Tectospinal tract

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Tectospinal tract
Diagram showing possible connection of long descending fibers from higher centers with the motor cells of the ventral column through association fibers. ("Tectospinal fasciculus" labeled at center right.)
Diagram of the principal fasciculi of the spinal cord. ("Tectospinal fasciculus" labeled at center right, in red.)
Latin tractus tectospinalis
MeSH D065844
NeuroLex ID birnlex_759
TA98 A14.1.02.211
TA2 6119
FMA 72620
Anatomical terminology

In humans, the tectospinal tract (or colliculospinal tract) is a nerve tract that coordinates head and eye movements. This tract is part of the extrapyramidal system and connects the midbrain tectum, and cervical regions of the spinal cord. [1]


It is responsible for motor impulses that arise from one side of the midbrain to muscles on the opposite side of the body (contralateral). The function of the tectospinal tract is to mediate reflex postural movements of the head in response to visual and auditory stimuli.

The portion of the midbrain from where this tract originates is the superior colliculus, which receives afferents from the visual nuclei (primarily the oculomotor nuclei complex), then projects to the contralateral (decussating dorsal to the mesencephalic duct) and ipsilateral portion of the first cervical neuromeres of the spinal cord, the oculomotor and trochlear nuclei in the midbrain and the abducens nucleus in the caudal portion of the pons.

The tract descends to the cervical spinal cord to terminate in Rexed laminae VI, VII, and VIII to coordinate head, neck, and eye movements, primarily in response to visual stimuli.

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In the human central nervous system, the interstitiospinal tract is one of ten descending neuronal tracts in humans that provides motor control to specific upper cervical somatic segments. The origin of this uncrossed tract is in the interstitial nucleus of Cajal which is subsequently found in the Edinger-Westphal nucleus of the midbrain. This tract also contributes to the make-up of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Within the terminal segments of the upper cervical segments the interstitiospinal tract synapses in rexed laminae VII and VIII. It is believed to function in head and neck reflex movements in response to primarily visual and possibly vestibular stimuli.


  1. Pocock, Gillian; Richards, Christopher D. (2006). Human physiology : the basis of medicine (3rd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. p. 152. ISBN   978-0-19-856878-0.