An excerpt from the advert where the title character expresses scepticism about arguments for independence | |
Client | Better Together |
Language | English |
Media | Broadcast television, Internet |
Running time | 2:40 |
Product |
Release date(s) | 23 August 2014 |
Slogan |
Country | Scotland |
"The woman who made up her mind" was a political advertisement opposing Scottish independence from the United Kingdom, created by Better Together, the main group opposing independence. The advert aired on Scottish television and ran online during the 2014 referendum campaign. The two-and-a-half-minute advert consists of a monologue by a middle-aged housewife, alone in her kitchen in mid-morning. She begins by lamenting the effects of the referendum debate and her husband's passionate interest in it on her household, then considers the arguments in favour of independence. Expressing scepticism about them, she finally announces she will be voting against it as it is too much of a risk. [1]
At the time women were seen as the largest group of undecided voters and both sides were increasingly trying to win their support. [2] The advert sparked considerable backlash; it was denounced as sexist. Memes spread on social media characterising the woman as "Patronising No Lady" or "Patronising BT Lady". Some viewers, including Scottish Liberal Democrats official Sandra Grieve, claimed that the ad had persuaded them to vote for independence when they had previously been doubtful. [3]
Better Together responded that the woman's monologue was derived from actual comments made by women in focus groups it had held. When the referendum returned a wide margin against independence, the organization believed its decision to run the advert had been vindicated. Its campaign chair, Blair McDougall, noted that the advert had tested extremely well with undecided voters, beyond even the campaign's expectations. [4]
The camera fades in briefly on a small kitchen from an angle slightly above a table. Loud footsteps are heard as a woman (played by Sarah Waddell [5] ) wearing an orange top and carrying a yellow ceramic mug walks in from the right background and comes into focus. She sits down at the table, left of centre, and begins talking to the camera as if to a visitor in her home. This remains the master shot for the entire commercial, with occasional closeups and inserts of objects in the room, in tight closeup. [1]
She first speaks about how this is her favourite time of day, just after her children have left for school and her husband is at work, because the house is quiet and she has time to think. What is on her mind is the upcoming referendum, which has made her husband, Paul, "worse than the telly these days" as he is constantly asking her if she has made up her mind about how to vote. When he began asking her about it at breakfast, she told him to eat his cereal (at which the camera cuts briefly to his empty bowl and spoon) because it was too early in the day for political discussions. [1]
The woman then dismisses any idea that their children would have anything to contribute to the discussion, as another insert depicting their crayons on the table is shown, since they are usually too preoccupied with their phones to pay attention. She reassures the viewer that she is aware this is an important vote and she does not have much more time to reach a decision about how she herself will vote, "but there's only so many hours in the day". Her hands are briefly shown clasping. [1]
At this, she moves to discussing some of the specific issues in the referendum. She doubts that as "that man on the telly" [lower-alpha 1] says, an independent Scotland will be able to keep the pound as its currency. Likewise, claims that oil revenues will enable the state to maintain its current level of services "all seem a bit too good to be true". [1]
Generally, she believes, the pro-independence side has promised much but explained little about how those promises would be kept. Paul has said, she recalls, that Scots have to do what is best for the country. She agrees, saying she herself is a patriotic Scot, but that is what makes the issue difficult for her to decide. As the camera shows a closeup of pictures of her children hanging on the wall, she asserts that what will ultimately drive her decision is their welfare. [1]
"It's not like we can change our mind in four years' time", if Scots vote for independence, the woman notes. At this point, she begins moving towards a no vote. She calls independence "one big gamble" she refuses to take. After a brief pause in which a closeup shows her rubbing her hands together and the camera pans over the children's colouring books, she announces that she has made up her mind and will be voting against independence. [1]
The woman then says she has to go to work and leaves the frame. The advert ends with a purple and white graphic showing "Vote 2014" and "No Thanks". [1]
On 23 August Better Together, the main group opposing independence, played the video during its political broadcasts on the BBC and STV and then uploaded the advert to its YouTube channel and its website. [1] Comments were disabled, [7] but within days it was facing a backlash elsewhere online. Critics were calling it sexist and patronising; the hashtags #PatronisingBTLady and #PatronisingNoLady soon started trending on Twitter [6] as memes were created parodying the advert. Some suggested the woman was a stereotypical housewife of the past who left most political decisions to her husband, others that she was under-informed about the issues yet apparently too lazy to research them on her own. [8] It was soon called a disaster for the campaign. [9] [lower-alpha 2]
