Van Hulthem Manuscript

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Charles van Hulthem, after whom the manuscript was named Karel van Hulthem.jpg
Charles van Hulthem, after whom the manuscript was named

The Van Hulthem Manuscript is a masterpiece of medieval Dutch literature, probably compiled in the Duchy of Brabant. [1] It contains over 200 stories from across the Low Countries.

The manuscript is named after its last private owner, Charles van Hulthem of Ghent. It is in the collection of the Royal Library of Belgium. [2]

This manuscript contains the only known versions of the famous abele spelen ("able plays"), some of the earliest secular drama surviving from medieval Europe.

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  1. Frits van Oostrom, "The Middle Ages until circa 1400", in A Literary History of the Low Countries, edited by Theo Hermans (Camden House, Rochester, NY, 2009), p. 44.
  2. Karen Pratt, "The Dynamics of the Pyramus and Thisbe Story in its Manuscript Context", in The Dynamics of the Medieval Manuscript, edited by Karen Pratt, Bart Besamusca, Matthias Meyer and Ad Putter (Göttingen, 2017), p. 270.