Round ligament of uterus

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Round ligament of the uterus
Cross-section through the pelvis of a newly born female child. (Round ligament labelled at upper right.)
Precursor Lower gubernaculum [1]
Artery Uterine artery, artery of round ligament of uterus
Latin ligamentum teres uteri
MeSH D012404
TA98 A09.1.03.029
TA2 3835
FMA 20420
Anatomical terminology

The round ligament of the uterus is a ligament that connects the uterus to the labia majora. It originates at the junction of the uterus and uterine tube. It passes through the inguinal canal to insert at the labium majus.


The two round ligaments of uterus develop from the gubernaculum; they are the female homologue of the male gubernaculum testis. [2]


The round ligament of the uterus originates at the uterine horns, in the parametrium. The round ligament exits the pelvis via the deep inguinal ring. [3] It passes through the inguinal canal to reach the labium majus, [4] [5] [2] inserting into the fibro-fatty substance of the labium majus. [2]

Blood supply

The round ligament is supplied by the artery of the round ligament of uterus, also known as Sampson's artery.[ citation needed ]


The round ligament develops from the gubernaculum which attaches the gonad to the labioscrotal swellings in the embryo. [1]


The round ligament of uterus acts to hold the uterus anterior-ward to in anteflexion and anteversion, especially by counteracting any posterior-ward forces that may be being exerted upon the uterus (e.g. distended bladder, or gravity while in a recumbent position). [2]


The round ligament maintains anteversion of the uterus during pregnancy.[ dubious ] Normally, the cardinal ligament is what supports the uterine angle (angle of anteversion). When the uterus grows during pregnancy, the round ligaments can stretch causing pain. [6] [ unreliable medical source? ]

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See also

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  1. 1 2 Swiss embryology (from UL, UB, and UF) ugenital/diffmorpho05
  2. 1 2 3 4 Sinnatamby, Chummy (2011). Last's Anatomy (12th ed.). p. 304. ISBN   978-0-7295-3752-0.
  3. Anatomy photo:43:03-0201 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center - "The Female Pelvis: The Broad Ligament"
  4. Anatomy photo:36:03-0105 at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center - "Inguinal Region, Scrotum and Testes: The Internal Surface of the Anterior Abdominal Wall"
  5. Bellier, A.; Cavalié, G.; Marnas, G.; Chaffanjon, P. (2018-06-01). "The round ligament of the uterus: Questioning its distal insertion". Morphologie. 102 (337): 55–60. doi:10.1016/j.morpho.2018.04.001. ISSN   1286-0115. PMID   29731327. S2CID   19189317.
  6. "Pregnancy-Round Ligament Pain". Retrieved 2008-01-27.