Voting bloc

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A voting bloc is a group of voters that are strongly motivated by a specific common concern or group of concerns to the point that such specific concerns tend to dominate their voting patterns, causing them to vote together in elections. [1]

Beliefnet identifies 12 main religious blocs in American politics, such as the "Religious Right", whose concerns are dominated by religious and sociocultural issues; and American Jews, who are identified as a "strong Democratic group" with liberal views on economics and social issues. [2] The result is that each of these groups votes en bloc in elections. Bloc voting in the United States is particularly cohesive among Orthodox Jews. [3] [4]

Voting blocs can be defined by a host of other shared characteristics, including region, age, gender, education level, and even music choice. [5] [6] [7] [8]

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  1. "Definition of BLOC". 2 March 2024.
  2. "The Twelve Tribes of American Politics".
  3. Cuza, Bobby (2022-11-04). "Orthodox Jewish vote could prove critical in governor's race". Spectrum News NY1. Retrieved 2024-07-09.
  4. Heilman, Uriel (2016-04-12). "The Hasidic bloc vote, Bernie and Hillary's Empire State of mind and other NY campaign notes". Jewish Telegraphic Agency. Retrieved 2024-07-09.
  5. Boone, Catherine; Wahman, Michael; Kyburz, Stephan; Linke, Andrew (2022). "Regional cleavages in African politics: Persistent electoral blocs and territorial oppositions" (PDF). Political Geography. 99. Elsevier BV: 102741. doi:10.1016/j.polgeo.2022.102741. ISSN   0962-6298.
  6. Frey, William H. (2022-03-09). "Exit polls show both familiar and new voting blocs sealed Biden's win". Brookings. Retrieved 2024-07-10.
  7. Finn, Emily (2024-05-19). "Three presidential candidates court key voter blocs". NewsNation. Retrieved 2024-07-10.
  8. Sherman, Carter (2024-03-13). "The voting bloc that could decide the US election: Swifties". the Guardian. Retrieved 2024-07-10.