Additive model

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In statistics, an additive model (AM) is a nonparametric regression method. It was suggested by Jerome H. Friedman and Werner Stuetzle (1981) [1] and is an essential part of the ACE algorithm. The AM uses a one-dimensional smoother to build a restricted class of nonparametric regression models. Because of this, it is less affected by the curse of dimensionality than a p-dimensional smoother. Furthermore, the AM is more flexible than a standard linear model, while being more interpretable than a general regression surface at the cost of approximation errors. Problems with AM, like many other machine-learning methods, include model selection, overfitting, and multicollinearity.



Given a data set of n statistical units, where represent predictors and is the outcome, the additive model takes the form


Where , and . The functions are unknown smooth functions fit from the data. Fitting the AM (i.e. the functions ) can be done using the backfitting algorithm proposed by Andreas Buja, Trevor Hastie and Robert Tibshirani (1989). [2]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Regression analysis</span> Set of statistical processes for estimating the relationships among variables

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In statistics, a generalized additive model (GAM) is a generalized linear model in which the linear response variable depends linearly on unknown smooth functions of some predictor variables, and interest focuses on inference about these smooth functions.

Nonparametric regression is a category of regression analysis in which the predictor does not take a predetermined form but is constructed according to information derived from the data. That is, no parametric form is assumed for the relationship between predictors and dependent variable. Nonparametric regression requires larger sample sizes than regression based on parametric models because the data must supply the model structure as well as the model estimates.

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In statistics, projection pursuit regression (PPR) is a statistical model developed by Jerome H. Friedman and Werner Stuetzle that extends additive models. This model adapts the additive models in that it first projects the data matrix of explanatory variables in the optimal direction before applying smoothing functions to these explanatory variables.

In statistics, the backfitting algorithm is a simple iterative procedure used to fit a generalized additive model. It was introduced in 1985 by Leo Breiman and Jerome Friedman along with generalized additive models. In most cases, the backfitting algorithm is equivalent to the Gauss–Seidel method, an algorithm used for solving a certain linear system of equations.

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In statistics, functional additive models (FAM) can be viewed as extensions of generalized functional linear models where the linearity assumption between the response and the functional linear predictor is replaced by an additivity assumption.

A partially linear model is a form of semiparametric model, since it contains parametric and nonparametric elements. Application of the least squares estimators is available to partially linear model, if the hypothesis of the known of nonparametric element is valid. Partially linear equations were first used in the analysis of the relationship between temperature and usage of electricity by Engle, Granger, Rice and Weiss (1986). Typical application of partially linear model in the field of Microeconomics is presented by Tripathi in the case of profitability of firm's production in 1997. Also, partially linear model applied successfully in some other academic field. In 1994, Zeger and Diggle introduced partially linear model into biometrics. In environmental science, Parda-Sanchez et al. used partially linear model to analysis collected data in 2000. So far, partially linear model was optimized in many other statistic methods. In 1988, Robinson applied Nadaraya-Waston kernel estimator to test the nonparametric element to build a least-squares estimator After that, in 1997, local linear method was found by Truong.

Nonlinear mixed-effects models constitute a class of statistical models generalizing linear mixed-effects models. Like linear mixed-effects models, they are particularly useful in settings where there are multiple measurements within the same statistical units or when there are dependencies between measurements on related statistical units. Nonlinear mixed-effects models are applied in many fields including medicine, public health, pharmacology, and ecology.


  1. Friedman, J.H. and Stuetzle, W. (1981). "Projection Pursuit Regression", Journal of the American Statistical Association 76:817823. doi : 10.1080/01621459.1981.10477729
  2. Buja, A., Hastie, T., and Tibshirani, R. (1989). "Linear Smoothers and Additive Models", The Annals of Statistics 17(2):453555. JSTOR   2241560

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