Vav (protein)

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Vav is a family of proteins involved in cell signalling. They act as guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) for small G proteins of the Rho family. [1] [2] GEF activity is mediated via module of tandem DH-PH domains. Vav proteins also appear to exhibit GEF-independent functions. Although it was originally thought that Vav proteins would only be present in multicellular organisms, [1] Vav family proteins have been observed in Choanoflagellates. [2]


Some functions of the Vav protein are important for the immune system. Specifically the ability of Vav to change the cytoskeletal structure of lymphocytes, which is particularly used to "aim" cytokines towards bound pathogens or cells. [3]

In humans there are three Vav proteins:

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VAV1 Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens

Proto-oncogene vav is a protein that in humans is encoded by the VAV1 gene.

RhoGEF domain

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VAV2 Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens

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VAV3 Protein-coding gene in the species Homo sapiens

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  1. 1 2 Bustelo, X. R. (March 2000). "Regulatory and Signaling Properties of the Vav Family". Molecular and Cellular Biology. 20 (5): 1461–1477. doi:10.1128/MCB.20.5.1461-1477.2000. PMC   85310 . PMID   10669724.
  2. 1 2 Bustelo, Xosé R (November 2014). "Vav family exchange factors: an integrated regulatory and functional view". Small GTPases. 5 (2): e973757. doi:10.4161/21541248.2014.973757. PMC   4601183 . PMID   25483299.
  3. "Vav (Protein)".