Yili horse

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Country of origin China
Distinguishing featuresSmall horse breed used for riding, draft, meat and milk. Developed from Russian and Mongolian stock

The Yili is a small horse from the north-western Xinjiang region of China.



They are compact in conformation with a light head and straight profile. The withers are well pronounced and the back is short and strong, though the loin is long. The legs are clean. [1] Yili horses are normally bay, chestnut, black or gray [2] and are an average height of 14 hands high. [1]

Breed history

Yili horses originated around 1900 from Russian breeds (Kazakh Horses) crossed with Mongolian stock from Inner Mongolei. [2] Don, and Don-Thoroughbred crosses as well as Orlov Trotters were used from 1936 on to improve the native horses. In 1963 the decision was made to aim for a draft-type horse. [1]


Yili horses are used for riding and driving, and also bred for their meat and milk. [2]

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  1. 1 2 3 "Yili". Horse Breeds of the World. International Museum of the Horse. Retrieved November 21, 2010.
  2. 1 2 3 "Yili Horse". Breeds of Livestock. Oklahoma State University. Retrieved November 21, 2010.