Allegory (mathematics)

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In the mathematical field of category theory, an allegory is a category that has some of the structure of the category Rel of sets and binary relations between them. Allegories can be used as an abstraction of categories of relations, and in this sense the theory of allegories is a generalization of relation algebra to relations between different sorts. Allegories are also useful in defining and investigating certain constructions in category theory, such as exact completions.


In this article we adopt the convention that morphisms compose from right to left, so RS means "first do S, then do R".


An allegory is a category in which

all such that

Here, we are abbreviating using the order defined by the intersection: means

A first example of an allegory is the category of sets and relations. The objects of this allegory are sets, and a morphism is a binary relation between X and Y. Composition of morphisms is composition of relations, and the anti-involution of is the converse relation : if and only if . Intersection of morphisms is (set-theoretic) intersection of relations.

Regular categories and allegories

Allegories of relations in regular categories

In a category C, a relation between objects X and Y is a span of morphisms that is jointly monic. Two such spans and are considered equivalent when there is an isomorphism between S and T that make everything commute; strictly speaking, relations are only defined up to equivalence (one may formalise this either by using equivalence classes or by using bicategories). If the category C has products, a relation between X and Y is the same thing as a monomorphism into X × Y (or an equivalence class of such). In the presence of pullbacks and a proper factorization system, one can define the composition of relations. The composition is found by first pulling back the cospan and then taking the jointly-monic image of the resulting span

Composition of relations will be associative if the factorization system is appropriately stable. In this case, one can consider a category Rel(C), with the same objects as C, but where morphisms are relations between the objects. The identity relations are the diagonals

A regular category (a category with finite limits and images in which covers are stable under pullback) has a stable regular epi/mono factorization system. The category of relations for a regular category is always an allegory. Anti-involution is defined by turning the source/target of the relation around, and intersections are intersections of subobjects, computed by pullback.

Maps in allegories, and tabulations

A morphism R in an allegory A is called a map if it is entire and deterministic Another way of saying this is that a map is a morphism that has a right adjoint in A when A is considered, using the local order structure, as a 2-category. Maps in an allegory are closed under identity and composition. Thus, there is a subcategory Map(A) of A with the same objects but only the maps as morphisms. For a regular category C, there is an isomorphism of categories In particular, a morphism in Map(Rel(Set)) is just an ordinary set function.

In an allegory, a morphism is tabulated by a pair of maps and if and An allegory is called tabular if every morphism has a tabulation. For a regular category C, the allegory Rel(C) is always tabular. On the other hand, for any tabular allegory A, the category Map(A) of maps is a locally regular category: it has pullbacks, equalizers, and images that are stable under pullback. This is enough to study relations in Map(A), and in this setting,

Unital allegories and regular categories of maps

A unit in an allegory is an object U for which the identity is the largest morphism and such that from every other object, there is an entire relation to U. An allegory with a unit is called unital. Given a tabular allegory A, the category Map(A) is a regular category (it has a terminal object) if and only if A is unital.

More sophisticated kinds of allegory

Additional properties of allegories can be axiomatized. Distributive allegories have a union-like operation that is suitably well-behaved, and division allegories have a generalization of the division operation of relation algebra. Power allegories are distributive division allegories with additional powerset-like structure. The connection between allegories and regular categories can be developed into a connection between power allegories and toposes.

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Homological algebra Branch of mathematics

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in category theory in mathematics.

In mathematics, the converse relation, or transpose, of a binary relation is the relation that occurs when the order of the elements is switched in the relation. For example, the converse of the relation 'child of' is the relation 'parent of'. In formal terms, if X and Y are sets and LX × Y is a relation from X to Y, then LT is the relation defined so that y LTx if and only if x L y. In set-builder notation, LT = {(y, x) ∈ Y × X | ∈ L}.

Category of relations

In mathematics, the category Rel has the class of sets as objects and binary relations as morphisms.

In category theory, a branch of mathematics, a dagger category is a category equipped with a certain structure called dagger or involution. The name dagger category was coined by Peter Selinger.

In the mathematics of binary relations, the composition of relations is the forming of a new binary relation R ; S from two given binary relations R and S. In the calculus of relations, the composition of relations is called relative multiplication, and its result is called a relative product. Function composition is the special case of composition of relations where all relations involved are functions.

In category theory, a span, roof or correspondence is a generalization of the notion of relation between two objects of a category. When the category has all pullbacks, spans can be considered as morphisms in a category of fractions.

In mathematics, a topos is a category that behaves like the category of sheaves of sets on a topological space. Topoi behave much like the category of sets and possess a notion of localization; they are a direct generalization of point-set topology. The Grothendieck topoi find applications in algebraic geometry; the more general elementary topoi are used in logic.

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In mathematics, a heterogeneous relation is a binary relation, a subset of a Cartesian product A × B, where A and B are distinct sets. The prefix hetero is from the Greek ἕτερος.
