The Geometry of the Octonions

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First edition The Geometry of the Octonions.jpg
First edition

The Geometry of the Octonions is a mathematics book on the octonions, a system of numbers generalizing the complex numbers and quaternions, presenting its material at a level suitable for undergraduate mathematics students. It was written by Tevian Dray and Corinne Manogue, and published in 2015 by World Scientific. The Basic Library List Committee of the Mathematical Association of America has suggested its inclusion in undergraduate mathematics libraries. [1]



The book is subdivided into three parts, with the second part being the most significant. [2] Its contents combine both a survey of past work in this area, and much of its authors' own researches. [3]

The first part explains the Cayley–Dickson construction, [1] [3] which constructs the complex numbers from the real numbers, the quaternions from the complex numbers, and the octonions from the quaternions. Related algebras are also discussed, including the sedenions (a 16-dimensional real algebra formed in the same way by taking one more step past the octonions) and the split real unital composition algebras (also called Hurwitz algebras). [2] A particular focus here is on interpreting the multiplication operation of these algebras in a geometric way. [4] Reviewer Danail Brezov notes with disappointment that Clifford algebras, although very relevant to this material, are not covered. [3]

The second part of the book uses the octonions and the other division algebras associated with it to provide concrete descriptions of the Lie groups of geometric symmetries. These include rotation groups, spin groups, symplectic groups, and the exceptional Lie groups, which the book interprets as octonionic variants of classical Lie groups. [2] [4]

The third part applies the octonions in geometric constructions including the Hopf fibration and its generalizations, the Cayley plane, and the E8 lattice. It also connects them to problems in physics involving the four-dimensional Dirac equation, the quantum mechanics of relativistic fermions, spinors, and the formulation of quantum mechanics using Jordan algebras. [2] [3] [4] It also includes material on octonionic number theory, [3] [4] and concludes with a chapter on the Freudenthal magic square and related constructions. [2]

Audience and reception

Although presented at an undergraduate level, The Geometry of the Octonions is not a textbook: its material is likely too specialized for an undergraduate course, and it lacks exercises or similar material that would be needed to use it as a textbook. [1] Readers should be familiar with linear algebra, and some experience with Lie groups would also be helpful. [2] The later chapters on applications in physics are heavier going, and require familiarity with quantum mechanics. [1]

The book avoids a proof-heavy formal style of mathematical writing, [2] so much so that reviewer Danail Brezov writes that at points it "seems to lack mathematical rigor". [3]

Multiple reviewers suggest that this work would make a good introduction to the octonions, as a stepping stone to the more advanced material presented in other works on the same topic. [2] [3] [4] Their suggestions include the following:

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In mathematics, the octonions are a normed division algebra over the real numbers, a kind of hypercomplex number system. The octonions are usually represented by the capital letter O, using boldface O or blackboard bold . Octonions have eight dimensions; twice the number of dimensions of the quaternions, of which they are an extension. They are noncommutative and nonassociative, but satisfy a weaker form of associativity; namely, they are alternative. They are also power associative.

In mathematics, hypercomplex number is a traditional term for an element of a finite-dimensional unital algebra over the field of real numbers. The study of hypercomplex numbers in the late 19th century forms the basis of modern group representation theory.

In mathematics, the Cayley–Dickson construction, named after Arthur Cayley and Leonard Eugene Dickson, produces a sequence of algebras over the field of real numbers, each with twice the dimension of the previous one. The algebras produced by this process are known as Cayley–Dickson algebras, for example complex numbers, quaternions, and octonions. These examples are useful composition algebras frequently applied in mathematical physics.

In abstract algebra, a Jordan algebra is a nonassociative algebra over a field whose multiplication satisfies the following axioms:

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Yuri Manin</span> Russian mathematician (1937–2023)

Yuri Ivanovich Manin was a Russian mathematician, known for work in algebraic geometry and diophantine geometry, and many expository works ranging from mathematical logic to theoretical physics.

In mathematics, a composition algebraA over a field K is a not necessarily associative algebra over K together with a nondegenerate quadratic form N that satisfies

In mathematics, the split-octonions are an 8-dimensional nonassociative algebra over the real numbers. Unlike the standard octonions, they contain non-zero elements which are non-invertible. Also the signatures of their quadratic forms differ: the split-octonions have a split signature (4,4) whereas the octonions have a positive-definite signature (8,0).

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Non-associative algebra</span> Algebra over a field where binary multiplication is not necessarily associative

A non-associative algebra (or distributive algebra) is an algebra over a field where the binary multiplication operation is not assumed to be associative. That is, an algebraic structure A is a non-associative algebra over a field K if it is a vector space over K and is equipped with a K-bilinear binary multiplication operation A × AA which may or may not be associative. Examples include Lie algebras, Jordan algebras, the octonions, and three-dimensional Euclidean space equipped with the cross product operation. Since it is not assumed that the multiplication is associative, using parentheses to indicate the order of multiplications is necessary. For example, the expressions (ab)(cd), (a(bc))d and a(b(cd)) may all yield different answers.

In mathematics, the Cayley planeP2(O) is a projective plane over the octonions.

In mathematics, an octonion algebra or Cayley algebra over a field F is a composition algebra over F that has dimension 8 over F. In other words, it is a 8-dimensional unital non-associative algebra A over F with a non-degenerate quadratic form N such that

In mathematics, the Freudenthal magic square is a construction relating several Lie algebras. It is named after Hans Freudenthal and Jacques Tits, who developed the idea independently. It associates a Lie algebra to a pair of division algebras A, B. The resulting Lie algebras have Dynkin diagrams according to the table at the right. The "magic" of the Freudenthal magic square is that the constructed Lie algebra is symmetric in A and B, despite the original construction not being symmetric, though Vinberg's symmetric method gives a symmetric construction.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">History of quaternions</span> Aspect of history

In mathematics, quaternions are a non-commutative number system that extends the complex numbers. Quaternions and their applications to rotations were first described in print by Olinde Rodrigues in all but name in 1840, but independently discovered by Irish mathematician Sir William Rowan Hamilton in 1843 and applied to mechanics in three-dimensional space. They find uses in both theoretical and applied mathematics, in particular for calculations involving three-dimensional rotations.

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Tevian Dray is an American mathematician who has worked in general relativity, mathematical physics, geometry, and both science and mathematics education. He was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2010.

In mathematics, Hurwitz's theorem is a theorem of Adolf Hurwitz (1859–1919), published posthumously in 1923, solving the Hurwitz problem for finite-dimensional unital real non-associative algebras endowed with a positive-definite quadratic form. The theorem states that if the quadratic form defines a homomorphism into the positive real numbers on the non-zero part of the algebra, then the algebra must be isomorphic to the real numbers, the complex numbers, the quaternions, or the octonions. Such algebras, sometimes called Hurwitz algebras, are examples of composition algebras.

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Corinne Alison Manogue is an American physicist who has worked in general relativity, mathematical physics, and physics education. She was elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2005, and was an inaugural Fellow of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 2014.

In mathematics, a bioctonion, or complex octonion, is a pair (p,q) where p and q are biquaternions.

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  1. 1 2 3 4 Hunacek, Mark (June 2015), "Review of The Geometry of the Octonions", MAA Reviews
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Elduque, Alberto, "Review of The Geometry of the Octonions", MathSciNet, MR   3361898
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brezov, Danail (2015), "Review of The Geometry of the Octonions", Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics, 39: 99–101, Zbl   1417.00016
  4. 1 2 3 4 5 Knarr, Norbert, "Review of The Geometry of the Octonions", zbMATH, Zbl   1333.17004