Administrative Review Board (Labor)

Last updated
Administrative Review Board
USDOL Seal circa 2015.svg
Agency overview
Jurisdiction Federal government of the United States
Headquarters Washington, D.C.
Agency executive
  • Susan Harthill, Chair and Chief Judge [1]

In April 1996, the United States Secretary of Labor established the Administrative Review Board (ARB) to succeed the former Board of Service Contract Appeals, Wage Appeals Board, and Office of Administrative Appeals. The board consists of a maximum of five members, one of whom is designated the chair. The Secretary of Labor appoints the members based upon their qualifications and competence in matters within the board's authority.


The board's cases arise upon appeal from decisions of Department of Labor Administrative Law Judges or the administrator of the department's Wage and Hour Division. The board issues final agency decisions for the Secretary of Labor in cases arising under a wide range of labor laws, primarily involving environmental, transportation and securities whistleblower protection; immigration; child labor; employment discrimination; job training; seasonal and migrant workers and federal construction and service contracts. Depending upon the statute at issue, the board's decisions may be appealed to federal district or appellate courts.


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  1. "ARB Board Members". United States Department of Labor . Retrieved 2020-11-24.