Young Ladies Radio League

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Young Ladies' Radio League, Inc.
Formation1939 [1]
Type Non-profit organization
PurposeAdvocacy, Education
Region served
Membership400 [1]
Vicki Zumwalt, N6KLS
Affiliations American Radio Relay League

The Young Ladies Radio League (YLRL) is an international non-profit organization of women amateur radio enthusiasts. It was founded in 1939 and is affiliated with the American Radio Relay League. [2] The term "Young Lady" derives from a Morse code abbreviation, YL, that is used to refer to female amateur radio operators, regardless of age. (As male operators of any age are addressed as OM or "old man", the non-licensed spouse of an OM is often called an XYL.)


The Young Ladies' Radio League welcomes all licensed amateur radio women as members. The YLRL is organized into 10 districts in the United States (that correspond to the 10 amateur radio call sign districts), a district for Canada, and a "DX" district that covers the rest of the world. The YLRL holds a tri-annual convention at various locations.


The YLRL provides many services for its members including publishing a bimonthly newsletter, YL Harmonics. It also provides an audio tape version of YL Harmonics for sight-impaired members. There are three scholarships granted to worthy YLs to continue their higher education with priority given for students whose majors are in communications and electronics or related arts and sciences.


The YLRL sponsors several amateur radio contests throughout the year. Among these are the YL-OM in February and the DX-NA-YL Contest in October.

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Contesting</span> Competitive activity

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amateur radio international operation</span> Operating an amateur radio station in another country

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YL may refer to:

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amateur radio emergency communications</span> Fallback service

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The Amateur Radio Society of India (ARSI) is a national non-profit organization for amateur radio enthusiasts in India. ARSI is recognized by the Indian government under the provisions of Section 13 of the Indian Societies Registration Act as amended and extended. ARSI operates a QSL bureau for those amateur radio operators in regular contact with amateur radio operators in other countries, and supports amateur radio operating awards and radio contests. The Amateur Radio Society of India represents the interests of Indian amateur radio operators before national and international regulatory authorities. ARSI is the national member society representing India in the International Amateur Radio Union.

An amateur radio net, or simply ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of amateur radio operators. Most nets convene on a regular schedule and specific frequency, and are organized for a particular purpose, such as relaying messages, discussing a common topic of interest, in severe weather, emergencies, or simply as a regular gathering of friends for conversation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amateur radio</span> Use of radio frequency spectra for non-commercial purposes

Amateur radio, also known as ham radio, is the use of the radio frequency spectrum for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation, radiosport, contesting, and emergency communications. The term "amateur" is used to specify "a duly authorized person interested in radioelectric practice with a purely personal aim and without pecuniary interest" ; and to differentiate it from commercial broadcasting, public safety, or professional two-way radio services.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Women in early radio</span>

Although they often faced obstacles and policy limitations, beginning in the early 1900s a few women were able to participate in the pioneering development of radio communication.

Call signs in Asia are rarely used to identify broadcast stations. In most Asian countries, broadcast stations use other forms of identification. Few countries west of the Pacific Ocean, namely Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan are exceptions to this rule. Amateur radio stations in India, Pakistan, Korea and Japan are allocated call-signs.

Call signs in United Kingdom include a three letter country code, and a series of letters and numbers.


  1. 1 2 Young Ladies' Radio League, Inc. (2008). "What is YLRL". Retrieved Feb. 19, 2008.
  2. Bolton, Anna. "Women are in radio, too". Fairborn Daily Herald. Retrieved 11 December 2024.