The Infant Saint John the Baptist (Rosso Fiorentino)

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The Infant Saint John the Baptist (c. 1521) by Rosso Fiorentino Rosso fiorentino, san giovannino, collezione privata firenze.jpg
The Infant Saint John the Baptist (c. 1521) by Rosso Fiorentino

The Infant Saint John the Baptist is a c.1521 oil on panel painting by Rosso Fiorentino, now in a private collection in Florence [1] . Stylistically close to the artist's Volterra Deposition , its nervy contour lines and gaunt brushstrokes are also similar to his Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist (Walters Art Museum).

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  1. (in Italian) Antonio Natali, Rosso Fiorentino, Silvana Editore, Milano 2006. ISBN   88-366-0631-8