ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy is an American National Standard published by ASHRAE that establishes the ranges of indoor environmental conditions to achieve acceptable thermal comfort for occupants of buildings. It was first published in 1966, and since 2004 has been updated every three to six years. The most recent version of the standard was published in 2023.
The body of the standard consists of a foreword (describing changes made in the current version), eight sections and several normative appendices:
The informative appendices are not part of the standard, but provide additional information about terms and methods described within the standard, as well as a bibliography, and a description of the addenda incorporated from the previous version in the current version. [1]
As described within the standard: "The purpose of the standard is to specify the combinations of indoor thermal environmental factors and personal factors that will produce thermal environmental conditions acceptable to a majority of the occupants within the space". [1]
The standard addresses the four primary environmental factors (temperature, thermal radiation, humidity, and air speed) and two personal factors (activity and clothing) that affect thermal comfort. It is applicable for:
Adaptive model is a model that relates indoor design temperatures or acceptable temperature ranges to outdoor meteorological or climatological parameters. [1]
Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses satisfaction with the thermal environment and is assessed by subjective evaluation. [1]
A occupant-controlled naturally conditioned space is where the thermal conditions of the space are primarily regulated by occupant-controlled openings. [1]
Predicted mean vote is an index that predicts the mean value of the thermal sensation votes (self-reported perceptions) of a large group of persons on a sensation scale expressed from -3 to +3 corresponding to the categories "cold," "cool," "slightly cool," "neutral," "slight warm," "warm," and "hot." [1] The value of PMV can be calculated either using the code provided in Appendix B of the standard or can be freely calculated with either the CBE Thermal Comfort Tool for ASHRAE 55, [2] with the Python package pythermalcomfort [3] and with the R package comf.
Comfort zone refers to the combinations of air temperature, mean radiant temperature (tr), and humidity that are predicted to be an acceptable thermal environment at particular values of air speed, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation (Icl) [1]
Clothing insulation is the resistance to sensible heat transfer provided by a clothing ensemble (expressed in units of clo, which is a unit to quantify the insulation provided by garments and clothing ensembles. 1 clo = 0.155 m2 °C/W (0.88 ft2·h·°F/Btu)) [1]
Metabolic rate is the rate of transformation of chemical energy into heat and mechanical work by metabolic activities of an individual, per unit of skin surface area (expressed in units of met) equal to 58.2 W/m2 (18.4 Btu/h·ft2), which is the energy produced per unit skin surface area of an average person seated at rest.
Exceedance hour is the number of occupied hours within a defined time period in which the environmental conditions in an occupied space are outside the comfort zone. [1]
The graphic method utilizes an overlay on a psychrometric chart to indicate the operative temperatures and humidity at which thermal comfort is achieved in the winter (1.0 clo) and summer (0.5 clo). It is based on the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model. [4] The graphic comfort zone model is limited in applicability to conditions when the metabolic rate of occupants is 1.0-1.3 met and the humidity ratio is below 0.012 kg H2O/kg dry air (0.012 lb H2O/lb dry air). If these requirements are met and the environmental conditions inside the building fall within the indicated ranges, then compliance is achieved. [1]
For humidity ratios above 0.012 kg H2O/kg dry air (0.012 lb H2O/lb dry air), or for metabolic rates up to 2.0 met, the analytical model must be used to determine thermal comfort sensation. Also based on the PMV model, this method uses tools such as the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool or the online CBE Thermal Comfort Tool for ASHRAE 55 [2] to evaluate thermal comfort. Users provide operative temperature (or air temperature and mean radiant temperature), air speed, humidity, metabolic rate, and clothing insulation value, and the tool evaluates predicted thermal sensation on a scale from -3 (cold) to +3 (hot). Compliance is achieved if the conditions provide thermal neutrality, measured as falling between -0.5 and +0.5 on the PMV scale. [1]
