Ahmadiyya by country |
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Ahmadiyya is an Islamic religious movement in Liberia, founded in the year 1956, during the era of the Second Caliphate, . [1] Approximately, up to 30,000 Ahmadi Muslims live in Liberia.
The earliest known record of an Ahmadiyya missionary in Liberia dates back to the 1950s, when Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, a missionary based in Sierra Leone at that time, visited Liberia in the spring of 1952. Staying in the country for a period of one month, Sadiq took the opportunity to meet the President of Liberia, William Tubman and presented an English translation of the Quran as well as other Islamic literature. [2] [3] However, the Ahmadiyya movement was first established four later, by Muhammad Ishaq Sufi. As per instruction of Caliph Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad, Sufi arrived in the capital Monrovia on 6 January 1956. A year later, on 12 June 1957, Sufi met with President Tubman as well, this time in his presidential palace. [2] [3]
As part of his tour of West Africa during the early period of his reign, the third caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Mirza Nasir Ahmad, visited Liberia. Invited by President Tubman, the caliph arrived at the Roberts International Airport, just outside the nation's capital, Monrovia, for a two-day visit on April 29, 1970. Accompanied by a special representative of the president, Colonel Henri R. Gobson, and also a number of Governors, the caliph journeyed to the president's Executive Mansion and conferred in a private audience with the president. Later, the Ahmadiyya mission invited the caliph for a dinner, at the now defunct Ducor Hotel. The following day, he returned to a dinner at the Executive Mansion tendered by the president in his honor, during which the president described him as "one of the greatest leaders in Islam". On May 1, 1970, the caliph left the country. [4] [5] [6] [7]
The fourth caliph, Mirza Tahir Ahmad, visited Liberia between January 31 and February 2 1988. [3]
Montserrado County is a county in the northwestern portion of the West African nation of Liberia containing its national capital, Monrovia. One of 15 counties that comprise the first-level of administrative division in the nation, it has 17 sub political districts. As of the 2022 Census, it had a population of 1,920,914, making it the most populous county in Liberia. The area of the county measures 738.5 square miles (1,913 km2), the smallest in the country. Bensonville serves as the capital.
Tubmanburg, also known as Bomi and formerly known as Vaitown, is the capital of Bomi County in Liberia. It lies in the Bomi Hills northwest of Monrovia and was an iron ore and diamond mining centre until it was largely destroyed in the First Liberian Civil War. During the Second Liberian Civil War, it was the headquarters of the Liberians United for Reconciliation and Democracy rebel group. Most residents are members of the Vai tribe.
Bomi is a county in the northwestern portion of the West African nation of Liberia. The county was established in 1984. The county's area is 746 square miles (1,900 km2).
Mirza Nasir Ahmad was the third Caliph of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community from Pakistan. He was elected as the third successor of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad on 8 November 1965, the day after the death of his predecessor and father, Mirza Basheer-ud-Din Mahmood Ahmad.
The Fazl Mosque also known as The London Mosque, is the first purpose-built mosque in London, England. It was opened on 23 October 1926 in Southfields, Wandsworth. At a cost of £6,223, the construction of the mosque and the purchase of the land on which it stands, was financed by the donations of Ahmadi Muslim women in Qadian, Punjab, British India, with support from the British Muslim convert Khalid Sheldrake. Between 1984 and 2019 the Fazl Mosque was the residence of the caliphs of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, and therefore its de facto international headquarters. The administrative headquarters now lies at the site of the Islamabad, Tilford.
The Liberian National County Sports Meet is the top knockout county tournament of the Liberian football inaugurated in 1956. It is an annual sporting festival organized and hosted by the Ministry of Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The event is primarily a platform intended to forge national unity and reconciliation in Liberia.
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic branch in Switzerland, under the spiritual leadership of the caliph in London. The Community was founded on October 13, 1946, during the late period of the Second Caliphate, when the caliph directed Shaikh Nasir Ahmad to establish a mission in the country. Today there are two Ahmadi mosques and 14 local branches, representing an estimated 800 Ahmadi Muslims.
Liberia is divided into fifteen first-level administrative divisions called counties, which, in turn, are subdivided into a total of 90 second-level administrative divisions called districts and further subdivided into third-level administrative divisions called clans.