Feminist critics found what the advert did not say explicitly more disturbing than its spoken words. "The implication that a No vote is the only choice a mother should be making for her children is insulting", said a spokeswoman for Women for Independence (WFI). "We think it's disappointing that Better Together decided to portray Scotland's women in this way." [10] Sandra Grieve, former convener for the Scottish Liberal Democrats, said "the subliminal message of 'staying together for the kids' made me feel a bit sick!" [6]
The advert had actually changed her mind about independence, Grieve said. "I was a very clear no, but I've been increasingly uncomfortable with what I experience as a condescending smugness from Better Together". [6] Another Lib Dem, Margaret Smith, former MSP for Edinburgh West, while not saying the video had changed her resolve to vote no, called it "absolutely appalling. Apart from the ref[erence] to phones, that could have been produced for the '79 referendum". [6]
Even some women who remained committed to the union were critical of the advert. "It was as patronising as the Nats described, and fed directly into the nationalist narrative", one female Better Together activist told Joe Pike, author of the 2015 history Project Fear: How an Unlikely Alliance Left a Kingdom United but a Country Divided. [5]
Better Together defended the advert, noting that the woman's words had been transcribed from conversations the organization's canvassers had had with women whose doors they had knocked on all over the country. Calling them "articulate and intelligent", Labour MSP for Dumbarton Jackie Baillie echoed their concerns as voiced in the advert: "They realise that this is not a normal election, and the decision we take on 18 September is for ever and will affect our children and their children. So it is important we get it right". [6]
Another woman involved with the campaign against independence, Talat Yaqoob of Women Together (WT), responded to criticism of the video. "The woman [in the advert] is of course not representative of all women—no one woman is—and I think it has been unfairly distorted into an illustration of what the campaign thinks of women", she told The Guardian . All Scotswomen, she said, deserved to have their opinions on independence heard. "That includes those having a cup of tea and discussing their political thoughts in the kitchen, before they head to work". [6]
In a Telegraph column, Emma Barnett disputed claims of sexism. "I've watched it four times now and as a pretty keen sexism tracker, I've failed to be offended by it four times over. As have my female colleagues". She rebuked feminists for raising the concern. "It's not sexist to see a woman, who we presume is a stay-at-home mother, sitting at her messy, toy-strewn kitchen table, quietly considering something ... It's actually real life—whether certain feminists like that reality or not". If there was any problem she had, it was that the video was too accurate in depicting the mundaneness of the situation to the point of boredom. "[T]his video's main problem is how terribly, terribly dull it is. There are no bells or whistles". [11]
Almost a week after the video was broadcast, after being viewed nearly 200,000 times, Mariola Tarrega, a doctoral student at Queen Margaret University, considered the possibility that it might not have been as disastrous for Better Together as the media by then believed. "We need to be wary of over-generalising reactions by the likes of Sandra Grieve to reflect what the wider female population will do", she wrote for The Conversation . Tarrega conceded that younger women were likely to see the advert as sexist, but posited that the ad might have been instead attempting to reach older, more conservative women, who might perhaps have already decided to vote against independence; the intent might have been to make sure they remained committed to voting no rather than persuading undecided voters. [12]
That type of voter, Tarrega added, was not likely to use social media much and therefore might not have been much aware, if at all, of the backlash against the video. "There is a risk of misinterpreting what is just a media phenomenon and what can actually influence the voters", she wrote. "Whether by good luck or good management, The Woman Who Made Up Her Mind may not quite be the own goal that many claim". [12]
Due to financial limitations, Better Together had not been able to test the advert before airing it; there had been no money for internal polling since March. Nor was it shown to any of the focus groups the campaign had been running. BT officials believed nevertheless that it would be well received and noncontroversial, since its monologue was taken directly from the many conversations the organisation's canvassers had had with women in their homes. [5]
Notwithstanding the criticism the advert received, BT found it effective. "That video tested exceptionally well with undecided voters" said the organization's head, Blair McDougall. He and others were actually surprised by the extent to which it had resonated with the undecided, and claimed the referendum result vindicated their campaign's willingness to air skepticism and criticism of independence–what critics called "scaremongering"–rather than simply reiterate the benefits of remaining within the United Kingdom as media commentators had argued for them to do. [13]
"It's annoying it became a story", one person identified as a "senior campaign figure told Pike, "because it's a hugely effective piece of political communication. I object to the sneering way people look at it, especially the middle-class commentariat, because it's what people were saying, that's the conversation they were having." [5] McDougall also dismissed the negative commentary. "If you do your own research and you get really clear messages back from it", he told a Labour conference in Manchester after the vote, "have the courage to stick to it regardless of what the commentators are saying, because they have an increasingly small reach in terms of setting the agenda". [13]
