
Last updated

Temporal range:
Cisuralian Present, 289–0  Ma
Orovenator skull diagram.png
Skull of Orovenator , the earliest known neodiapsid
Megalancosaurus skeletal.png
Skeleton of Megalancosaurus , a drepanosaur
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Reptilia
Clade: Diapsida
Clade: Neodiapsida
Benton, 1985
Subgroups and genera

Neodiapsida is a clade, or major branch, of the reptilian family tree, typically defined as including all diapsids apart from some early primitive types known as the araeoscelidians. Modern reptiles and birds belong to the neodiapsid subclade Sauria.


The oldest known neodiapsids are Orovenator and Maiothisavros from the Early Permian of North America, around 290 million years old. [1] [2]

Basal-non saurian neodiaspids were ancestrally lizard-like, but basal non-saurian neodiapsids include aquatic/amphibious taxa ( Claudiosaurus and some tangasaurids) [3] the gliding lizard-like Weigeltisauridae, [4] as well as the Triassic chameleon-like drepanosaurs. [5] The position of the highly derived Mesozoic marine reptile groups Thalattosauria, Ichthyosauromorpha and Sauropterygia within Neodiapsida is uncertain, and they may lie within Sauria. [6]


The clade Neodiapsida was given a phylogenetic definition by Laurin in 1991. He defined it as the branch-based clade containing all animals more closely related to "Younginiformes" (later, more specifically, emended to Youngina capensis ) than to Petrolacosaurus . [7] The cladogram presented here illustrates the "family tree" of reptiles, and follows a simplified version of the relationships found by M.S. Lee, in 2013. [8] All genetic studies have supported the hypothesis that turtles are diapsid reptiles; some have placed turtles within archosauromorpha, [8] [9] or, more commonly, as a sister group to extant archosaurs. [10] [11] [12] [13] though a few have recovered turtles as lepidosauromorphs instead. [14] The cladogram of Lee (2013) below used a combination of genetic (molecular) and fossil (morphological) data to obtain its results. [8]


This second cladogram is based on the 2017 study by Pritchard and Nesbitt. [15]


The following cladogram was found by Simões et al. (2022): [16]


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Orovenator is an extinct genus of diapsid from Lower Permian deposits of Oklahoma, United States. It is known from two partial skulls from the Richards Spur locality in Oklahoma. The holotype OMNH 74606 consists of a partial skull preserving snout and mandible, and the referred specimen, OMNH 74607, a partial skull preserving the skull roof, vertebrae and palatal elements. It was first named by Robert R. Reisz, Sean P. Modesto and Diane M. Scott in 2011 and the type species is Orovenator mayorum. The generic name means "mountain", oro, in Greek in reference to the Richards Spur locality, which was mountainous during the Permian period and "hunter", venator, in Latin. The specific name honours Bill and Julie May. Orovenator is the oldest and most basal neodiapsid to date.

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<i>Pappochelys</i> Extinct genus of reptiles

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  15. Pritchard, Adam C.; Nesbitt, Sterling J. (2017-10-11). "A bird-like skull in a Triassic diapsid reptile increases heterogeneity of the morphological and phylogenetic radiation of Diapsida". Royal Society Open Science. 4 (10): 170499. Bibcode:2017RSOS....470499P. doi:10.1098/rsos.170499. ISSN   2054-5703. PMC   5666248 . PMID   29134065.
  16. Simões, Tiago R.; Kammerer, Christian F.; Caldwell, Michael W.; Pierce, Stephanie E. (2022-08-19). "Successive climate crises in the deep past drove the early evolution and radiation of reptiles". Science Advances. 8 (33): eabq1898. Bibcode:2022SciA....8.1898S. doi:10.1126/sciadv.abq1898. ISSN   2375-2548. PMC   9390993 . PMID   35984885.