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Trace fossil classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Amphibia
Order: Temnospondyli
Ichnogenus: Tridentichnus
Gilmore, 1927

Tridentichnus is an ichnogenus of fossil footprints. The Tridentichnus trackmaker was a relatively large animal with five toes on its hind feet. [1] They are preserved in the Supai Formation [1] and located in Arizona, United States. [2] The ichnospecies Steganoposaurus belli are similar footprints preserved in the Tensleep Sandstone of Wyoming. [3]


  1. 1 2 "Western Traces in the 'Age of Amphibians'," Lockley and Hunt (1995); page 34.
  2. "Figure 2.1," Lockley and Hunt (1995); page 35.
  3. "Western Traces in the 'Age of Amphibians'," Lockley and Hunt (1995); pages 34–35.

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Stenichnus is an ichnogenus of fossil footprints. Its toes were slender and the prints overall were about the size of tracks left by modern lizards. They have been preserved in the Supai Formation. These tracks have not been studied much since Gilmore's original research.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Tensleep Sandstone</span>

The Tensleep Sandstone is a geological formation of Pennsylvanian to very early Permian age in Wyoming.

<i>Steganoposaurus</i> Trace fossil

Steganoposaurus is an ichnogenus of fossil reptile footprints. The ichnospecies Steganoposaurus belli, was erected for footprints discovered in Wyoming's Tensleep Sandstone. The find was first reported to the scientific literature by Edward Branson and Maurice Mehl in 1932. This creature was originally presumed to be an amphibian, but the toe prints it left behind were pointed like a reptile's rather than round like an amphibians. The actual trackmaker may have been similar to the genus Hylonomus. The ichnogenus Tridentichnus are similar footprints preserved in the Supai Formation of Arizona.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">20th century in ichnology</span>

The 20th century in ichnology refers to advances made between the years 1900 and 1999 in the scientific study of trace fossils, the preserved record of the behavior and physiological processes of ancient life forms, especially fossil footprints. Significant fossil trackway discoveries began almost immediately after the start of the 20th century with the 1900 discovery at Ipolytarnoc, Hungary of a wide variety of bird and mammal footprints left behind during the early Miocene. Not long after, fossil Iguanodon footprints were discovered in Sussex, England, a discovery that probably served as the inspiration for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's The Lost World.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">19th century in ichnology</span>

The 19th century in ichnology refers to advances made between the years 1800 and 1899 in the scientific study of trace fossils, the preserved record of the behavior and physiological processes of ancient life forms, especially fossil footprints. The 19th century was notably the first century in which fossil footprints received scholarly attention. British paleontologist William Buckland performed the first true scientific research on the subject during the early 1830s.

Gwyneddichnium is an ichnogenus from the Late Triassic of North America and Europe. It represents a form of reptile footprints and trackways, likely produced by small tanystropheids such as Tanytrachelos. Gwyneddichnium includes a single species, Gwyneddichnium major. Two other proposed species, G. elongatum and G. minore, are indistinguishable from G. major apart from their smaller size and minor taphonomic discrepancies. As a result, they are considered junior synonyms of G. major.
