Battle of Lepanto order of battle

Last updated

This is the order of battle during the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571 in which the Holy League deployed 6 galleasses and 206 galleys, while the Ottoman forces numbered 216 galleys and 56 galliots.


Fleet of the Holy League¹

The combined Christian fleet was placed under the command of John of Austria (Don Juan de Austria) with Marcantonio Colonna as his principal deputy.

Left Wing

Commanded by Agostino Barbarigo (53 galleys, 2 galleasses)

Agostino Barbarigo Agostino Barbarigo by Paolo Veronese, Cleveland Museum of Art.JPG
Agostino Barbarigo

Center Division

John of Austria Don Juan de Austria (cropped).JPG
John of Austria

Commanded by Don John of Austria (62 galleys, 2 galleasses)

Sebastiano Venier Jacopo Tintoretto 037.jpg
Sebastiano Venier

Right Wing

Giovanni Andrea Doria Giovanniandrea doria.jpg
Giovanni Andrea Doria

Commanded by Giovanni Andrea Doria (53 galleys, 2 galleasses)


Alvaro de Bazan AlvaroDeBazanRafaelTegeo1828.jpg
Álvaro de Bazán

Commanded by Don Álvaro de Bazán (38 galleys, including 8 galleys of the Advance Guard)


Commanded by Joan de Cardona (8 galleys attached to the Reserve force)

Ottoman Fleet²

Supreme command of the Ottoman Fleet was held by Müezzinzade Ali Pasha

Left Wing

Commanded by Uluç Ali Reis (61 galleys, 32 galliots)

Centre Division

Muezzinzade Ali Pasha Ali Pasha.jpg
Müezzinzade Ali Pasha

Commanded by Müezzinzade Ali Pasha (87 galleys divided into the First Line (among which are the fittest and newest galleys of the fleet) and the Second Line)

First Line

Second Line

Right Wing

Commanded by Mehmed Siroco (60 galleys and 2 galiots)


Commanded by Amuret Dragut Rais (8 galleys and 22 galiots)

Notes on ship nomenclature

1. Several vessels among the fleet of the Holy League bore the same name. Whilst this is not unheard of among ships belonging to different nationalities, some of the said ships belong to the same nation. These did not seem to be of great importance to Christian commanders at that time. In order to avoid confusion, those vessels bearing the same name were suffixed with ordinal number according to nationality (i.e. Christ of Candia I, Christ of Candia II; Christ of Venice I, Christ of Venice II, etc.).

2. In contrast to their Western contemporaries, Turkish records only show the names of commanders of the ships instead of the names of the ship themselves.

3. In Italian use, various flagships were called by the rank of their commander. A reale ("royal") was personally commanded by a king or his agent; a capitana ("captainess") by a captain general; a padrona ("master") by a padrone.


  1. Howell, James. "A survay of the signorie of Venice, of her admired policy, and method of government, &c. with a cohortation to all Christian princes to resent her dangerous condition at present / by James Howell Esq". University of Michigan Library. University of Michigan Library Digital Collections. Retrieved 10 July 2024.