awards Database . Locus Science Fiction Foundation . Retrieved 19 February 2022.
  14. Maurel, Chloé (2020), "" Mémoire du monde ", le registre de l'UNESCO répertoire des fonds d'archives remarquables du monde entier", Encyclopédie des historiographies : Afriques, Amériques, Asies, Presses de l’Inalco, pp. 1157–1169, doi: 10.4000/books.pressesinalco.34461 , ISBN   978-2-85831-344-0
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