1964 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection

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1964 Democratic vice presidential nomination
  1960 August 27, 1964 (1964-08-27) 1968  
  Hubert Humphrey vice presidential portrait.jpg
Nominee Hubert Humphrey
Home state Minnesota

Previous Vice Presidential nominee

Lyndon B. Johnson

Vice Presidential nominee

Hubert Humphrey

The selection of the Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate for the 1964 United States presidential election occurred at the party's national convention and resulted in the selection of Hubert Humphrey to join the ticket with President Lyndon B. Johnson, who was running for election to a full term.



After the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson ascended to the presidency. [1] As the 25th Amendment had not yet been passed, there was no process for filling the office of vice president until the next post-election inauguration, and Speaker of the House John William McCormack was next-in-line for the presidency from November 1963 to January 1965. [2] Johnson carefully considered his running mate for the 1964 election, and put up "trial balloons" in the media. [3]


Those who were the subject of speculation included Humphrey, who was a key lieutenant for Johnson in the Senate, particularly in regards to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. [4] Others included Connecticut Senators Abraham Ribicoff and Thomas J. Dodd, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, New York Mayor Robert Wagner, California Governor Pat Brown, and Minnesota Senator Eugene McCarthy. [3] Many Democrats also hoped for Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, the brother of former President John F. Kennedy, but Johnson carefully maneuvered to keep Kennedy off the ticket due to personal enmity between the two. [3] [4]


As the convention got underway, a potential issue was that there were competing delegations from Mississippi. [5] The Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which included black and white members opposed to racial segregation, challenged the delegate credentials of Mississippi Democratic Party members who favored segregation. [5] Johnson wanted no disruptions to distract from his nomination, and he assigned Humphrey to solve the problem. [5] Humphrey worked with Walter Mondale to craft a compromise which satisfied Johnson. [5]

On August 27, Humphrey met with Johnson in the Oval Office. [6] In their discussion, they agreed that if Humphrey joined the ticket and Johnson and Humphrey won the general election, Humphrey would have important executive branch responsibilities, including oversight of the administration's nuclear disarmament, antipoverty, and space programs. [6] In addition, they agreed that Humphrey would have a high profile role in Johnson's foreign policy. [6] After this interview, Johnson announced his choice of Humphrey for the vice presidential nomination. [6]

Humphrey easily won the vice presidential nomination on the first ballot at the 1964 Democratic National Convention. [3] The Johnson–Humphrey ticket went on to beat the GoldwaterMiller ticket in the 1964 election. [1]

Potential running mates



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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1968 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection</span>

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">1960 Democratic Party vice presidential candidate selection</span>

The selection of the Democratic Party's vice presidential candidate for the 1960 United States presidential election occurred at the party's national convention on August 13, 1960. After winning the presidential nomination on the first ballot of the 1960 Democratic National Convention, Massachusetts Senator John F. Kennedy turned his attention to picking a running mate. Kennedy chose Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. Johnson, who had finished second on the presidential ballot, as his running mate. Johnson, a Protestant Texan, provided geographical and religious balance to a ticket led by a Catholic Northeasterner, but many liberals did not like the pick. Many were surprised both that Kennedy made the offer and that Johnson accepted the offer, as the two had been rivals for the 1960 presidential nomination. According to some accounts, Kennedy had offered the position to Johnson as a courtesy and expected Johnson to decline the offer; when Johnson accepted, Kennedy sent his brother, Robert F. Kennedy, to talk Johnson out of accepting the offer. However, Kennedy may have made the offer in earnest due to Johnson's appeal in the south, Johnson's friendly relationship with Speaker of the House Sam Rayburn, and Kennedy's desire to remove Johnson as Senate Majority Leader in favor of the more liberal Mike Mansfield. Regardless, Johnson decided that accepting the offer would be better for his political career and better position himself to become president, and so he chose to become Kennedy's running mate. The Democratic convention confirmed Johnson as the vice presidential nominee, although the delegation from Washington, D.C. attempted to select Minnesota Governor Orville Freeman instead.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1960 Republican Party vice presidential candidate selection</span>

This article lists those who were potential candidates for the Republican nomination for Vice President of the United States in the 1960 election. After winning the Republican presidential nomination at the 1960 Republican National Convention, Vice President Richard Nixon needed to choose a running mate. President Dwight D. Eisenhower strongly supported UN Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge Jr. Though Lodge lacked charisma as a campaigner, his foreign policy experience and stature as ambassador made him an appealing candidate. However, Lodge was unpopular with the Republican right, who did not want a Northeastern moderate on the ticket. Nixon also strongly considered conservative Minnesota Representative Walter Judd and moderate Kentucky Senator Thruston Morton. After a closed session with Republican Party leaders, Nixon announced his choice of Lodge. The Republican convention ratified Nixon's choice of Lodge. The Nixon–Lodge ticket lost the 1960 election to the Democratic ticket of Kennedy–Johnson.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">1964 United States presidential election in Minnesota</span>

The 1964 United States presidential election in Minnesota took place on November 3, 1964, as part of the 1964 United States presidential election. Voters chose ten electors, or representatives to the Electoral College, who voted for president and vice president.

The 1964 presidential campaign of Lyndon B. Johnson was a successful campaign for Johnson and his running mate Hubert Humphrey for their election as president and vice president of the United States. They defeated Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater and vice presidential nominee William Miller. Johnson, a Democrat and former vice president under John F. Kennedy was inaugurated as president upon Kennedy's assassination. In 1964, Johnson did not look optimistically upon the prospect of being elected president in his own right. Despite Johnson's uncertainty about running, he was seen as the most likely candidate to get the nomination. He entered the primaries starting with New Hampshire and won the state by almost 29,000 votes. Johnson's main opponent in the primaries was Alabama Governor George Wallace, who had announced his intention to seek the presidency even before Kennedy's assassination.


  1. 1 2 Wicker, Tom (November 4, 1964). "Johnson Swamps Goldwater". The New York Times . New York, NY.
  2. Ayton, Mel (2021). Protecting the Presidential Candidates: From JFK To Biden. Philadelphia, PA: Frontline Books. pp. 53–54. ISBN   978-1-3990-1411-3 via Google Books.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Nathanson, Iric (24 May 2011). "Loyal lieutenant: On the ticket with LBJ". Minnesota Post. Retrieved 6 October 2015.
  4. 1 2 Walch, Timothy (1997). At the President's Side: The Vice Presidency in the Twentieth Century. University of Missouri Press. pp. 104–105. ISBN   9780826211330 . Retrieved 6 October 2015.
  5. 1 2 3 4 Black, Eric (May 27, 2011). "The sad story of Humphrey's role at 1964 Democratic convention". MinnPost . Minneapolis, MN.
  6. 1 2 3 4 Wicker, Tom; Reston, James; Lewis, Anthony; Mazo, Earl; Kenworthy, E. W. (August 27, 1964). "The Choice of Humphrey, Step by Step". The New York Times . New York, NY. p. 1 via TimesMachine.
  7. "Loyal lieutenant: On the ticket with LBJ". 24 May 2011.
  8. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  9. "Loyal lieutenant: On the ticket with LBJ". 24 May 2011.
  10. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  11. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  12. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  13. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  14. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.
  15. Rudin, Ken (30 July 2010). "Flashback Friday: On This Day in 1964, L.B.J. Rules Out R.F.K. For V.P." NPR.