United Nations Security Council Resolution 61

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UN Security Council
Resolution 61
A forest of national flags welcomed a delegation of US Senators who came to Israel (FL62043414).jpg
Israel flag
DateNovember 4 1948
Meeting no.377
CodeS/1070 (Document)
SubjectThe Palestine Question
Voting summary
  • 9 voted for
  • 1 voted against
  • 1 abstained
Security Council composition
Permanent members
Non-permanent members
  60 Lists of resolutions 62  

United Nations Security Council Resolution 61, adopted on November 4, 1948, decided that the truce established in United Nations Security Council Resolution 54 shall remain in effect until a peaceful adjustment of the future situation of Palestine is reached. To that end the Council ordered the withdraw of the forces in the area back to the positions held on the 14th of October with the Acting Mediator being authorized to establish provisional lines beyond which no movement of troops was to take place. The Council also decreed that neutral zones shall be established through negotiations between the parties, or failing that, by the decision of the Acting Mediator.


The resolution also appointed a committee consisting of the five permanent members of the Council together with Belgium and Colombia to advise the Acting Mediator and, should either or both parties fail to comply with the resolution, advise the Council on what further measures it would be appropriate to take under Chapter VII of the Charter.

The resolution was adopted with nine votes and one against (Ukrainian SSR), while the Soviet Union abstained.

See also
