2016 New York Film Festival

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The 54th New York Film Festival was held September 30 - October 16, 2016.


The lineup consisted of eight sections:

The Festival also included various talks and free screenings. The "Explorations" section was a new addition in 2016, described by the Festival as: "This new section is devoted to work from around the world, from filmmakers across the spectrum of experience and artistic sensibility. […] The one quality that they share is that they are adventurous and exploratory, in the very best sense of the word." [1] The primary selection committee included Kent Jones (chair), Dennis Lim, Florence Almozini, Amy Taubin, and Gavin Smith as a consultant. The Shorts Programs were selected by Dilcia Barrera, Laura Kern, Dennis Lim, Gabi Madsen and Dan Sullivan. Projections was programmed by Dennis Lim and Aily Nash. The Revivals and Retrospective sections were programmed by Kent Jones, and Convergence was curated by Matt Bolish. [2]


Main Slate


TitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountry
13th (Opening Night) Ava DuVernay USA
20th Century Women (Centerpiece) Mike Mills USA
The Lost City of Z (Closing Night) James Gray USA
Aquarius Kleber Mendonça Filho Brazil, France
Certain Women Kelly Reichardt USA
Elle Paul Verhoeven France, Germany
Fire at Sea Fuocoammare Gianfranco Rosi Italy, France
Graduation Bacalaureat Cristian Mungiu Romania, France
Hermia and HelenaMatías PiñeiroArgentina, USA
I, Daniel Blake Ken Loach UK, France
Julieta Pedro Almodóvar Spain
Manchester by the Sea Kenneth Lonergan USA
Moonlight Barry Jenkins USA
My Entire High School Sinking into the Sea Dash Shaw USA
Neruda Pablo Larraín Chile, Argentina, France, Spain
Paterson Jim Jarmusch USA
Personal Shopper Olivier Assayas France
The Rehearsal Alison Maclean New Zealand
Sieranevada Cristi Puiu Romania
The Son of Joseph Eugène Green France, Belgium
Staying Vertical Rester Vertical Alain Guiraudie France
Things to Come Mia Hansen-Løve France, Germany
Toni Erdmann Maren Ade Germany, Austria
The Unknown Girl La fille inconnue Jean-Pierre Dardenne, Luc Dardenne Belgium
Yourself and Yours Hong Sang-soo South Korea

[3] [4]


ProgramTitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountry
Program 1: NarrativeThe Girl Who Danced with the DevilA moça que dançou com o DiaboJoão Paulo Miranda MariaBrazil
Program 1: NarrativeBe Good for RachelEd RoeUSA
Program 1: NarrativeUnivitellinTerence NanceFrance
Program 1: NarrativeLittle BulletsKüçük KurşunlarAlphan EseliTurkey
Program 1: NarrativeDobroMarta Hernaiz PidalBosnia and Herzegovina, Mexico
Program 1: NarrativeLand of the Lost SidekicksRoger Ross WilliamsUSA
Program 1: NarrativeAnd The Whole Sky Fit In The Dead Cow’s EyeY todo el celo cupo en el ojo de la vaca muertaFrancisca AlegriaChile, USA
Program 2: International AuteursA Brief History of Princess XGabriel AbrantesPortugal, France
Program 2: International AuteursSarah Winchester, Phantom OperaSarah Winchester, Opera FantômeBertrand BonelloFrance
Program 2: International AuteursThe HedonistsJia ZhangkeChina
Program 2: International AuteursFrom the Diary of a Wedding PhotographerMyomano Shel Tzlam HatonotNadav LapidIsrael
Program 3: Genre StoriesThe SignalmanDaniel AugustoBrazil
Program 3: Genre StoriesCan’t Take My Eyes Off YouJohannes Kizler, Nik SentenzaGermany
Program 3: Genre StoriesNew GodsJack BurkeUK
Program 3: Genre StoriesQuenottes (Pearlies)Pascal Thiebaux, Gil PinheiroLuxembourg, France
Program 3: Genre StoriesWhat Happened to HerKristy Guevara-FlanaganUSA
Program 3: Genre StoriesImposterAdam GoldhammerCanada
Program 4: New York StoriesKittyChloë SevignyUSA
Program 4: New York StoriesI Turn to JelloAndrew T. BetzerUSA
Program 4: New York StoriesDramatic RelationshipsDustin Guy DefaUSA
Program 4: New York StoriesThis Castle KeepGina TelaroliUSA
Program 4: New York StoriesLos Angeles Plays New YorkJohn WilsonUSA
Program 4: New York StoriesThe HoneymoonTommy DavisUSA
Program 5: DocumentariesLegal Smuggling with Christine ChoyLewie KlosterUSA
Program 5: DocumentariesEl BuzoEsteban ArrangoizMexico
Program 5: DocumentariesJean Nouvel: ReflectionsMatt TyrnauerUSA
Program 5: DocumentariesRotatioIan McClerinUSA
Program 5: DocumentariesThe Vote Mila Aung-Thwin, Van Royko Canada
Program 5: DocumentariesBrillo Box (3¢ off)Lisanne SkylerUSA