The section sets provisions for increasing the upper air temperature limit at elevated air speeds above 0.20 m/s (39 ft/min). The methodology is based on the SET (Standard Effective Temperature) model, which provides a way to assign an effective temperature (at a standard metabolic rate, and clothing insulation values) to compare thermal sensations experienced at a range of thermal conditions. [5] The upper limit of air speed is based on whether occupants have local control or not. To evaluate compliance, the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Tool may be used, or a computer model validated against the code provided in Informative Appendix D of the standard. [1]
Radiant temperature asymmetry between ceiling and floor, and air and walls must be limited to reduce discomfort. To reduce draft risk at temperatures below 22.5 °C (72.5 °F), air speed due to the HVAC system must be 0.15 m/s (30 ft/min) or below. The vertical air temperature difference between ankle and head is limited to 3 °C (5.4 °F) for seated occupants and 4 °C (7.2 °F) for standing occupants. [6] If occupants' feet will be in contact with the floor, the temperature must be 19–29 °C (66–84 °F). [1]
When occupants do not have control over the cyclical variation or drifts in indoor environmental conditions, the conditions within this section must be met. Operative temperatures may not fluctuate more than 1.1 °C (2.0 °F) within 15 minutes, nor change more than 2.2 °C (4.0 °F) within 1 hour. [1]
This method, also known as the adaptive comfort model, is applicable in buildings without mechanical cooling (and no operating heating system) where occupants' met rates are 1.0-1.3 met and their clothing levels are 0.5-1.0 clo. For this model the standard provides a graph of acceptable indoor temperature limits at prevailing mean outdoor temperatures (a mean of the daily mean outdoor temperatures of the previous 7–30 days). An accompanying table lists provisions for higher operative temperatures at air speeds above 0.3 m/s (59 ft/min) and up to 1.2 m/s (240 ft/min). The graph is valid for prevailing mean temperatures between 10 and 33.5 °C (50.0 and 92.3 °F). It provides 80% and 90% acceptability ranges, indicating the percentage of occupants expected to be comfortable at the indicated indoor and prevailing mean outdoor temperatures. [1]
This section of the standard is applicable for the design of buildings. All of the building systems must be designed to maintain the occupied spaces at the indoor conditions specified by one of the described evaluation methods at design conditions. The systems must be able to maintain these conditions within the expected range of indoor and outdoor operating conditions. [1]
For demonstrating design compliance, the following are the core requirements that must be documented: [7]
Although the evaluation of comfort in existing buildings is not mandatory in ASHRAE 55, it can be used as a guideline when required by other standards. Occupant surveys and environmental measurements are primarily used for evaluation. When the building automation system is added, the relevant characteristics must be described. [10]
Indoor thermal comfort can be determined from the responses of the occupant survey. Surveys must cover either the entire occupancy or a sample of it. When soliciting feedback from over 45 occupants, a minimum 35% response rate is required. For sample sizes between 20 to 45, at least 15 responses are necessary, while surveys directed at fewer than 20 occupants need an 80% response rate to ensure reliability. [10]
Generally, the scale in thermal satisfaction surveys must end with options “very dissatisfied” and “very satisfied.” An open-ended response to document reasons for dissatisfaction should also be provided.
The Point-in-Time surveys, which shall be solicited and conducted during active occupancy hours, require gathering responses on a continuous or seven-point Likert scale from “very dissatisfied” to “very satisfied.” Thermal sensation questions should employ terms: “cold,” “cool,” “slightly cool,” “neutral,” “slightly warm,” “warm,” and “hot”. [11] “Cooler”, “without change” and “warmer” are used for thermal preference questions.
