2025 European League of Football season

Last updated
2025 ELF season
League European League of Football
Sport American football
DurationMay 17, 2025 – September 7, 2025
Number of games96 + 5 playoff games
Number of teams16
2025 Championship Game
DateSeptember 7, 2025
Venue MHPArena, Stuttgart

The 2025 ELF season is the fifth season of the European League of Football, a professional American football league based in Europe. Sixteen teams from nine different countries will participate. The season starts on May 17, 2025, and will conclude with the ELF Championship Game in the MHPArena Stuttgart, Germany on September 7, 2025.



The 16 teams are divided into four divisions of 4 teams. Each team plays 12 games during the regular season, six in the division and two games versus one from each other division.

On January 29, 2025 the league announced to expand the homegrown territories for multiple teams. Most of each teams' players need to be homegrown, i.e. they need to have started playing football in the same country that the team is based in. Now, players from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine will also be considered homegrown for the Panthers Wrocław, players from Slovakia are considered homegrown for the Prague Lions, and players from Romania and Serbia for the Fehérvár Enthroners. Players from western Northern Italy are considered homegrown for the Helvetic Mercenaries while those from eastern Northern Italy are so for the two Austrian franchises. [1] The Nordic Storm had already been announced as having Denmark and Sweden as their homegrown territory in September. [2]


Locations of teams competing in the 2025 ELF season.
  • Blue pog.svg North Division
  • Green pog.svg West Division
  • Red pog.svg South Division
  • Yellow pog.svg East Division

Of the 17 teams from the 2024 season, 15 are competing in 2025, and are joined by one new expansion team: the Nordic Storm. Teams not returning for the new season are the Barcelona Dragons, and the Milano Seamen, the latter on hiatus with plans to return to the league in 2026.

Berlin Thunder will move from the Großes Stadion of Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark whose demolition started after the 2024 season to the adjacent Kleines Stadion which will be expanded with temporary stands. The Helvetic Mercenaries are moving to the Lidl Arena in Wil where the Helvetic Guards played during their only season in 2023. The Hamburg Sea Devils will return to Stadion Hoheluft, after playing home games in different stadiums all over Northern Germany.

TeamCityStadiumCapacityHead CoachRecord 2024
North Division
Berlin Thunder Flag of Germany.svg Berlin Kleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark 5,000 [A] Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg Jag Bal 5–7
Hamburg Sea Devils Flag of Germany.svg Hamburg Stadion Hoheluft (5 games)8,000 Flag of Germany.svg Shuan Fatah [4] 2–10
Volksparkstadion (1 game)57,000
Nordic Storm Flag of Denmark.svg Copenhagen/Søborg Gladsaxe Stadion 13,507 Flag of the United States.svg John Shoop - new -
Rhein Fire Flag of Germany.svg Duisburg Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena (5 games)31,500 Flag of the United States.svg Jim Tomsula 11–1, Champion
Flag of Germany.svg Düsseldorf Merkur Spiel-Arena (1 game) [5] 54,600
West Division
Cologne Centurions Flag of Germany.svg Cologne Südstadion 11,7486–6
Frankfurt Galaxy Flag of Germany.svg Frankfurt am Main PSD Bank Arena (4 games)12,542 Flag of the United States.svg Bart Andrus [6] 4–8
Flag of Germany.svg Offenbach am Main Stadion am Bieberer Berg (2 games)20,500
Paris Musketeers Flag of France.svg Paris/Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine Stade Bauer 5,600 Flag of the United States.svg Jack Del Rio 10–2, Semifinal
Stuttgart Surge Flag of Germany.svg Stuttgart Gazi-Stadion auf der Waldau 11,408 Flag of the United States.svg Jordan Neuman 11–1, Semifinal
South Division
Helvetic Mercenaries Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Zurich/Wil Lidl Arena 6,000 Flag of the United States.svg Marcus Herford 1–11
Madrid Bravos Flag of Spain.svg Madrid Estadio Vallehermoso 10,000 Flag of the United States.svg Andrew Weidinger 8–4, Wild Card
Munich Ravens Flag of Germany.svg Munich/Unterhaching Uhlsport Park 15,053 Flag of the United States.svg Kendral Ellison 9–3, Wild Card
Raiders Tirol Flag of Austria.svg Innsbruck Tivoli Stadion Tirol 17,400 Flag of the United States.svg Jim Herrmann [7] 8–4
East Division
Fehérvár Enthroners Flag of Hungary.svg Székesfehérvár First Field 4,000 Flag of the United States.svg Mark Ridgley 2–10
Prague Lions Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Prague FK Viktoria Stadion 3,000 Flag of the United States.svg Dave Warner [8] 1-11
Vienna Vikings Flag of Austria.svg Vienna Hohe Warte Stadium 5,500 Flag of the United States.svg Chris Calaycay 12–0, Final
Generali Arena 15,014
Panthers Wrocław Flag of Poland.svg Wrocław Stadion Olimpijski 11,000 Flag of the United States.svg Craig Kuligowski [9] 6–6
  1. After planned expansion with temporary stands. [3]

