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An anafunctor [note 1] is a notion introduced by Makkai (1996) for ordinary categories that is a generalization of functors. [1] In category theory, some statements require the axiom of choice, but the axiom of choice can sometimes be avoided when using an anafunctor. [2] For example, the statement "every fully faithful and essentially surjective functor is an equivalence of categories" is equivalent to the axiom of choice, but we can usually follow the same statement without the axiom of choice by using anafunctor instead of functor. [1] [3]



Span formulation of anafunctors

Anafunctor (span) Anafunctor (span).svg
Anafunctor (span)

Let X and A be categories. An anafunctor F with domain (source) X and codomain (target) A, and between categories X and A is a category , in a notation , is given by the following conditions: [1] [4] [5] [6] [7]

Set-theoretic definition

Commutative diagram for morphism.svg
Commutative diagram for morphism 2.svg

An anafunctor following condition: [2] [8] [9]

  1. A set of specifications of , with maps (source), (target). is the set of specifications, specifies the value at the argument . For , we write for the class and for the notation presumes that .
  2. For each , , and in the class of all arrows an arrows in .
  3. For every , such that is inhabited (non-empty).
  4. hold identity. For all and , we have
  5. hold composition. Whenever , , , and .

See also


  1. The etymology of anafunctor is an analogy of the biological terms anaphase/prophase. [1]

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  1. 1 2 3 4 ( Roberts 2011 )
  2. 1 2 ( Makkai 1998 )
  3. ( anafunctor in nlab , §1. Idea)
  4. ( Makkai 1996 , §1.1. and 1.1*. Anafunctors)
  5. ( Palmgren 2008 , §2. Anafunctors)
  6. ( Schreiber & Waldorf 2007 , §7.4. Anafunctors)
  7. ( anafunctor in nlab , §2. Definitions)
  8. ( Makkai 1996 , §1.1. Anafunctor)
  9. ( anafunctor in nlab , §2. Anafunctors (Explicit set-theoretic definition))


Further reading