
Last updated

Paradigm multi-paradigm: constraint, imperative, logic
Family Wirth Modula
Designed by Krzysztof Apt, Marc Bezem, Jacob Brunekreef, Vincent Partington, Andrea Schaerf
Developer Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
First appeared1997;27 years ago (1997)
Typing discipline static
Scope Lexical (static)
Major implementations
Influenced by

Alma-0 is a multi-paradigm computer programming language. This language is an augmented version of the imperative Modula-2 language with logic-programming features and convenient backtracking ability. [1] It is small, strongly typed, and combines constraint programming, a limited number of features inspired by logic programming and supports imperative paradigms. The language advocates declarative programming. The designers claim that search-oriented solutions built with it are substantially simpler than their counterparts written in purely imperative or logic programming style. [2] Alma-0 provides natural, high-level constructs for building search trees. [3]



Since the designers of Alma-0 wanted to create a distinct and substantially simpler proposal than prior attempts to integrate declarative programming constructs (such as automatic backtracking) into imperative programming, the design of Alma-0 was guided by four principles:

Alma-0 can be viewed not only as a specific and concrete programming language proposal, but also as an example of a generic method for extending any imperative programming language with features that support declarative programming.

The feasibility of the Alma-0 approach has been demonstrated through a full implementation of the language (including a description of its semantics) for a subset of Modula-2. [4]


The implemented features in Alma-0 include:

Imperative and logic programming modes

The Alma-0 designers claim that the assignment, which is usually shunned in pure declarative and logic programming, is actually needed in a number of natural situations, including for counting and recording purposes. They also affirm that the means of expression of such "natural" uses of assignment within the logic programming paradigm are unnatural.

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Logic programming is a programming, database and knowledge representation paradigm based on formal logic. A logic program is a set of sentences in logical form, representing knowledge about some problem domain. Computation is performed by applying logical reasoning to that knowledge, to solve problems in the domain. Major logic programming language families include Prolog, Answer Set Programming (ASP) and Datalog. In all of these languages, rules are written in the form of clauses:

Prolog is a logic programming language that has its origins in artificial intelligence, automated theorem proving and computational linguistics.

Procedural programming is a programming paradigm, classified as imperative programming, that involves implementing the behavior of a computer program as procedures that call each other. The resulting program is a series of steps that forms a hierarchy of calls to its constituent procedures.

A programming paradigm is a relatively high-level way to structure and conceptualize the implementation of a computer program. A programming language can be classified as supporting one or more paradigms.

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In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm—a style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that expresses the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.

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Krzysztof R. Apt is a Polish computer scientist. He defended his PhD in mathematical logic in Warsaw, Poland in 1974. His research interests include program correctness and semantics, use of logic as a programming language, distributed computing, and game theory. Besides his own research, he has been heavily involved in service to the computing community, notably by promoting the use of logic in computer science and by advocating open access to scientific literature.

Logic programming is a programming paradigm that includes languages based on formal logic, including Datalog and Prolog. This article describes the syntax and semantics of the purely declarative subset of these languages. Confusingly, the name "logic programming" also refers to a specific programming language that roughly corresponds to the declarative subset of Prolog. Unfortunately, the term must be used in both senses in this article.


  1. Liu, Jed; Myers, Andrew C. (2003). "JMatch: Iterable Abstract Pattern Matching for Java". Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 2562/2003. pp. 110–127. doi:10.1007/3-540-36388-2_9. ISBN   978-3-540-00389-2.
  2. Partington, Vincent (July 1997). Implementation of an Imperative Programming Language with Backtracking (PDF) (Report). University of Amsterdam Programming, Research Group. Archived (PDF) from the original on 29 November 2023. Retrieved 15 February 2021. Also in Postscript Archived 31 May 2024 at the Wayback Machine .
  3. Van Hentenryck, Pascal; Perron, Laurent; Puget, Jean-François (October 2000). "Search and strategies in OPL". ACM Transactions on Computational Logic. 1 (2): 285–320. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1145/359496.359529. S2CID   15926704.
  4. Dahl, Veronica (12 February 2003). Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: 5th International Symposium, PADL 2003, New Orleans, LA, USA, January 13-14, 2003, Proceedings. Springer Science & Business Media. ISBN   978-3-540-00389-2. Archived from the original on 31 May 2024. Retrieved 25 February 2023.