William Hammesfahr

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William Hammesfahr is an American neurologist practicing in Florida who specializes in treating stroke victims and patients with brain injuries, spinal chord injuries, dementia, memory loss, Parkinson's, balance disorders, learning disabilities, and other chronic/long-term injuries to the central nervous system. He became a public figure during his involvement in the Terri Schiavo case, during which he examined Schiavo and testified on behalf of her parents.


For stroke victims, Hammesfahr recommends treatment with medicines to open constricted blood vessels and improve blood flow to the affected areas of the brain. He also advocates using Transcranial Doppler testing (TCD) to monitor patients' progress, which involves using sound waves to measure the speed of blood flow through the brain. The concept of dilating blood vessels to treat strokes is not commonly practiced by the medical community.

Hammesfahr’s practice was extensively examined and validated in 2003 and 2004 by Florida's Board of Medicine [1] [2]


Hammesfahr obtained his M.D. in 1982 from Northwestern University and completed his residency training at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond.

Terri Schiavo

Dr. Hammesfahr became the subject of public controversy in 2002 when he examined Terri Schiavo, the woman at the center of a debate in the United States about euthanasia. Testifying on behalf of Schiavo's parents, Hammesfahr argued that, contrary to majority medical opinion, which stated that Schiavo was in an irreversible persistent vegetative state, she was in a minimally conscious state and might recover. He testified that his treatment might improve her to the point of being able to communicate, a stand debated by the other neurologists involved in the case. [3]

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  1. William Hammesfahr M.D. -v- Department of Health, Board of Medicine (pdf)
  2. "FindLaw's District Court of Appeal of Florida case and opinions".
  3. "Doctor testifies he could help Schiavo".