Battle of Beneventum (212 BC)

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Battle of Beneventum
Part of the Second Punic War
Campania bellum Hannibalicum 212 aC.png
Operations in Campania during the 212 BC campaign
DateMay 212 BC
Beneventum; modern Benevento
41°08′00″N14°47′00″E / 41.1333°N 14.7833°E / 41.1333; 14.7833
Result Roman victory
Vexilloid of the Roman Empire.svg Roman Republic Carthage standard.svg Carthage
Commanders and leaders
Quintus Fulvius Flaccus Carthage standard.svg Hanno
18,400 13,000+
Casualties and losses
Unknown 6,000 killed
7,000 captured

The Battle of Beneventum was fought between Carthage and the Roman Republic in 212 BC during the Second Punic War. During this conflict, Hanno, son of Bomilcar was defeated by Quintus Fulvius Flaccus. Livy gives a short account of this battle at 25.13-14. [1]

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  1. Livy, 25.13-14