2 Thessalonians 3

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2 Thessalonians 3
  chapter 2
Codex Vaticanus B, 2Thess. 3,11-18, Hebr. 1,1-2,2.jpg
A page of Codex Vaticanus containing Second Epistle to the Thessalonians 3:11–18 and Epistle to the Hebrews 1:1–2:2, from AD 325–350.
Book Second Epistle to the Thessalonians
Category Pauline epistles
Christian Bible part New Testament
Order in the Christian part14

2 Thessalonians 3 is the third (and the last) chapter of the Second Epistle to the Thessalonians in the New Testament of the Christian Bible. Traditionally, it is believed to have been written for the church in Thessalonica by Apostle Paul, likely in Corinth shortly after the first epistle (which was written in about 50-51 CE [1] ), [2] although there were debatable claims that it is the work of a secondary imitator after Paul's death (in 70s to 100 CE). [3] This chapter contains a mutual prayer, warnings against idleness, and the conclusion of the epistle. [4]



The original text was written in Koine Greek. This chapter is divided into 18 verses.

Textual witnesses

Some early manuscripts containing the text of this chapter are:

Mutual Prayer (3:1-5)

This section contains a series of moral admonition and a prayer that the recipients get 'the ability to carry out the instructions'. [5]

Warning against loafers (3:6-15)

The subject of this part is to address those who live 'in disorderly way' (attaktōs), which should be avoided by the members of the church. [5]

Verse 10

"Who doesn't work doesn't eat" - Uzbek, Tashkent, 1920 (Mardjani Foundation) "Who doesn't work doesn't eat" - Uzbek, Tashkent, 1920 (Mardjani).jpg
"Who doesn't work doesn't eat" – Uzbek, Tashkent, 1920 (Mardjani Foundation)
For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. [6]

"he that labours on the evening of the sabbath (or on weekdays), he shall eat on the sabbath day; and he who does not labour on the evening of the sabbath, from whence shall he eat (or what right and authority has he to eat) on the sabbath day?" [9]

Verse 11

For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. [10]

The Contemporary English Version refers in this verse to "some of you [who] just loaf around and won't do any work". [11] The term περιεργαζομένους (periergazomenous) is only found here in the New Testament. Heinrich Meyer suggests "it denotes a bustling disposition, busy in useless and superfluous things, about which one should not trouble himself". [12] The Bible Study New Testament commentary notes that when Paul and Silvanus arrived in Thessalonica in Acts 17, it was "a crowd of lazy loafers" who caused a riot resulting in their departure from the city. [13]

Conclusion (3:13-18)

Paul gives the final messages, puts his own handwriting as a sign of authenticity and ends with a benediction which has become standard. [14]

See also

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  1. Esler 2007a, p. 1199.
  2. Best, E. (1972), A Commentary on the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians, Black's New Testament Commentaries (London: Adam & Charles Black). p. 59; apud Esler 2007, p. 1213. Quote: 'to meet a new situation in respect of eschatology and a deteriorating situation in respect of idleness', although 'we do not know from where Paul received his information'.
  3. Esler 2007b, pp. 1213–1214.
  4. Esler 2007b, pp. 1218–1219.
  5. 1 2 Esler 2007b, p. 1218.
  6. 2 Thessalonians 3:10  : KJV
  7. 1 2 John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible, – 2 Thessalonians 3:10
  8. Bereshit Rabba, sect. 14. fol. 13. 1. Echa Rabbati, fol. 48. 4. & Midrash Koholet, fol. 65. 4.
  9. T. Bab. Avoda Zara, fol. 3. 1.
  10. 2 Thessalonians 3:11 : NKJV
  11. 2 Thessalonians 3:11
  12. Meyer, H. A. W., Meyer's NT Commentary on 2 Thessalonians 3, accessed 9 May 2022
  13. Ice, R. (1974), The Bible Study New Testament on 2 Thessalonians 3, accessed 9 May 2022
  14. Esler 2007b, p. 1219.
