The Metropolitan Borough of Greenwich was a metropolitan borough in the County of London between 1900 and 1965. It bordered the boroughs of Woolwich, Lewisham and Deptford and, across the River Thames, the borough of Poplar and the County Borough of West Ham in Essex. Within the area of the borough were the Royal Naval College, the Royal Observatory and Greenwich Park.

The Metropolitan Borough of Hackney was a metropolitan borough of the County of London from 1900 to 1965. Its area became part of the London Borough of Hackney.

The first elections to the new local authorities established by the Local Government Act 1972 in England and Wales and the new Northern Ireland district councils created by the Local Government Act 1972 took place in 1973. Elections to the existing Greater London Council also took place.
The Municipal Reform Party was a local party allied to the parliamentary Conservative Party in the County of London. The party contested elections to both the London County Council and metropolitan borough councils of the county from 1906 to 1945.
The Progressive Party was a municipal political organisation that operated in several Scottish cities and towns in the 20th century. It was based on tacit anti-Labour co-operation between the Unionist Party, Scottish Liberals and independents.
The Moderates were a municipal political organisation operating in Scotland in the early 20th century. The group was based on tacit anti-Labour co-operation between local Unionist Party, Liberal and Independents politicians. The Moderates dominated Glasgow Corporation until the 1933 election, when the rise of the Scottish Protestant League split the Moderate vote and allowed Labour to gain control of the council for the first time.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 3 November 1936, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. The election took place midst an increasingly sectarian political climate, with hardline Protestant and anti-Catholic political parties being on the rise in Glasgow and Edinburgh in the 1930s. The Protestant Action Society (PAS); Edinburgh's far-right Protestant grouping which had inspired a sectarian riot the previous year, won 31% of the vote and got 5 new members elected. The PAS had won 24% in the previous years election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 7 May 1968, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 22 were up for election. Despite receiving the most votes of any single party, the SNP won only 7 seats. Unlike in Glasgow, the Progressives and Conservatives did not run on a joint ticket. Despite that however the parties only ran competing candidates in the Gorgie-Dalry ward.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 6 May 1969, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 2 May 1972, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 1 May 1973, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 26 were up for election. Labour, despite needing only 1 gain to take control of the council, failed to do so, preventing them from a historic win.

9 seats, 23 were up for election.

An election to Edinburgh Corporation was held on 4 May 1971, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the council's 68 seats, 23 were up for election.

Elections to Edinburgh Corporation were held on 3 May 1960, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 24 were up for election, including two seats in Murrayfield-Cramond ward. However only 15 wards in 14 seats were contested, as councillors were returned unopposed in nine wards.

Elections to Edinburgh Corporation were held on 2 May 1961, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election. However, only 16 seats were contested, as councillors were returned unopposed in seven wards.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 1 May 1962, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 7 May 1963, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 5 May 1964, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 3 May 1966, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 23 were up for election.

An Election to the Edinburgh Corporation was held on 2 May 1967, alongside municipal elections across Scotland. Of the councils 69 seats, 24 were up for election; two in Liberton and St. Andrew's wards, and one in every other ward.