United Nations Security Council Resolution 455

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UN Security Council
Resolution 455

Locator Zambia Zimbabwe SouthAfrica.png

Zambia (green), Southern Rhodesia (red), South Africa (blue)
Date 23 November 1979
Meeting no. 2,171
Code S/RES/455 (Document)
SubjectComplaint by Zambia
Result Adopted
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members

United Nations Security Council resolution 455, adopted on 23 November 1979, after taking note of representations from Zambia and recalling Resolution 424 (1978), the Council expressed concern and condemned the "illegal racist regime" in Southern Rhodesia for its "sustained pattern of violations aimed at destroying the economic infrastructure" of Zambia and causing a number of deaths.

Zambia republic in southern Africa

Zambia, officially the Republic of Zambia, is a landlocked country in south-central Africa. It neighbours the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Tanzania to the north-east, Malawi to the east, Mozambique to the southeast, Zimbabwe and Botswana to the south, Namibia to the southwest, and Angola to the west. The capital city is Lusaka, located in the south-central part of Zambia. The population is concentrated mainly around Lusaka in the south and the Copperbelt Province to the northwest, the core economic hubs of the country.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 424 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council Resolution 424 was adopted unanimously on March 17, 1978; after hearing representations from Zambia, the Council expressed concern at unprovoked attacks against the country by the "illegal racist regime" in Southern Rhodesia, which resulted in deaths and destruction of property in Zambia. The Rhodesian Security Forces maintained that they had been attacking guerrilla bases in the country.

Southern Rhodesia self-governing British colony from 1923 to 1980

The Colony of Southern Rhodesia was a self-governing British Crown colony in southern Africa. It was the predecessor state of what is now Zimbabwe.

The resolution continued by condemning collusion by South Africa with Southern Rhodesia in the attacks against Zambia and other front-line states. It asked the responsible authorities to pay compensation to Zambia, and for the international community to assist in the rebuilding of destroyed infrastructure. The Council commended Zambia and the other front-line states, such as Angola, Botswana and Mozambique for their support of the Zimbabwean people.

Angola country in Africa

Angola, officially the Republic of Angola, is a west-coast country of south-central Africa. It is the seventh-largest country in Africa, bordered by Namibia to the south, the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the north, Zambia to the east, and the Atlantic Ocean to the west. Angola has an exclave province, the province of Cabinda that borders the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The capital and largest city of Angola is Luanda.

Mozambique country in Africa

Mozambique, officially the Republic of Mozambique, is a country located in Southeast Africa bordered by the Indian Ocean to the east, Tanzania to the north, Malawi and Zambia to the northwest, Zimbabwe to the west, and Eswatini (Swaziland) and South Africa to the southwest. The sovereign state is separated from the Comoros, Mayotte and Madagascar by the Mozambique Channel to the east. The capital of Mozambique is Maputo while Matola is the largest city, being a suburb of Maputo.

Zimbabwe republic in southern Africa

Zimbabwe, officially the Republic of Zimbabwe, is a landlocked country located in southern Africa, between the Zambezi and Limpopo Rivers, bordered by South Africa, Botswana, Zambia and Mozambique. The capital and largest city is Harare. A country of roughly 16 million people, Zimbabwe has 16 official languages, with English, Shona, and Ndebele the most commonly used.

Finally, the Council called upon the United Kingdom as the administrating power to take effective measures to help end offensive operations by the Rhodesian Security Forces, and established an ad hoc committee to report back to the Council on the implementation of the present resolution by 15 December 1979.

Rhodesian Security Forces

The Rhodesian Security Forces were the military forces of the Rhodesian government. The Rhodesian Security Forces consisted of a ground force, the Rhodesian Air Force, the British South Africa Police and various personnel affiliated to the Rhodesian Ministry of Internal Affairs (INTAF). Despite the impact of economic and diplomatic sanctions, Rhodesia was able to develop and maintain a potent and professional military capability.

No details of the vote were given, other than that it was "adopted by consensus".

See also

Rhodesian Bush War civil conflict in Southern Africa from 1964 to 1979

The Rhodesian Bush War—also called the Second Chimurenga and the Zimbabwe War of Liberation—was a civil conflict from July 1964 to December 1979 in the unrecognised country of Rhodesia . The conflict pitted three forces against one another: the Rhodesian government, led by Ian Smith ; the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army, the military wing of Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe African National Union; and the Zimbabwe People's Revolutionary Army of Joshua Nkomo's Zimbabwe African People's Union.

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The following lists events that happened during 1973 in Rhodesia.

The history of Rhodesia from 1965 to 1979 covers Rhodesia's time as a state unrecognised by the international community following the predominantly white minority government's Unilateral Declaration of Independence on 11 November 1965. Headed by Prime Minister Ian Smith, the Rhodesian Front remained in government until 1 June 1979, when the country was reconstituted as Zimbabwe Rhodesia.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 253, adopted unanimously on May 29, 1968, after reaffirming previous resolutions, the Council noted with concern that the measures taken so far have failed to bring the rebellion in Southern Rhodesia to an end and condemned the recent "inhuman executions carried out by the illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia which have flagrantly affronted the conscience of mankind". After further condemning the regime and calling upon the United Kingdom to end the rebellion in Southern Rhodesia the Council decided that all member states would:

Iain Peter Butchart, a cricketer, was born in Bulawayo on 9 May 1960. Broadcasting of television started in November. The Zimbabwe African People's Union (ZAPU) was formed in 1961 with Joshua Nkomo as leader. The Rhodesian Front won the general elections of 1962 on 14 December. Winston Field then became the Prime Minister of Rhodesia. The Zimbabwe African National Union (ZANU) was formed in 1963 with Robert Mugabe as Secretary. The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland was dissolved on 31 December 1963 as Zambia and Malawi moved towards independence. The government placed Joshua Nkomo, leader and founder of the Zimbabwe African Peoples Union, under restriction on 16 April 1964. Northern Rhodesia gained its independence and Southern Rhodesia became the colony of Rhodesia on 24 October.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 326, adopted on February 2, 1973, concerned with provocative and aggressive acts committed by Southern Rhodesia against Zambia and disturbed by the continued military intervention of South Africa in Rhodesia, the Council condemned all acts of provocation and harassment against Zambia.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 327, adopted on February 2, 1973, reaffirmed previous resolutions on the topic of Rhodesia and commended Zambia for its decision to immediately enforce sanctions. The United Nations plan to crush the Rhodesian government relied heavily on sanctions, Zambia had decided to enforce the sanctions when other nations chose not to despite the large impact the cessation of trade with Rhodesia would have on the Zambian economy. The Council decided to send the special mission established by resolution 326 to assess the needs of Zambia in maintaining alternate forms of communication and traffic, as most of it had flowed through Rhodesia in the past.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 333, adopted on May 22, 1973, after reiterating previous statements and admitting that previous measures had yet failed to bring about the end of the "illegal regime in Southern Rhodesia" the Council condemned South Africa and Portugal for failing to co-operate with the implementation of sanctions and requested that urgent action be taken to implement them. The Council then requested that states with legislation permitting importation from Rhodesia repeal it immediately and called upon states to enact and enforce legislation against any person who tries to evade of commit a breach of sanctions by:

United Nations Security Council Resolution 388, adopted unanimously on April 6, 1976, reaffirmed previous resolutions on the topic, including the conclusion that the situation in Rhodesia constituted a threat to international peace and security. The council decided to expand its sanctions regime to include;

United Nations Security Council Resolution 403 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council Resolution 403, adopted on January 14, 1977, after hearing representations from the Minister of External Affairs of Botswana, condemned attacks by the "illegal minority regime" in Southern Rhodesia. The resolution recalled previous resolutions on the topic, including the right to self-determination of the people of Southern Rhodesia.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 423 United Nations Security Council resolution

In United Nations Security Council Resolution 423, adopted on March 14, 1978, after recalling its resolutions on Southern Rhodesia, particularly 415 (1977), the Council condemned attempts by the "illegal racist regime" in Southern Rhodesia to retain power and prevent the independence of Zimbabwe. It also criticised the country's executions of political prisoners and actions against neighbouring countries.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 437 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council Resolution 437, adopted on October 10, 1978, after recalling Resolution 253 (1968) which prevented Member States from allowing those connected to the regime in Southern Rhodesia to enter their territory, the Council noted with regret the decision by the United States to allow Ian Smith other members of the "illegal regime" to enter the country. Therefore, the resolution considered this action to be in violation of Resolution 253.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 445 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council resolution 445, adopted on 8 March 1979, after recalling resolutions 253 (1968), 403 (1977), 411 (1977), 423 (1978), 424 (1978) and 437 (1978), and hearing representations from various countries, the Council expressed its concern about the military operations undertaken by the "illegal regime" against countries both bordering and non-contiguous with Southern Rhodesia. The Council was also indignant at the execution and sentences against persons under repressive laws.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 448 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council resolution 448, adopted on 30 April 1979, after recalling resolutions 253 (1968), 403 (1977), 411 (1977), 423 (1978), 424 (1978), 437 (1978) and 445 (1979), the Council declared that the recent "sham" elections held in Southern Rhodesia by the "illegal racist regime" were illegal and the results thereof would be null and void.

United Nations Security Council resolution 460, adopted on 21 December 1979, after taking note of the Lancaster House Agreement, the Council decided to terminate measures taken against Southern Rhodesia in resolutions 232 (1966) and 253 (1968) and any subsequent resolutions. The resolution deplored the "loss of life, waste and suffering" over the past 14 years caused by the rebellion in Southern Rhodesia.

United Nations Security Council Resolution 463 United Nations Security Council resolution

United Nations Security Council resolution 463, adopted on 2 February 1980, after considering the latest developments in Southern Rhodesia and Resolution 460 (1979) in which it was noted that an agreement had produced a Constitution for a free and independent Zimbabwe and majority rule, the Council called on all parties to comply with the Lancaster House Agreement and the administering power, the United Kingdom, to fully implement the agreement.

Operation Uric was a cross-border raid carried out in Mozambique by operatives of the Rhodesian Security Forces during the Rhodesian Bush War, with combat assistance from the South African Air Force. During the operation, which took place from 1 to 7 September 1979, up to 400 Rhodesian and South African military personnel attacked bridges and a major staging point for Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army (ZANLA) insurgents in Gaza Province. The battle eventually drew in elements of the Mozambican army and police, who sustained heavy casualties. Along with Operation Miracle, this was one of the largest Rhodesian external operations of the war.

Rhodesian passport

Rhodesian passports were passports issued by the government of Rhodesia to its citizens for purposes of international travel. They are no longer issued, having been superseded by Zimbabwean passports in 1980, with the country's reconstitution and renaming as Zimbabwe. Rhodesian passports were ostensibly valid for travel by Rhodesians anywhere in the world, but in practice they were accepted by very few countries.
