West Flanders (Flemish Parliament constituency)

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West Flanders
Flemish Parliament constituency
Provincie West-Vlaanderen in Belgium.svg
West Flanders within Belgium
Current constituency
Created 2004

West Flanders is a parliamentary constituency in Belgium used to elect members of the Flemish Parliament since 2004. It corresponds to the province of West Flanders. [1]

Article 26 of the Special Law on Institutional Reform of 1980 gives the Flemish Parliament itself the authority to define its electoral districts by decree. The arrondissemental constituencies were replaced by provincial ones by Special Decree of 30 January 2004. This and related provisions were coordinated into the Special Decree of 7 July 2006. [2]


Agnes Bruyninckx-Vandenhoudt VB 20042014
André Van Nieuwkerke SP.A 20042009
Ann Soete N-VA 20092014
Axel Ronse N-VA 20092014
Bart Caron SLP20042014
Bart Dochy CD&V 20092014
Bart Tommelein Open Vld 20092014
Bert Maertens N-VA 20092014
Björn Anseeuw N-VA 20092014
Carl Decaluwe CD&V 20042009
Cathy Coudyser N-VA 20092014
Christian Verougstraete VB 20042014
Danielle Godderis-T'Jonck N-VA 20092014
Els Kindt CD&V 20092014
Emmily Talpe Open Vld 20092014
Francesco Vanderjeugd Open Vld 20092014
Geert Bourgeois N-VA 20042009
Gilbert Bossuyt SP.A 20042009
Gino De Craemer N-VA 20042009
Griet Coppé CD&V 20092014
Herman De Reuse VB 20042009
Ivan Sabbe LDD 20092014
Jan Durnez CD&V 20092014
Jan Verfaillie CD&V 20042014
Jef Tavernier Groen 20042009
Johan Verstreken CD&V 20042014
Jurgen Vanlerberghe SP.A 20092014
Karlos Callens Open Vld 20042014
Louis Bril Open Vld 20042009
Luc Martens CD&V 20042009
Marc Vanden Bussche LDD 20092014
Martine Fournier CD&V 20042009
Martine Fournier CD&V 20092014
Mercedes Van Volcem Open Vld 20092014
Michèle Hostekint SP.A 20042014
Patrick De Klerck Open Vld 20042009
Philippe De Coene SP.A 20042014
Renaat Landuyt SP.A 20092014
Sabine De Bethune CD&V 20092014
Sabine Poleyn CD&V 20042014
Stefaan Sintobin VB 20042014
Stern Demeulenaere Open Vld 20042009
Steve Vandenberghe SP.A 20092014
Tine Soens SP.A 20092014
Ulla Werbrouck LDD 20092014
Wilfried Vandaele N-VA 20092014

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  1. "De Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers". www.dekamer.be.
  2. "Vlaamse Codex > Zoeken > Document". codex.vlaanderen.be (in Dutch).