United Nations Security Council Resolution 271

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UN Security Council
Resolution 271
A forest of national flags welcomed a delegation of US Senators who came to Israel (FL62043414).jpg
Israel flag
DateSeptember 15 1969
Meeting no.1,512
CodeS/RES/271 (Document)
SubjectThe situation in the Middle East
Voting summary
  • 11 voted for
  • None voted against
  • 4 abstained
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members
  270 Lists of resolutions 272  

United Nations Security Council Resolution 271, a resolution adopted on September 15, 1969, in response to an arson attack on the Jami'a Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem by Denis Michael Rohan, the Council grieved at the extensive damage caused by the arson. The Council determined that the execrable act only highlighted Israel's need to respect previous UN Resolutions and condemned Israel for failing to do so.


The resolution was adopted by 11 votes to none; Colombia, Finland, Paraguay and the United States abstained.

See also
