Azonexus hydrophilus

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Azonexus hydrophilus
Scientific classification
Azonexus hydrophilus
Binomial name
Azonexus hydrophiluss
Chou et al. 2008 [1]
Type strain
BCRC 17657, CCRC 17657, Chen d8-1, d8-1, LMG 24005] [2]

Azonexus hydrophilus is a gram negative, facultatively aerobic, rod-shaped bacterium from the genus of Azonexus which was isolated from freshwater. Azonexus fungiphilus possesses the nitrogenase-gene nifH . [3] [4]

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  1. "LSPN LPSN/" . Retrieved 2013-08-15.
  2. Straininfo of Azonexus hydrophilus
  3. Chou, JH; Jiang, SR; Cho, JC; Song, J; Lin, MC; Chen, WM (2008). "Azonexus hydrophilus sp. nov., a nifH gene-harbouring bacterium isolated from freshwater". Int J Syst Evol Microbiol. 58 (4): 946–51. doi: 10.1099/ijs.0.65434-0 . PMID   18398200.
  4. PubMed