The Russian Revolution (pamphlet)

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The Russian Revolution
Die Russische Revolution (1922).jpg
Cover of Rosa Luxemburg's pamphlet "The Russian Revolution" (Die Russische Revolution)
Author Rosa Luxemburg
Original titleDie Russische Revolution
TranslatorBertram Wolfe (English edition published 1940 by Workers Age Publishers, New York)
Country German Empire
Language German
Genre Political philosophy
PublisherPaul Levi
Publication date
Media typePrint

The Russian Revolution (German : Die Russische Revolution) is a pamphlet written in 1918 by Polish-German Marxist theorist Rosa Luxemburg. It was posthumously published in 1922 by fellow Spartacist Paul Levi. [1]


Luxemburg discusses the 1917 February and October revolutions in Russia. Her three major criticisms of the policies implemented by the Bolshevik Party were its korenizatsiya policy of self-determination for ethnic minorities, its distribution of land to individual peasant farmers instead of immediate collectivization, and its anti-democratic dissolution of the Russian Constituent Assembly. [2] In general, Luxemburg was critical of Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin's centralization of power and creation of a single party state, [3] and the suppression of civil liberties such as freedom of the press, association and assembly. [4]

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  1. Rosa Luxemburg (1940). "The Russian Revolution". Workers Age Publishers (New York).
  2. Katerina Clark (2018). "Rosa Luxemburg, "The Russian Revolution"" (PDF). Springer Nature B.V.
  3. Ottokar Luban (September 12, 2012). "Rosa Luxemburg's Critique of Lenin's Ultra Centralistic Party Concept and of the Bolshevik Revolution". Critique. Journal of Socialist Theory. 40 (3): 357–365. doi:10.1080/00111619.2012.697760. S2CID   144441489.
  4. PIETER C. VAN DUIN (January 2018). "Political life is dying out: Rosa Luxemburg's critique of Bolshevism and the Bolshevik revolution" (PDF). Studia Politica Slovaca.