Wagner's gene network model

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Wagner's gene network model is a computational model of artificial gene networks, which explicitly modeled the developmental and evolutionary process of genetic regulatory networks. A population with multiple organisms can be created and evolved from generation to generation. It was first developed by Andreas Wagner in 1996 [1] and has been investigated by other groups to study the evolution of gene networks, gene expression, robustness, plasticity and epistasis. [2] [3] [4]

Population All the organisms of a given species that live in the specified region

In biology, a population is all the organisms of the same group or species, which live in a particular geographical area, and have the capability of interbreeding. The area of a sexual population is the area where inter-breeding is potentially possible between any pair within the area, and where the probability of interbreeding is greater than the probability of cross-breeding with individuals from other areas.

Andreas Wagner

Andreas Wagner is an Austrian/US evolutionary biologist and professor at the University of Zürich, Switzerland. He is known for his work on the role of robustness and innovation in biological evolution. Wagner is professor and chairman at the Department of Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Studies at the University of Zürich.

Gene expression conversion of a genes sequence into a mature gene product or products

Gene expression is the process by which information from a gene is used in the synthesis of a functional gene product. These products are often proteins, but in non-protein coding genes such as transfer RNA (tRNA) or small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes, the product is a functional RNA.



The model and its variants have a number of simplifying assumptions. Three of them are listing below.

  1. The organisms are modeled as gene regulatory networks. The models assume that gene expression is regulated exclusively at the transcriptional level;
  2. The product of a gene can regulate the expression of (be a regulator of) that source gene or other genes. The models assume that a gene can only produce one active transcriptional regulator;
  3. The effects of one regulator are independent of effects of other regulators on the same target gene.


Network representation of the regulatory interactions between four genes (G1, G2, G3 and G4). Activations and repressions are denoted by arrows and bars, respectively. Numbers indicate the relative interaction strengths. Interaction matrix
{\displaystyle R}
on the right representing the network on the left. WagnerModel.png
Network representation of the regulatory interactions between four genes (G1, G2, G3 and G4). Activations and repressions are denoted by arrows and bars, respectively. Numbers indicate the relative interaction strengths. Interaction matrix on the right representing the network on the left.

The model represents individuals as networks of interacting transcriptional regulators. Each individual expresses genes encoding transcription factors. The product of each gene can regulate the expression level of itself and/or the other genes through cis-regulatory elements. The interactions among genes constitute a gene network that is represented by a × regulatory matrix in the model. The elements in matrix R represent the interaction strength. Positive values within the matrix represent the activation of the target gene, while negative ones represent repression. Matrix elements with value 0 indicate the absence of interactions between two genes.

Cis-regulatory elements (CREs) are regions of non-coding DNA which regulate the transcription of neighboring genes. CREs are vital components of genetic regulatory networks, which in turn control morphogenesis, the development of anatomy, and other aspects of embryonic development, studied in evolutionary developmental biology.


An example of how the gene expression pattern modeled in Wagner model and its variants. G1, G2, G3 and G4 represent genes in the network. Filled box means the gene expression of that particular gene is on; open box means off. Gene expression patterns are represented by the state vector
{\displaystyle S}
whose elements
{\displaystyle s_{i}(t)}
describe the expression states of gene
{\displaystyle i}
. GeneExpressionInWagnerModel.png
An example of how the gene expression pattern modeled in Wagner model and its variants. G1, G2, G3 and G4 represent genes in the network. Filled box means the gene expression of that particular gene is on; open box means off. Gene expression patterns are represented by the state vector whose elements describe the expression states of gene .

The phenotype of each individual is modeled as the gene expression pattern at time . It is represented by a state vector in this model.

whose elements denotes the expression states of gene i at time t. In the original Wagner model,

where 1 represents the gene is expressed while -1 implies the gene is not expressed. The expression pattern can only be ON or OFF. The continuous expression pattern between -1 (or 0) and 1 is also implemented in some other variants. [2] [3] [4]


The development process is modeled as the development of gene expression states. The gene expression pattern at time is defined as the initial expression state. The interactions among genes change the expression states during the development process. This process is modeled by the following differential equations


= σ

where τ) represents the expression state of at time t+τ. It is determined by a filter function σ. represents the weighted sum of regulatory effects () of all genes on gene at time t. In the original Wagner model, the filter function is a step function

σ if if if

In other variants, the filter function is implemented as a sigmoidal function


In this way, the expression states will acquire a continuous distribution. The gene expression will reach the final state if it reaches a stable pattern.


Evolutionary simulations are performed by reproduction-mutation-selection life cycle. Populations are fixed at size N and they will not go extinct. Non-overlapping generations are employed. In a typical evolutionary simulation, a single random viable individual that can produce a stable gene expression pattern is chosen as the founder. Cloned individuals are generated to create a population of N identical individuals. According to the asexual or sexual reproductive mode, offspring are produced by randomly choosing (with replacement) parent individual(s) from current generation. Mutations can be acquired with probability μ and survive with probability equal to their fitness. This process is repeated until N individuals are produced that go on to found the following generation.


Fitness in this model is the probability that an individual survives to reproduce. In the simplest implementation of the model, developmentally stable genotypes survive (i.e. their fitness is 1) and developmentally unstable ones do not (i.e. their fitness is 0).


Mutations are modeled as the changes in gene regulation, i.e., the changes of the elements in the regulatory matrix .


Both sexual and asexual reproductions are implemented. Asexual reproduction is implemented as producing the offspring's genome (the gene network) by directly copying the parent's genome. Sexual reproduction is implemented as the recombination of the two parents' genomes.

Sexual reproduction Reproduction process that creates a new organism by combining the genetic material of two organisms

Sexual reproduction is a type of life cycle where generations alternate between cells with a single set of chromosomes (haploid) and cells with a double set of chromosomes (diploid). Sexual reproduction is by far the most common life cycle in eukaryotes, for example animals and plants.

Asexual reproduction Biological process in which new individuals are produced by either a single cell or a group of cells, in the absence of any sexual process

Asexual reproduction is a type of reproduction by which offspring arise from a single organism, and inherit the genes of that parent only; it does not involve the fusion of gametes, and almost never changes the number of chromosomes. Asexual reproduction is the primary form of reproduction for single-celled organisms such as archaea and bacteria. Many plants and fungi sometimes reproduce asexually. Some Asexual cells die when they are very young.

Genome entirety of an organisms hereditary information; genome of organism (encoded by the genomic DNA) is the (biological) information of heredity which is passed from one generation of organism to the next; is transcribed to produce various RNAs

In the fields of molecular biology and genetics, a genome is the genetic material of an organism. It consists of DNA. The genome includes both the genes and the noncoding DNA, as well as mitochondrial DNA and chloroplast DNA. The study of the genome is called genomics.


An organism is considered viable if it reaches a stable gene expression pattern. An organism with oscillated expression pattern is discarded and cannot enter the next generation.

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  1. Wagner A (1996). "Does Evolutionary Plasticity Evolve?", Evolution, 50(3):1008-1023.
  2. 1 2 Bergman A and Siegal ML (2003). "Evolutionary capacitance as a general feature of complex gene networks", Nature, 424(6948):549-552.
  3. 1 2 Azevedo RBR, Lohaus R and Srinivasan S and Dang KK and Burch CL (2006). "Sexual reproduction selects for robustness and negative epistasis in artificial gene networks", Nature, 440(7080):87-90.
  4. 1 2 Huerta-Sanchez E, Durrett R (2007). "Wagner's canalization model", Theoretical Population Biology, 71(2):121-130.