Originally, Better Together had planned to follow up "The woman who made up her mind" with "The Island", a video that cost £50,000 to produce, [5] in which a narrator touts the benefits of the Union to Scotland over the years, over footage of a young girl alone in the Scottish landscape intercut with closeups of wires, cables, pipes and tree branches being cut, and ultimately large faultlines opening in the landscapes, ending with a shot of Scotland drifting away from Great Britain into the Atlantic. "[Do we want to] become an even smaller island in this big, rapidly changing world?" the narrator asks. It would have aired in the week before the vote. [14]
"We thought we'd nailed the uncertainty stuff, and we wanted it to be about our change versus their change", an unnamed campaign worker told BuzzFeed News in 2016. "This film was beautifully produced, but it didn't fit the mood, it felt unnecessary, and we decided not to run with it". [14] Another campaign staffer implied to Pike that the campaign did not feel desperate enough to run it, describing as BT's "'in emergency, break glass and let's roll this bad boy out' option." Maggie Darling, wife of BT head Alistair, called it Nightmare on Sauchiehall Street, referring to the address of the organisation's headquarters, and told her husband it would be a "disaster" if it ran. [5]
On 18 September, 55 per cent of voters opted for Scotland to remain in the U.K. Breakdowns by gender in exit polling found that while a slight majority (53.2 per cent) of male voters had supported independence, only 43.4 per cent of women had. [15]
Waddell, a native of Glasgow who lives in the London area, has never made any public statements about the advert or independence. Her online biography and credits does not mention her role. [5] [16]
In analysing the similarities between the rhetoric of the two sides in the referendum and that employed during the discourse over the Acts of Union 1707, Leith Davis, a professor of English at Canada's Simon Fraser University, noted that the pro-union side had more readily embraced the metaphor of Scotland as a part of the British family than the pro-independence side. "The woman who made up her mind" was a prominent example. "[It] visually reaffirmed the idea of the union as a marriage with a closeup of the wedding ring on the main character's fluttering hands". [17]
Silvia Suteu, a law professor at University College London, saw the advert as exemplifying the difference between how the two sides handled feminist issues within the context of the referendum. WFI had been formed as a distinct group, not under the control of the main pro-independence group Yes Scotland, and emphasized reasons specific to why women should support independence, such as the possibility of increased rights and enforcement of laws protecting them in an independent Scotland. It has continued to exist and advocate since the referendum. [15]
Suteu contrasts WFI with WT, which was subordinate to Better Together throughout the campaign. As a result, WT did not offer any specific reasons why women should oppose independence, and ceased to exist after the vote. This was reflected in the advert, in which the woman's concerns about limited future oil revenues and the uncertainty about keeping the pound, "characterized the entire No campaign in general and not just its appeals to women voters". [15]
Scottish independence is the notion of Scotland as a sovereign state, independent from the United Kingdom, and refers to the political movement that is campaigning to bring it about.
Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon is a Scottish politician who served as First Minister of Scotland and Leader of the Scottish National Party (SNP) from 2014 to 2023. She has served as a member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) since 1999, first as an additional member for the Glasgow electoral region, and as the member for Glasgow Southside from 2007.
Unionism in Scotland is a political movement which favours the continuation of the political union between Scotland and the other countries of the United Kingdom, and hence is opposed to Scottish independence. Scotland is one of four countries of the United Kingdom which has its own devolved government and Scottish Parliament, as well as representation in the UK Parliament. There are many strands of political Unionism in Scotland, some of which have ties to Unionism and Loyalism in Northern Ireland. The two main political parties in the UK — the Conservatives support Scotland remaining part of the UK.
Johann MacDougall Lamont is a Scottish Labour Co-operative politician who served as Leader of the Scottish Labour Party from 2011 to 2014. She was previously a junior Scottish Executive minister from 2004 to 2007 and Deputy Leader of the Scottish Labour Party from 2008 until her election to the leadership in 2011. In addition to her ministerial and leadership roles, she has been a campaigner on equality issues and violence against women throughout her political career.
A referendum on Scottish independence from the United Kingdom was held in Scotland on 18 September 2014. The referendum question was, "Should Scotland be an independent country?", which voters answered with "Yes" or "No". The "No" side won with 2,001,926 (55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%) voting in favour. The turnout of 84.6% was the highest recorded for an election or referendum in the United Kingdom since the January 1910 general election, which was held before the introduction of universal suffrage.
