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In mathematics, an atoroidal 3-manifold is one that does not contain an essential torus. There are two major variations in this terminology: an essential torus may be defined geometrically, as an embedded, non-boundary parallel, incompressible torus, or it may be defined algebraically, as a subgroup of its fundamental group that is not conjugate to a peripheral subgroup (i.e., the image of the map on fundamental group induced by an inclusion of a boundary component). The terminology is not standardized, and different authors require atoroidal 3-manifolds to satisfy certain additional restrictions. For instance:

A 3-manifold that is not atoroidal is called toroidal.

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  1. Apanasov, Boris N. (2000), Conformal Geometry of Discrete Groups and Manifolds, De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, vol. 32, Walter de Gruyter, p. 294, ISBN   9783110808056 .
  2. Otal, Jean-Pierre (2001), The hyperbolization theorem for fibered 3-manifolds, Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 7, American Mathematical Society, p. ix, ISBN   9780821821534 .
  3. Chow, Bennett (2007), The Ricci Flow: Geometric aspects, Mathematical surveys and monographs, American Mathematical Society, p. 436, ISBN   9780821839461 .
  4. Kapovich, Michael (2009), Hyperbolic Manifolds and Discrete Groups, Progress in Mathematics, vol. 183, Springer, p. 6, ISBN   9780817649135 .