World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship

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World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship
World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship Logo.png
Orientation Evangelical Protestant
Polity Congregational
Sussex, England

The World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship (WECF) is a global association of evangelical Christian Congregational Churches, from various national associations around the world, which is united by a common belief in the lordship of Jesus Christ and the authority of the Bible, as well as by its common desire for evangelism.



In 1891, in London, the International Congregational Council (ICC) was founded. This body represented, for many decades, congregational unity throughout the world.

However, in the 20th century, Liberal Theology and Ecumenism spread among Congregational churches throughout the world. Many Congregational churches, as a result, have abandoned the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy and also the distinctives of Congregationalism.

In the 1960s and 1970s, several congregational groups around the world merged with Presbyterian and/or Methodist and/or Anglican groups, forming denominations such as the Igreja Evangélica Presbiteriana de Portugal, [1] Uniting Church in Australia, [2] United Church of Canada, [3] Church of North India, Church of South India and United Reformed Church. [4]

In 1970, the ICC was already formed by several united churches, which were also members of the Alliance of the Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian System (ARCPS). Thus, this year, the ICC and ARCPS merged, giving rise to the World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC).

WARC was formed by several churches that defended Liberal Theology and many congregational denominations preferred not to join the organization.

Consequently, the remaining Congregational denominations, which refused to unite with other denominations as well as refused to participate in the World Alliance of Reformed Churches came together to form a new international organization for the group.

The idea for the WECF began at a series of annual meetings of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference in 1983, when a number of international delegates at the American meetings expressed an interest in solidifying relationships with other evangelical congregationalists across the globe. [5] A constitutional framework for the Fellowship was ultimately agreed upon, and the WECF held its inaugural assembly in October 1986, in Sussex, England.


According to a denomination census released in 2020, it has 18 denominations members in 17 countries. [6]


The WECF is overseen by a number of executive officers from different nations: including a President, vice-president, Treasurer, Secretary, and several members-at-large. It presently meets triennially, with a smaller-scale mid-term meeting, every year and a half.


List of WECF Members [7]

Associate Member


  1. "History of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Portugal" . Retrieved 15 December 2021.
  2. "Uniting Church in Australia". World Council of Churches. Retrieved June 7, 2021.
  3. "History of the United Church of Canada". British Dictionary. Retrieved 21 December 2021.
  4. "United Reformed Church". World Council of Churches. Retrieved June 7, 2021.
  5. World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship, OUR HISTORY,, USA, retrieved August 22, 2020
  6. World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship, Members,, USA, retrieved August 22, 2020
  7. "Member Fellowships – World Evangelical Congregational Fellowship" . Retrieved 2021-11-09.