Regular season


Week 1

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 17 MayIDHamburg Sea DevilsMadrid Bravos Estadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
Rhein FireParis Musketeers Stade Bauer, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
EastFehérvár EnthronersPanthers Wrocław Olympiastadion, Breslau
Sun, 18 MayIDCologne CenturionsBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
Nordic StormHelvetic Mercenaries Lidl Arena, Wil
WestFrankfurt GalaxyStuttgart Surge Gazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
SouthRaiders TirolMunich Ravens Uhlsport Park, Unterhaching
EastVienna VikingsPrague Lions Stadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag

Week 2

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 24 MayIDFrankfurt GalaxyMadrid BravosEstadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
EastFehérvár EnthronersVienna Vikings Naturarena Hohe Warte, Wien
Sun, 25 MayIDNordic StormPanthers WrocławOlympiastadion, Breslau
Berlin ThunderMunich RavensUhlsport Park, Unterhaching
Hamburg Sea DevilsPrague LionsStadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag
SouthHelvetic MercenariesRaiders Tirol Tivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
WestStuttgart SurgeParis MusketeersStade Bauer, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
ByeRhein Fire, Cologne Centurions

Week 3

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 31 MaySouthHelvetic MercenariesMadrid BravosEstadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
IDRaiders TirolCologne Centurions
EastPrague LionsFehérvár Enthroners First Field, Székesfehérvár
Sun, 1 JuneWestParis MusketeersFrankfurt Galaxy Stadion am Bieberer Berg, Offenbach
NorthBerlin ThunderNordic Storm Gladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
IDStuttgart SurgeHamburg Sea Devils
Vienna VikingsRhein Fire Merkur Spiel-Arena, Düsseldorf
ByePanthers Wrocław, Munich Ravens

Week 4

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 7 JuneNorthBerlin ThunderHamburg Sea Devils
IDRaiders TirolVienna Vikings Generali Arena, Wien
Madrid BravosFehérvár EnthronersFirst Field, Székesfehérvár
Sun, 8 JuneEastPrague LionsPanthers WrocławOlympiastadion, Breslau
WestCologne CenturionsFrankfurt GalaxyStadion am Bieberer Berg, Offenbach
IDMunich RavensStuttgart SurgeGazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
Paris MusketeersRhein Fire Schauinsland-Reisen-Arena, Duisburg
ByeNordic Storm, Helvetic Mercenaries

Week 5

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 14 JuneNorthHamburg Sea DevilsRhein FireSchauinsland-Reisen-Arena, Duisburg
IDPanthers WrocławCologne Centurions
Sun, 15 JuneIDFehérvár EnthronersBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
Frankfurt GalaxyNordic StormGladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
SouthMadrid BravosRaiders TirolTivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
Helvetic MercenariesMunich RavensUhlsport Park, Unterhaching
ByePrague Lions, Vienna Vikings, Paris Musketeers, Stuttgart Surge