Ruth Elizabeth Davidson, Baroness Davidson of Lundin Links, is a Scottish politician who served as Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party from 2011 to 2019 and Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party in the Scottish Parliament from 2020 to 2021. She served as a Member of the Scottish Parliament (MSP) for Glasgow from 2011 to 2016 and for Edinburgh Central from 2016 to 2021.
Yes Scotland was the organisation representing the parties, organisations, and individuals campaigning for a Yes vote in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. It was launched on 25 May 2012 and dissolved in late 2014 after Scotland voted against independence.
Better Together was the principal campaign for a No vote in the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, advocating Scotland continuing to be part of the United Kingdom. The organisation was formed in June 2012, operating until winning the vote on the referendum's polling day on 18 September 2014 with 2,001,926 (55.3%) voting against independence and 1,617,989 (44.7%) voting in favour. In June 2014, the campaign adopted a No Thanks branding, in relation to the referendum question.
Labour for Independence was a political organisation for Scottish Labour supporters that were in favour of Scottish independence. It claimed to have 2,000 members across Scotland in June 2014. The organisation had been described as an "SNP front" and, following the September 2014 independence referendum, its founder Allan Grogan joined the Scottish Socialist Party.
On 23 June 2016, a referendum, commonly referred to as the EU referendum or the Brexit referendum, took place in the United Kingdom (UK) and Gibraltar to ask the electorate whether the country should remain a member of, or leave, the European Union (EU). It was organised and facilitated through the European Union Referendum Act 2015 and the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000. The referendum resulted in 51.9% of the votes cast being in favour of leaving the EU. Although the referendum was legally non-binding, the government of the time promised to implement the result.
Women for Independence is a grass-roots political organisation which seeks to improve the representation of women in public and political life throughout Scotland. Founded in 2012, the movement promotes the causes of Scottish independence and other constitutional changes they consider likely to contribute to greater democracy, gender equality and social justice. The organisation's full name is Women for Independence – Independence for Women.
This page lists the public opinion polls that were conducted in relation to the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, that was held on 18 September 2014. Overall, polls showed that support for a "No" vote was dominant until the end of August 2014, when support for a "Yes" vote gained momentum and the gap closed significantly, with at least one poll placing the "Yes" vote ahead. In the final week of the campaign, polls showed the "No" vote to be consistently but somewhat narrowly ahead. There were no exit polls although a YouGov post-election poll was published shortly after the polls closed. For the history of the campaign itself see 2014 Scottish independence referendum, Yes Scotland, and Better Together (campaign).
Blair McDougall is a Scottish political adviser in the British Labour Party. He is best known as head strategist to the Better Together campaign during the 2014 Scottish independence referendum.
Cat Boyd is a Scottish trade union activist and a co-founder of the Radical Independence Campaign and RISE – Scotland's Left Alliance.
A second referendum on independence from the United Kingdom (UK) has been proposed by the Scottish Government. An independence referendum was first held on 18 September 2014, with 55% voting "No" to independence. The Scottish Government stated in its white paper for independence that voting Yes was a "once in a generation opportunity to follow a different path, and choose a new and better direction for our nation". Following the "No" vote, the cross party Smith Commission proposed areas that could be devolved to the Scottish Parliament; this led to the passing of the Scotland Act 2016, formalising new devolved policy areas in time for the 2016 Scottish Parliament election campaign.
Opinion polling on Scottish independence is continually being carried out by various organisations to gauge public attitudes to independence. The dates for these opinion polls range from the 2014 Scottish independence referendum to the present day. Polling conducted before the 2014 Scottish independence referendum can be found here.
The Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland is an amendment to the Constitution of Ireland which permits the Oireachtas to legislate for abortion. The constitution had previously prohibited abortion unless there was a serious risk to the life of the mother.
Scotland in Union (SIU) is a pro-UK campaign group, based in Scotland, which launched in March 2015 to help keep Scotland within the United Kingdom. Its supporters include members of pro-UK political parties and people with no party affiliation. It is Scotland's largest and most active pro-UK campaign group, with 36,000 signed up supporters.
Sandra Grieve is a Scottish politician. She is a member of the Scottish Liberal Democrats and has served in official positions for that party, including vice-president for Scotland. In March 2019 she was appointed as the party's senior adjudicator for Scotland.
Woman to Woman, known in the media as Harriet Harman's Pink Bus, was a political campaign in the United Kingdom for the Labour Party at the 2015 general election. It was led by Deputy Leader of the Labour Party Harriet Harman, and involved a pink battle bus visiting marginal constituencies, promoting Labour policies and rallying support among female voters. It was described by Labour as the party's "biggest ever women's campaign". The Pink Bus was criticised in the media as "sexist and patronising".