[5] [6]

Spotlight on Documentary

TitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountry
Abacus: Small Enough to Jail Steve JamesUSA
The B-Side: Elsa Dorfman’s Portrait PhotographyErrol MorrisUSA
Bright Lights: Starring Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds Alexis Bloom, Fisher Stevens USA
The Cinema TravellersShirley Abraham, Amit MadheshiyaIndia
Dawson City: Frozen TimeBill MorrisonUSA
Hissein Habré, A Chadian TragedyHissein Habré, une tragédie tchadienneMahamat-Saleh HarounFrance, Chad
I Am Not Your NegroRaoul PeckUSA, France, Belgium, Switzerland
I Called Him MorganKasper CollinSweden
Karl Marx CityPetra Epperlein, Michael TuckerUSA, Germany
Patria O Muerte: Cuba, Fatherland or DeathOlatz López GarmendiaCuba, USA
Restless Creature: Wendy WhelanLinda Saffire, Adam SchlesingerUSA
The SettlersShimon DotanFrance, Canada, Israel
Two Trains Runnin’Sam PollardUSA
Uncle Howard Aaron BrooknerUK, USA
Whose Country?Mohamed SiamEgypt, USA, France

[7] [8]


TitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountry
The Death of Louis XIVLa Mort de Louis XIVAlbert SerraFrance, Portugal, Spain
Everything ElseTodo lo demásNatalia AlmadaMexico
I Had Nowhere to GoDouglas GordonGermany
KékszakállúGastón SolnickiArgentina
MimosasOliver LaxeSpain, Morocco, France, Qatar
The OrnithologistO ornitólogoJoão Pedro RodriguesPortugal, France, Brazil

[1] [9]


Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsREGALKarissa HahnUSA
Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsSteve Hates FishJohn SmithUK
Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsReal Italian Pizza [1971]David RimmerCanada
Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsNow: End of SeasonAyman NahleLebanon
Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsSee a Dog, Hear a DogJesse McLeanUSA
Program 1: The Spaces Between the WordsTwixt Cup and LipStephen SutcliffeUK
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeBurning Mountains That Spew Flame

(Montañas Ardientes Que Vomitan Fuego)

Helena Girón, Samuel DelgadoSpain
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeBending to EarthRosa BarbaUSA, Germany
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeTen Mornings Ten Evening and One HorizonTomonari NishikawaJapan
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeCanadian Pacific I [1974]David RimmerCanada
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeJáaji Approx. Sky Hopinka USA
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeBad mama, who caresBrigid McCaffreyUSA
Program 2: Beyond LandscapeEars, Nose and Throat Kevin Jerome Everson USA
Program 3: The Illinois ParablesThe Illinois Parables Deborah Stratman USA
Program 3: The Illinois ParablesThe Horses of a Cavalry Captain

(Die Pferde des Rittmeisters)

Clemens von WedemeyerGermany
Program 4: Fade OutOld HatZach IannazziUSA
Program 4: Fade OutFlowers of the Sky Janie Geiser USA
Program 4: Fade OutAnswer PrintMónica SavirónUSA
Program 4: Fade OutAthyrium filix-femina (for Anna Atkins)Kelly EganCanada
Program 4: Fade OutVariations on a Cellophane Wrapper [1970]David RimmerCanada
Program 4: Fade OutGhost ChildrenJoão Vieira TorresBrazil, France
Program 4: Fade OutCilaosCamilo RestrepoFrance
Program 4: Fade OutLuna e SanturJoshua Gen SolondzUSA
Program 5: Site and SoundIndefinite PitchJames N. Kienitz WilkinsUSA
Program 5: Site and SoundEuropa, Mon Amour (2016 Brexit Edition)Lawrence LekUK
Program 5: Site and SoundStrange Vision of Seeing ThingsRyan FerkoCanada, Serbia
Program 5: Site and SoundFoyerIsmaïl BahriFrance, Tunisia
Program 6All the Cities of the NorthDane KomljenSerbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Montenegro
Program 7: Pop Culture ClashA Boy Needs a FriendSteve ReinkeUSA
Program 7: Pop Culture ClashSpotlight on a Brick WallAlee Peoples, Mike StoltzUSA
Program 7: Pop Culture ClashReturn to FormsZachary EpcarUSA
Program 7: Pop Culture ClashDream English Kid, 1964–1999 ADMark LeckeyUK
Program 8: Dorsky and HilerAutumn Nathaniel Dorsky USA
Program 8: Dorsky and HilerThe DreamerNathaniel DorskyUSA
Program 8: Dorsky and HilerBagatelle II Jerome Hiler USA
Program 9: Event HorizonsHá Terra!Ana VazBrazil, France
Program 9: Event HorizonsKindah Ephraim Asili USA, Jamaica
Program 9: Event HorizonsIn Titan’s Goblet [1991] Peter Hutton USA
Program 9: Event HorizonsAn Aviation Field

