United in Hate

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United in Hate
United in Hate book cover.jpg
Author Jamie Glazov
CountryUnited States
PublisherWND Books
Publication date
March 3, 2009
ISBN 978-1935071600

United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror is a 2009 book by Jamie Glazov. In the book, Glazov analyses segments of the political left's sympathies for Islamic terrorists.



Among those Glazov accuses of having found common ground with Islamic terrorists are Jimmy Carter, Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky, Ramsey Clark, Lynne Stewart, and Stanley Cohen, while noting that Norman Mailer called the 9/11 hijackers "brilliant", and Ted Turner calling them "brave". [1] According to Glazov, "The Left's hatred of America is not the cause, it's a symptom. Hard-core leftists hate simply for the sake of hate. The outspoken leaders of the hard Left, Glazov documents, are not happy, contented people. They are as alienated from what they would scornfully call a 'bourgeois' lifestyle as any suicide bomber." [2] He also notes that they "fall in love with mass-murdering reprobates who propose utopia of any kind - though utopia is the cover motive, not the real attraction." [2]


Jonathan Schanzer wrote in Middle East Quarterly that Glazov "exposes the hypocrisy of leftists and liberals who claim to champion the principles of freedom, democracy, liberalism, and feminism yet support both communist and Islamist dictatorships, which implement none of these principles." [3]

In The Jerusalem Post , David Forsmark wrote that it is "a revolutionary book, in the best sense of the word. It gives a coherent explanation for a much-remarked-about phenomenon that most commentators have merely used to score irony points." [2]

Bruce S. Thornton said in City Journal that the book "is a valuable aid for those wishing to understand one of the strangest spectacles in history: a large number of a society’s most privileged people, who enjoy unprecedented freedom, education, material well-being, and leisure, relentlessly attacking the institutions and ideals that make such benefits possible—and extolling enemies who seek to destroy all of these goods." [4]

Nick Dyrenfurth noted in the Australian Journal of Jewish Studies that "on the face of it, a scholarly study of the relationship between the far left and political Islam is a worthwhile, if not urgent endeavour." [5]

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  1. May, Clifford D. (April 16, 2009). "Romancing the Jihad". National Review.
  2. 1 2 3 Forsmark, David (May 7, 2009). "Hate for hate's sake". The Jerusalem Post.
  3. Schanzer, Jonathan (2010). "United in Hate: The Left's Romance with Tyranny and Terror". Middle East Quarterly. 17 (1) (Winter 2010 ed.): 93–94.
  4. Thornton, Bruce S. (June 5, 2009). "Dupes". City Journal.
  5. Dyrenfurth, Nick (2011). "Jamie Glazov. United in Hate: the Left's Romance With Tyranny and Terror". The Australian Journal of Jewish Studies. 25. Australian Association of Jewish Studies: 263+.