Transmembrane protein 175

Last updated
Transmembrane protein 175
Pfam PF06736
InterPro IPR010617
TCDB 1.A.78
OPM superfamily 467
OPM protein 5vre
Available protein structures:
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Transmembrane protein 175
Alt. symbolsMGC4618
NCBI gene 84286
HGNC 28709
RefSeq NM_032326
UniProt Q9BSA9
Other data
Locus Chr. 4 p16.3
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Structures Swiss-model
Domains InterPro

Transmembrane protein 175, or TMEM175, is a transmembrane protein that is thought to be an endolysosomal potassium channel. It is predicted to have many orthologs across eukaryotes.



Based on human and mouse EST profiles and a human tissue GEO profile, TMEM175 appears to be expressed at a relatively high level (75-98%) in normal tissues. [1] [2] TMEM175 appears to be down regulated in stage three ovarian cancer. [3]


Transmembrane protein 175 has no paralogs. It does have orthologs within eukaryotes. The following table presents some of the orthologs found using searches in BLAST [4] and BLAT. [5] This list does not contain all of the orthologs for TMEM175. It is meant to display the diversity of species for which orthologs are found.

Scientific nameCommon NameAccession NumberSequence LengthPercent IdentityPercent Similarity
Homo SapiensHumanNP_115702.1504--
Pan troglodytesChimpXP_0011410765049293
Pongo abeliiOrangutanXP_0028145372319999
Macaca mulattaRhesusXP_001085173.14039698
Callithrix jacchusMarmosetXP_002746113.14728387
Bos taurusCowNP_001069081.14797782
Ailuropoda melanoleucaPandaXP_002924455.14988187
Equus caballusHorseXP_001488271.14998186
Rattus norvegicusRatNP_001014013.14998288
Mus musculusMouseNP_082499.34998188
Monodelphis domesticaOpossumXP_001377424.15026780
Ornithorhynchus anatinusPlatypusXP_0015141764996882
Gallus gallusChickenNP_001006582.15016478
Sceloporus occidentalisLizard-4175666
Taeniopygia guttataZebra FinchXP_002187908.14966679
Danio rerioZebra FishNP_001093545.15206276
Branchiostoma floridaeLanceletXP_0025962724093150
Ciona intestinalisSea SquirtXP_0021227184942750
Nematostella vectensisStarlet Sea AnemoneXP_0016307194892849

Predicted Post-Translational Modification

Using various tools at ExPASy [6] the following are possible post-translational modifications for TMEM175.

The N-myristoylation sites are conserved in vertebrates.

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  1. EST Profile Viewer- Human
  2. EST Profile Viewer- Mouse
  3. [Partheen K, Levan K, Osterberg L, Horvath G (November 2006). "Expression analysis of stage III serous ovarian adenocarcinoma distinguishes a sub-group of survivors". European Journal of Cancer. 42 (16): 2846–54. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2006.06.026. PMID   16996261.
  4. NCBI BLAST: Basic Local Alignment Search Tool
  5. BLAT Search Genome [ permanent dead link ]
  6. ExPASy Proteomics Server

Further reading