White House horrors

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The revelation of the existence and scope of crimes and abuses committed by Nixon's staff during his presidency, known collectively as the "White House Horrors" (a term attributed to Richard Nixon's former United States Attorney General John N. Mitchell), [1] [2] was among the many events of the Watergate scandal. More than 70 people were convicted of crimes related to Watergate; some pleaded guilty before trial.

Here is a listing of much of the criminality involved:

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  1. The Watergate hearings: break-in and cover-up; proceedings . New York: Viking Press. 1973. p.  378. ISBN   0-670-75152-9. OCLC   865966.
  2. Dean, John W (1976). Blind ambition: the White House years . New York: Simon and Schuster. p.  123. ISBN   0-671-22438-7. OCLC   2373288.
  3. Tapes Show Nixon Ordering Theft of Files New York Times, November 22, 1996 Accessed September 10, 2014