(Um Campo de Aviação)

Joana PimentaPortugal, USA, Brazil
Program 9: Event HorizonsElectrical GazaRosalind NashashibiUK
Program 9: Event HorizonsEvent HorizonGuillermo MoncayoFrance
Program 10: From the Notebook of…From the Notebook of… [1971/1998] Robert Beavers Italy, Switzerland
Program 10: From the Notebook of…For ChristianLuke FowlerUK, USA
Program 11The Human Surge

(El auge del humano)

Eduardo Williams Argentina, Brazil, Portugal

[10] [11]

Special Events

Best Worst Thing That Ever Could Have HappenedLonny PriceUSA
Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime WalkAng LeeUSA
Gimme DangerJim JarmuschUSA
Hamilton’s AmericaAlex HorwitzUSA
JackiePablo LarraínUSA, Chile, France
A Quiet Passion (Film Comment Presents)Terence DaviesUK, Belgium

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TitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountryYear
L’argentRobert BressonFrance1983
Aux quatre coinsJacques RivetteFrance1949
The Battle of AlgiersLa battaglia di AlgeriGillo PontecorvoItaly, Algeria1966
Le divertissementJacques RivetteFrance1952
Harlan County USABarbara KoppleUSA1976
The Living IdolAlbert LewinUSA1957
Memories of UnderdevelopmentMemorias del subdesarrolloTomás Gutiérrez AleaCuba1968
One-Eyed JacksMarlon BrandoUSA1961
PaniqueJulien DuvivierFrance1947
Le quadrilleJacques RivetteFrance1950
Taipei StoryQing mei zhu maEdward YangTaiwan1985
UgetsuUgetsu MonogatariKenji MizoguchiJapan1953

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The 2016 Retrospective contained two programs, both inspired by Bertrand Tavernier. “A Brief Journey Through French Cinema” screened Tavernier’s My Journey Through French Cinema along with several titles cited in the film. The second program focused on Henry Hathaway, a director Tavernier particularly admires.

A Brief Journey Through French Cinema

TitleOriginal TitleDirectorCountryYear
My Journey Through French CinemaVoyage à travers le cinéma françaisBertrand TavernierFrance2016
Angels of SinLes anges du péchéRobert BressonFrance1943
Antoine and AntoinetteAntoine et AntoinetteJacques BeckerFrance1947
Deadlier Than the MaleVoici le temps des assassinsJulien DuvivierFrance1956
Les enfants terriblesJean-Pierre MelvilleFrance1950
La MarseillaiseJean RenoirFrance1938
Safe ConductLaissez-passerBertrand TavernierFrance2002

Henry Hathaway

23 Paces to Baker StreetHenry HathawayUSA1956
The Dark CornerHenry HathawayUSA1946
Down to the Sea in ShipsHenry HathawayUSA1949
Fourteen HoursHenry HathawayUSA1951
From Hell to TexasHenry HathawayUSA1958
Garden of EvilHenry HathawayUSA, Mexico1951
Kiss of DeathHenry HathawayUSA1947
NiagaraHenry HathawayUSA1953
North to AlaskaHenry HathawayUSA1960
RawhideHenry HathawayUSA1951
The Shepherd of the HillsHenry HathawayUSA1941
Spawn of the NorthHenry HathawayUSA1938

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  1. 1 2 "Explorations | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  2. "NYFF 54/Brochure 2016". online.pubhtml5.com. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  3. "Main Slate | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  4. Cox, Gordon (2016-08-09). "New York Film Festival Loads 2016 Main Slate With Festival-Circuit Favorites". Variety. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  5. "Shorts Programs | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2017-04-10.
  6. Murthi, Vikram (2016-08-29). "NYFF Announces Shorts Programs And New Section Explorations". IndieWire. Retrieved 2017-04-10.
  7. "Spotlight on Documentary | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  8. Nordine, Michael (2016-08-24). "New York Film Festival Announces 2016 Documentary Lineup". IndieWire. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  9. Cavassuto, Maria (2016-08-29). "New York Film Festival Debuts Explorations Program". Variety. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  10. "Projections | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  11. "54th New York Film Festival Reveals Lineup for 'Projections'". Artforum. 2016-08-17. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  12. "Special Events | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  13. Cox, Gordon (2016-08-23). "New York Film Festival Adds 'Hamilton's America,' Stephen Sondheim and More Jarmusch". Variety. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  14. "Revivals | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-26.
  15. Murthi, Vikram (2016-08-04). "New York Film Festival Announces 2016 Revival Lineup". IndieWire. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  16. "Retrospective | New York Film Festival". Film Society of Lincoln Center. Retrieved 2016-12-28.
  17. Erbland, Kate (2016-08-19). "New York Film Festival 2016 Announces Retrospective Selections". IndieWire. Retrieved 2016-12-28.