Ahmadiyya, officially the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at (AMJ) is an Islamic messianic movement originating in British India in the late 19th century. It was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908), who said he had been divinely appointed as both the Promised Mahdi and Messiah expected by Muslims to appear towards the end times and bring about, by peaceful means, the final triumph of Islam; as well as to embody, in this capacity, the expected eschatological figure of other major religious traditions. Adherents of the Ahmadiyya—a term adopted expressly in reference to Muhammad's alternative name Ahmad—are known as Ahmadi Muslims or simply Ahmadis.
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic branch in the United States. The earliest contact between the American people and the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam was during the lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. In 1911, during the era of the First Caliphate of the Community, the Ahmadiyya movement in India began to prepare for its mission to the United States. However, it was not until 1920, during the era of the Second Caliphate of the Ahmadiyya movement, that Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, under the directive of the caliph, would leave England on SS Haverford for the United States. Sadiq established the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the United States in 1920. The U.S. Ahmadiyya movement is considered by some historians as one of the precursors to the Civil Rights Movement in America. The Community was the most influential Muslim community in African-American Islam until the 1950s. Today, there are approximately 15,000 to 20,000 American Ahmadi Muslims spread across the country.
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic branch in Spain, under the spiritual leadership of the caliph in London. The earliest history of the Community in Spain dates back to the period of the Second Caliph, when Malik Mohammad Sharid Gujrati, a missionary of the Community, arrived in Madrid on March 10, 1936. However, in the same year the Spanish Civil War broke out forcing Gujrati to abandon the country. Missionary efforts commenced once again following the Second World War, in 1946 when Karam Ilahi Zafar was sent by the caliph. The Basharat Mosque in Pedro Abad, built by the Ahmadiyya in the 1980s is the first mosque to be built in Spain since the Fall of Granada and the end of Muslim rule at the end of the 15th century. Today there are two purpose-built Ahmadi Muslim mosques and roughly 500 adherents in Spain.
Ahmadiyya in The Gambia is part of the worldwide Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at under the leadership of the Ahmadiyya Caliphate. Ahmadiyya teachings entered Gambia during the era of the Second Caliphate through the flow of Ahmadiyya literature and a number of traders returning to the country. The first missionary to enter the country was Alhaji Hamza Sanyaolo, a Nigerian who entered in 1959. After a number of months he was followed by Gibriel Saeed, a Ghanaian missionary. Since its earliest history in the Gambia, the community has been facing resistance and religious intolerance from certain Muslim clerics and Islamic bodies in the country.
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic community in Japan. The history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in Japan begins after a number of mentions by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, who showed a particular interest in introducing Islam to the Japanese people. The first Ahmadi Muslim missionary to be sent to Japan was Sufi Abdul Qadeer, who was sent by the second Caliph. He arrived in Japan on June 4, 1935. Today there is one purpose-built mosque, the largest in the country, representing an estimated 300 Ahmadi Muslims.
Ahmadiyya is an Islamic branch in Denmark, under the spiritual leadership of the caliph in London. Kamal Yousuf, an Ahmadi Muslim missionary, who was appointed for disseminating Ahmadiyya teachings in Scandinavia, first toured Denmark in 1956. The earliest Danes to have converted to the movement were from the 1950s and the Community was first established in 1959, during the last few years of the Second Caliphate. Today, there are two Ahmadi mosques, of which one is purpose-built mosque, the oldest in the country. There are an estimated 600 Ahmadi Muslims in the country.
Ahmadiyya, called Ahmadis is a community under the leadership of the caliph in London. The earliest history of the Community in the country begins in 1956, during the Second Caliphate, when Kamal Yousuf was appointed as the head of the mission in Sweden. However it was not until 1970 that the Community was first officially registered. Today, there are two purpose-built mosques, one of which is the oldest in the country, and also a number of other centers, representing an estimated average of 1600 Ahmadis in the country.
Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is an Islamic branch in Poland, under the spiritual leadership of the caliph, Mirza Masroor Ahmad. It was registered in Poland on December 3, 1990, and since then has the status of a religious association in the territory of the Republic of Poland. In 1991, the Community purchased a detached house with a plot of land in Włochy, Warsaw. The house was converted into a Mission House and mosque premises. The community has around 100 members in Poland