For mechanically conditioned spaces, the PMV-based comfort zone has to be determined, which includes measuring and recording the metabolic activity and clothing insulation. The comfort zone boundaries must be adjusted to the air movements, and the zone conditions should be adjusted to avoid local thermal discomfort. For occupant-controlled naturally conditioned space, the adaptive model shall be used to determine the thermal comfort boundaries. For such spaces, the indoor and outdoor air temperature and mean radiant temperature and the air speed need to be measured. [1]
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 provides guideline on the position, time, and equipment accuracy of the physical measurement. The measurement locations should be where the occupants are expected to spend time in. If there are multiple such locations, the measurement can be performed at a representative location. [1] In cases that the optimal representative location cannot be found, the standard suggests specific locations in the space. [1]
Air temperature and speed must be measured at heights of 0.1 m, 0.6 m, and 1.1 m for seated occupants; 0.1 m, 1.1 m, and 1.7 m for standing occupants; and at the mean height of the body for horizontal occupants. Operative temperature or PMV should be calculated at 0.6 m for seated occupants, 1.1 m for standing occupants, and the mean height of the body for horizontal occupants. [10] Local discomfort caused by floor temperature and radiant temperature asymmetry should be measured at the floor surface and at the occupants’ locations, respectively. [12]
The standard suggests that the time of measurements should last two or more hours long, and it should also be a representative time of the year for this specific building. Measuring time step should be no more than five minutes for air temperature, mean radiant temperature, and humidity, and no more than three minutes for the air speed. [1]
In order to achieve acceptable results, the standard also suggests the minimum equipment accuracy based the current industry standard. [1]
When measuring environmental data from the Building Automation System, sensor placement must align with the recommended criteria for physical measurements. Temperature sensors should achieve an accuracy of ±0.5°C (±1°F) and humidity sensors ±5% relative humidity. The trending capabilities require data to be recorded at intervals of no more than 15 minutes, spanning a minimum of 30 days. Concurrent data, such as equipment status and supply/return air temperatures, should also be collected for a comprehensive analysis. [10]
To evaluate the probability of satisfaction from satisfaction surveys, the standard suggests dividing the number of the votes falling between "just satisfied" and "very satisfied" by the total number of votes in that questions. The answers of open-ended questions from "very dissatisfied" occupants should be documented for later analysis. [1] For point-in-time surveys, the comfort evaluation shall be performed by dividing the number of votes between -1 and +3 by the total number of votes. One has to keep in mind that the results from point-in-time surveys are only effective during the time when the surveys were solicited. [1]
The measured results should be evaluated against the adjusted comfort zone for the specific building. There are two cases when evaluating thermal comfort: at a specific time or over a period of time. For a mechanically conditioned space at an instance in time, the PMV and SET model shall be used to establish the comfort zone, and the local thermal discomfort shall be evaluated against the limit posed this standard as well. For occupant-controlled naturally conditioned spaces, the measured results shall be check with the comfort zone established by adaptive model. [1]
To evaluate the thermal comfort over a period of time in a mechanically conditioned space, the exceedance hours are the sum of all the hours when the absolute value of PMV is greater than 0.5. For an occupant-controlled naturally conditioned space, the exceedance hours are the sum of hours when the operative temperature falls outside of the lower and upper boundaries of the comfort zone. [1]
Metabolic rate is the rate of transformation of chemical energy into heat and mechanical work by metabolic activities of an individual. It is defined as per unit of skin surface area which equals to 58.2 W/m2 (18.4 Btu/h·ft2). This is the energy produced from a unit skin surface area of an average person seated at rest. [1]
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 provides a table of metabolic rate of different continuous activities. These values are valid for an average adult with surface skin area of 1.8 m2 (19.6 ft2). The standard reminds the users that they should use their own judgment to match the activities being considered to the comparable activities in the table. Except sedentary activities, metabolic rate for all other activities is likely to have range of variation. This variation is depending on the individual performing the task and his/her environment. [1]
When the duration of an activity is equal or less than one hour, one can use a time-weighted metabolic rate. As metabolic rates increase over 1.0 met, the evaporation of the sweat becomes an increasingly important factor, and the PMV method does not fully account for this factor. [1]
Clothing insulation refers to the heat transfer of the entire body, which includes the uncovered parts, such as hands and heads. There is a variety of means to determine the insulation provided by clothing. Accurate data from the measurement using thermal manikins is acceptable. When such measurement is not feasible, this standard provides four methods to determine the clothing insulation. It is also specified that the methods provided by this standard are no longer valid when the clothing insulation exceed 1.5 clo. And it is also not valid when occupants wear clothing that is highly impermeable to moisture transport. [1] The first method is the least accurate, according to ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55, and the accuracy increases in order of the methods. [1]