Week 6

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 21 JuneIDRhein FireVienna VikingsGenerali Arena, Wien
SouthRaiders TirolHelvetic MercenariesLidl Arena, Wil
Sun, 22 JuneIDMunich RavensBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
Prague LionsHamburg Sea Devils Stadion Hoheluft, Hamburg
Panthers WrocławNordic StormGladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
WestCologne CenturionsStuttgart SurgeGazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
Frankfurt GalaxyParis Musketeers
ByeFehérvár Enthroners, Madrid Bravos

Week 7

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 28 JuneIDMadrid BravosHamburg Sea Devils
Helvetic MercenariesNordic StormGladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
EastPanthers WrocławFehérvár EnthronersFirst Field, Székesfehérvár
Sun, 29 JuneIDPrague LionsFrankfurt Galaxy PSD Bank Arena, Frankfurt am Main
Vienna VikingsRaiders TirolTivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
Stuttgart SurgeMunich RavensUhlsport Park, Unterhaching
NorthRhein FireBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
WestParis MusketeersCologne Centurions

Week 8

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 5 JulySouthMunich RavensMadrid BravosEstadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
IDRhein FireRaiders TirolTivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
EastPrague LionsVienna Vikings Datenpol Arena, Maria Enzersdorf
Sun, 6 JulyNorthNordic StormHamburg Sea DevilsStadion Hoheluft, Hamburg
IDCologne CenturionsPanthers WrocławOlympiastadion, Breslau
Fehérvár EnthronersStuttgart SurgeGazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
Paris MusketeersHelvetic MercenariesLidl Arena, Wil
ByeBerlin Thunder, Frankfurt Galaxy

Week 9

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 12 JulyIDFehérvár EnthronersMadrid BravosEstadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
WestStuttgart SurgeFrankfurt GalaxyPSD Bank Arena, Frankfurt am Main
SouthMunich RavensHelvetic MercenariesLidl Arena, Wil
Sun, 13 JulyNorthRhein FireNordic StormGladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
IDBerlin ThunderCologne Centurions
Vienna VikingsParis Musketeers
EastPanthers WrocławPrague LionsStadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag
ByeHamburg Sea Devils, Raiders Tirol

Week 10

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 19 JulyEastVienna VikingsPanthers WrocławOlympiastadion, Breslau
SouthMunich RavensRaiders TirolTivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
WestFrankfurt GalaxyCologne Centurions
Sun, 20 JulyNorthNordic StormBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
Rhein FireHamburg Sea Devils
WestParis MusketeersStuttgart SurgeGazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
EastFehérvár EnthronersPrague LionsStadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag
SouthMadrid BravosHelvetic MercenariesLidl Arena, Wil

Week 11

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 26 JulySouthRaiders TirolMadrid BravosEstadio Vallehermoso, Madrid
WestCologne CenturionsParis MusketeersStade Bauer, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
EastVienna VikingsFehérvár EnthronersFirst Field, Székesfehérvár
Sun, 27 JulyNorthBerlin ThunderRhein FireSchauinsland-Reisen-Arena, Duisburg
IDNordic StormFrankfurt GalaxyPSD Bank Arena, Frankfurt am Main
Hamburg Sea DevilsStuttgart SurgeGazi-Stadion auf der Waldau, Stuttgart
Panthers WrocławMunich RavensUhlsport Park, Unterhaching
Prague LionsHelvetic MercenariesLidl Arena, Wil

Week 12

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
2/3 AugustAll teams on bye

Week 13

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 9 AugustEastPanthers WrocławVienna Vikings
WestStuttgart SurgeCologne Centurions
IDHelvetic MercenariesParis MusketeersStade Bauer, Saint-Ouen-sur-Seine
Berlin ThunderFehérvár EnthronersFirst Field, Székesfehérvár
Sun, 10 AugustNorthHamburg Sea DevilsNordic StormGladsaxe Stadion, Søborg
SouthMadrid BravosMunich RavensUhlsport Park, Unterhaching
IDRaiders TirolRhein FireSchauinsland-Reisen-Arena, Duisburg
Frankfurt GalaxyPrague LionsStadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag

