Tree-graded space

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A geodesic metric space is called a tree-graded space with respect to a collection of connected proper subsets called pieces, if any two distinct pieces intersect in at most one point, and every non-trivial simple geodesic triangle of is contained in one of the pieces.

Tree-graded spaces behave like real trees "up to what can happen within the pieces", while allowing non-tree-like behavior within the pieces. For example, any topologically embedded circle is contained in a piece; there is a well-defined projection on every piece, such that every path-connected subset meeting a piece in at most one point projects to a unique point on that piece; the space is naturally fibered into real trees that are transverse to pieces; and pieces can be "merged along embedded paths" in a way that preserves a tree-graded structure.

Tree-graded spaces were introduced by CorneliaDruţu and Mark Sapir  ( 2005 ) in their study of the asymptotic cones of relatively hyperbolic groups. This point of view allows for a notion of relative hyperbolicity that makes sense for geodesic metric spaces and which is invariant under quasi-isometries.

For instance, a CAT(0) group has isolated flats, if and only if all its asymptotic cones are tree-graded metric spaces all of whose pieces are isometric to euclidean spaces. [1]

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  1. Hruska, G. Christopher; Kleiner, Bruce (2005-08-08). "Hadamard spaces with isolated flats, with an appendix written jointly with Mohamad Hindawi". Geometry & Topology. 9 (3): 1501–1538. doi:10.2140/gt.2005.9.1501. ISSN   1364-0380.