First, one can estimate the clothing insulation from the table provided in section five. If the clothing ensemble in question reasonably matches the clothing ensemble in the table, the indicated value can be used. The second method is to add or subtract individual garment clo value to achieve the clothing ensemble in question. Section five of the ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 provides a table with clothing insulation of a variety of individual garments. This table can be used together with the previous one, so that one can add or subtract the clothing ensemble from the clo value of each garment. The third method is to add all the clo value of each garment to match the clothing ensemble in question. [1]
The fourth method described in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 can be used to determine the clothing insulation in mechanically conditioned spaces. This method is based on the concept that when occupants choose their clothing according to their environment, the outdoor environment is more influential than the indoor one. There is a figure in the section five of the standard which predicts the representative clothing insulation of the occupants as a function of the average outdoor air temperature at 06:00 am. The function line has four segments: the average outdoor air temperature is below −5.0 °C (23.0 °F), between −5.0 °C (23.0 °F) and 5.0 °C (41.0 °F), between 5.0 °C (41.0 °F) and 26.0 °C (78.8 °F), and above 26.0 °C (78.8 °F). [1]
There is a function to determine the representative clothing insulation at each segment. One can also take into account the posture of the occupants. So far, all the clothing insulation value can be used when the occupant is standing. When occupant is sitting, one has to realize the insulation effect of the chair, and the decrease of insulation due to compression of the air in the clothing. [1]
If the occupant is moving, it also affects the insulation value of clothing. In general, body motion decreases the clothing insulation by pumping air through clothing. ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 recognizes that this effect varies largely depending on the nature of the movements and the nature clothing, such as how tight the clothing is. Thus, it only provides an approximation of the clothing insulation value of a moving person. This approximation is an equation that relates the clothing insulation with the metabolic rate. And this equation is only valid when the metabolic rate is between 1.2 and 2.0. [1]
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 also states that the thermal environment conditions desired for sleeping and resting vary largely among individuals and cannot be determined using the methods provided in this standard. Considering that a sleeping person or one in reclining posture will be provided with sufficient insulation with the bedding material, and he or she is also free to adjust, it is impossible to determine the clothing insulation effect for these occupants unless they are immobile. [1]
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 cautious the users that there are two forms of variability among occupants. In the first form, different individuals wear different clothing due to factors that are not related to thermal conditions, and the second form is opposite. For the first, it is not correct to use the average clothing insulation value to determine the desired thermal conditions for all occupants. [1]
ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 55 was first published in 1966. It was revised in 1974, 1981, 1992, 2004, 2010, 2013, 2017, 2020 and 2023. Starting in 2004, it is now updated based on ASHRAE's standard maintenance procedures. These periodic revisions are based on a publicly reviewed addenda to the previous version available on ASHRAE's website. [13]
In 1992 the standard was updated with more extensive information on measurement protocols and an expanded definitions section. [14]
In 2004 the standard underwent significant changes with the addition of two thermal comfort models: the PMV/PPD model and the adaptive comfort model. [13]
In 2010 the standard included the following changes. It re-introduced the Standard Effective Temperature (SET) as a method to calculate the cooling effect of air movement. It also added a general satisfaction survey to section 7 intended to evaluate general thermal comfort in an occupied space, bringing the standard in line with current survey-based post-occupancy evaluation (POE) practices. [15]
In 2013 the body of the standard was rewritten in mandatory language, with informative language moved from the body of the standard to informative appendices. The applicability of the cooling effect of air movement was expanded to apply to naturally conditioned spaces. Section 7 underwent major revisions for measuring thermal comfort in existing spaces including procedures for physical measurements and survey methods, and how to evaluate and report results. The last major change concerns measuring air speed and air temperature experienced by the occupant, which now must be an average across three heights and over a period of time. [1]
The 2020 edition [16] included eleven addenda, that introduced following changes:
It was replaced by 2023 edition, which incorporated previous addenda to 2020 edition with renewed focus on organizational clarity. [10]
Humidity is the concentration of water vapor present in the air. Water vapor, the gaseous state of water, is generally invisible to the human eye. Humidity indicates the likelihood for precipitation, dew, or fog to be present.