Week 14

DateDivisionAway teamResultHome teamVenue
Sat, 16 AugustIDParis MusketeersVienna Vikings
Stuttgart SurgeFehérvár EnthronersFirst Field, Székesfehérvár
Munich RavensPanthers WrocławOlympiastadion, Breslau
Sun, 17 AugustNorthHamburg Sea DevilsBerlin ThunderKleines Stadion, Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, Berlin
Nordic StormRhein FireSchauinsland-Reisen-Arena, Duisburg
IDMadrid BravosFrankfurt GalaxyPSD Bank Arena, Frankfurt am Main
Cologne CenturionsRaiders TirolTivoli Stadion Tirol, Innsbruck
Helvetic MercenariesPrague LionsStadion FK Viktoria Žižkov, Prag


1 Paris Musketeers 0000-000±0
1 Frankfurt Galaxy 0000-000±0
1 Cologne Centurions 0000-000±0
1 Stuttgart Surge 0000-000±0

Source: europeanleague.football

1 Rhein Fire 0000-000±0
1 Nordic Storm 0000-000±0
1 Berlin Thunder 0000-000±0
1 Hamburg Sea Devils 0000-000±0

Source: europeanleague.football

1 Vienna Vikings 0000-000±0
1 Panthers Wrocław 0000-000±0
1 Prague Lions 0000-000±0
1 Fehérvár Enthroners 0000-000±0

Source: europeanleague.football

1 Munich Ravens 0000-000±0
1 Helvetic Mercenaries 0000-000±0
1 Raiders Tirol 0000-000±0
1 Madrid Bravos 0000-000±0

Source: europeanleague.football

Division leaders
1 Flag of Austria.svg Vienna Vikings East000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Stuttgart Surge West000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Rhein Fire North000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Munich Ravens South000-0±0
Wild cards
1 Flag of France.svg Paris Musketeers West000-0±0
1 Flag of Spain.svg Madrid Bravos South000-0±0
Not Qualified for the Playoffs
1 Flag of Austria.svg Raiders Tirol South000-0±0
1 Flag of Poland.svg Panthers Wrocław East000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Cologne Centurions West000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Berlin Thunder North000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Frankfurt Galaxy West000-0±0
1 Flag of Germany.svg Hamburg Sea Devils North000-0±0
1 Flag of Hungary.svg Fehérvár Enthroners East000-0±0
1 Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg Helvetic Mercenaries South000-0±0
1 Flag of the Czech Republic.svg Prague Lions East000-0±0
1 Flag of Denmark.svg Nordic Storm North000-0±0
C - Clinched division title
Q - Clinched playoffs
E - Eliminated


  1. "European League of Football expands homegrown territories". europeanleague.football. 2025-01-29. Retrieved 2025-01-30.
  2. Malchow, Alex (2024-09-28). "Nordic Storm: "Creating a strong football culture in Denmark/Sweden"". europeanleague.football. Retrieved 2025-01-30.
  3. Christian Hönicke (18 December 2024). "Neues Stadion im Herzen Berlins: Temporäre American-Football-Arena für tausende Fans geplant". Der Tagesspiegel (in German). Retrieved 7 January 2025.
  4. "Shuan Fatah wird Sea Devils Head Coach" . Retrieved 2024-09-21.
  5. Stefan Janssen (2023-03-29). "European League of Football: Rhein Fire trägt bald Spiele in Düsseldorfer Arena aus" (in German). Retrieved 2024-09-26.
  6. sportschau.de. "Ex-NFL-Coach Bart Andrus übernimmt : ELF: Ex-NFL-Coach Bart Andrus wird neuer Chef-Trainer von Frankfurt Galaxy" (in German). Retrieved 2024-10-27.
  7. martin (2024-09-04). "RAIDERS Tirol verlängern mit Jim Herrmann". Football (in German). Retrieved 2024-09-12.
  8. "Instagram" . Retrieved 2024-09-21.
  9. "Craig Kuligowski trenerem Panthers Wrocław w sezonie 2025" (in Polish). Retrieved 2024-09-12.