Ventilation is the intentional introduction of outdoor air into a space. Ventilation is mainly used to control indoor air quality by diluting and displacing indoor pollutants; it can also be used to control indoor temperature, humidity, and air motion to benefit thermal comfort, satisfaction with other aspects of the indoor environment, or other objectives.
Operative temperature is defined as a uniform temperature of an imaginary black enclosure in which an occupant would exchange the same amount of heat by radiation plus convection as in the actual nonuniform environment. Some references also use the terms 'equivalent temperature" or 'effective temperature' to describe combined effects of convective and radiant heat transfer. In design, operative temperature can be defined as the average of the mean radiant and ambient air temperatures, weighted by their respective heat transfer coefficients. The instrument used for assessing environmental thermal comfort in terms of operative temperature is called a eupatheoscope and was invented by A. F. Dufton in 1929. Mathematically, operative temperature can be shown as;
Building Science is the science and technology-driven collection of knowledge to provide better indoor environmental quality (IEQ), energy-efficient built environments, and occupant comfort and satisfaction. Building physics, architectural science, and applied physics are terms used for the knowledge domain that overlaps with building science. In building science, the methods used in natural and hard sciences are widely applied, which may include controlled and quasi-experiments, randomized control, physical measurements, remote sensing, and simulations. On the other hand, methods from social and soft sciences, such as case study, interviews & focus group, observational method, surveys, and experience sampling, are also widely used in building science to understand occupant satisfaction, comfort, and experiences by acquiring qualitative data. One of the recent trends in building science is a combination of the two different methods. For instance, it is widely known that occupants' thermal sensation and comfort may vary depending on their sex, age, emotion, experiences, etc. even in the same indoor environment. Despite the advancement in data extraction and collection technology in building science, objective measurements alone can hardly represent occupants' state of mind such as comfort and preference. Therefore, researchers are trying to measure both physical contexts and understand human responses to figure out complex interrelationships.
Displacement ventilation (DV) is a room air distribution strategy where conditioned outdoor air is supplied at a low velocity from air supply diffusers located near floor level and extracted above the occupied zone, usually at ceiling height.
Underfloor heating and cooling is a form of central heating and cooling that achieves indoor climate control for thermal comfort using hydronic or electrical heating elements embedded in a floor. Heating is achieved by conduction, radiation and convection. Use of underfloor heating dates back to the Neoglacial and Neolithic periods.
Building insulation is material used in a building to reduce the flow of thermal energy. While the majority of insulation in buildings is for thermal purposes, the term also applies to acoustic insulation, fire insulation, and impact insulation. Often an insulation material will be chosen for its ability to perform several of these functions at once.
Thermal comfort is the condition of mind that expresses subjective satisfaction with the thermal environment. The human body can be viewed as a heat engine where food is the input energy. The human body will release excess heat into the environment, so the body can continue to operate. The heat transfer is proportional to temperature difference. In cold environments, the body loses more heat to the environment and in hot environments the body does not release enough heat. Both the hot and cold scenarios lead to discomfort. Maintaining this standard of thermal comfort for occupants of buildings or other enclosures is one of the important goals of HVAC design engineers.
Passive ventilation is the process of supplying air to and removing air from an indoor space without using mechanical systems. It refers to the flow of external air to an indoor space as a result of pressure differences arising from natural forces.
Air changes per hour, abbreviated ACPH or ACH, or air change rate is the number of times that the total air volume in a room or space is completely removed and replaced in an hour. If the air in the space is either uniform or perfectly mixed, air changes per hour is a measure of how many times the air within a defined space is replaced each hour. Perfectly mixed air refers to a theoretical condition where supply air is instantly and uniformly mixed with the air already present in a space, so that conditions such as age of air and concentration of pollutants are spatially uniform.
Thermal destratification is the process of mixing the internal air in a building to eliminate stratified layers and achieve temperature equalization throughout the building envelope.
ANSI/ASHRAE/IES Standard 90.1: Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard published by ASHRAE and jointly sponsored by the Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) that provides minimum requirements for energy efficient designs for buildings except for low-rise residential buildings. The original standard, ASHRAE 90, was published in 1975. There have been multiple editions to it since. In 1999 the ASHRAE Board of Directors voted to place the standard on continuous maintenance, based on rapid changes in energy technology and energy prices. This allows it to be updated multiple times in a year. The standard was renamed ASHRAE 90.1 in 2001. It has since been updated in 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, and 2019 to reflect newer and more efficient technologies.
A high-volume low-speed (HVLS) fan is a type of mechanical fan greater than 7 feet (2.1 m) in diameter. HVLS fans are generally ceiling fans although some are pole mounted. HVLS fans move slowly and distribute large amounts of air at low rotational speed– hence the name "high volume, low speed."
Clothing insulation is the thermal insulation provided by clothing.
Radiant heating and cooling is a category of HVAC technologies that exchange heat by both convection and radiation with the environments they are designed to heat or cool. There are many subcategories of radiant heating and cooling, including: "radiant ceiling panels", "embedded surface systems", "thermally active building systems", and infrared heaters. According to some definitions, a technology is only included in this category if radiation comprises more than 50% of its heat exchange with the environment; therefore technologies such as radiators and chilled beams are usually not considered radiant heating or cooling. Within this category, it is practical to distinguish between high temperature radiant heating, and radiant heating or cooling with more moderate source temperatures. This article mainly addresses radiant heating and cooling with moderate source temperatures, used to heat or cool indoor environments. Moderate temperature radiant heating and cooling is usually composed of relatively large surfaces that are internally heated or cooled using hydronic or electrical sources. For high temperature indoor or outdoor radiant heating, see: Infrared heater. For snow melt applications see: Snowmelt system.
The thermal manikin is a human model designed for scientific testing of thermal environments without the risk or inaccuracies inherent in human subject testing. Thermal manikins are primarily used in automotive, indoor environment, outdoor environment, military and clothing research. The first thermal manikins in the 1940s were developed by the US Army and consisted of one whole-body sampling zone. Modern-day manikins can have over 30 individually controlled zones. Each zone contains a heating element and temperature sensors within the “skin” of the manikin. This allows the control software to heat the manikin to a normal human body temperature, while logging the amount of power necessary to do so in each zone and the temperature of that zone.
Ventilative cooling is the use of natural or mechanical ventilation to cool indoor spaces. The use of outside air reduces the cooling load and the energy consumption of these systems, while maintaining high quality indoor conditions; passive ventilative cooling may eliminate energy consumption. Ventilative cooling strategies are applied in a wide range of buildings and may even be critical to realize renovated or new high efficient buildings and zero-energy buildings (ZEBs). Ventilation is present in buildings mainly for air quality reasons. It can be used additionally to remove both excess heat gains, as well as increase the velocity of the air and thereby widen the thermal comfort range. Ventilative cooling is assessed by long-term evaluation indices. Ventilative cooling is dependent on the availability of appropriate external conditions and on the thermal physical characteristics of the building.
Occupant-centric building controls or Occupant-centric controls (OCC) is a control strategy for the indoor environment, that specifically focuses on meeting the current needs of building occupants while decreasing building energy consumption. OCC can be used to control lighting and appliances, but is most commonly used to control heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). OCC use real-time data collected on indoor environmental conditions, occupant presence and occupant preferences as inputs to energy system control strategies. By responding to real-time inputs, OCC is able to flexibly provide the proper level of energy services, such as heating and cooling, when and where it is needed by occupants. Ensuring that building energy services are provided in the right quantity is intended to improve occupant comfort while providing these services only at the right time and in the right location is intended to reduce overall energy use.
Clothing physiology is a branch of science that studies the interaction between clothing and the human body, with a particular focus on how clothing affects the physiological and psychological responses of individuals to different environmental conditions. The goal of clothing physiology research is to develop a better understanding of how clothing can be designed to optimize comfort, performance, and protection for individuals in various settings, including outdoor recreation, occupational environments, and medical contexts.
WELL Building Standard (WELL) is a healthy building certification program, developed by the International WELL Building Institute PCB (IWBI), a California registered public benefit corporation.
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