Some authors define the binomial transform with an extra sign, so that it is not self-inverse:
whose inverse is
In this case the former transform is called the inverse binomial transform, and the latter is just binomial transform. This is standard usage for example in On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.
Both versions of the binomial transform appear in difference tables. Consider the following difference table:
Each line is the difference of the previous line. (The n-th number in the m-th line is am,n = 3n−2(2m+1n2 + 2m(1+6m)n + 2m-19m2), and the difference equation am+1,n = am,n+1 - am,n holds.)
The top line read from left to right is {an} = 0, 1, 10, 63, 324, 1485, ... The diagonal with the same starting point 0 is {tn} = 0, 1, 8, 36, 128, 400, ... {tn} is the noninvolutive binomial transform of {an}.
The top line read from right to left is {bn} = 1485, 324, 63, 10, 1, 0, ... The cross-diagonal with the same starting point 1485 is {sn} = 1485, 1161, 900, 692, 528, 400, ... {sn} is the involutive binomial transform of {bn}.
The relationship between the ordinary generating functions is sometimes called the Euler transform. It commonly makes its appearance in one of two different ways. In one form, it is used to accelerate the convergence of an alternating series. That is, one has the identity
which is obtained by substituting x = 1/2 into the last formula above. The terms on the right hand side typically become much smaller, much more rapidly, thus allowing rapid numerical summation.
The Euler transform can be generalized (Borisov B. and Shkodrov V., 2007):
where p = 0, 1, 2,…
The Euler transform is also frequently applied to the Euler hypergeometric integral. Here, the Euler transform takes the form:
[See [1] for generalizations to other hypergeometric series.]
The binomial transform, and its variation as the Euler transform, is notable for its connection to the continued fraction representation of a number. Let have the continued fraction representation
The Borel transform will convert the ordinary generating function to the exponential generating function.
Binomial convolution
Let and , be sequences of complex numbers. Their binomial convolution is defined by
This convolution can be found in the book by R.L. Graham, D.E. Knuth and O. Patashnik: Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science, Addison-Wesley (1989). It is easy to see that the binomial convolution is associative and commutative, and the sequence defined by and for serves as the identity under the binomial convolution. Further, it is easy to see that the sequences with possess an inverse. Thus the set of sequences with forms an Abelian group under the binomial convolution.
The binomial convolution arises naturally from the product of the exponential generating functions. In fact,
The binomial transform can be written in terms of binomial convolution. Let and for all . Then
The formula
can be interpreted as a Möbius inversion type formula
since is the inverse of under the binomial convolution.
There is also another binomial convolution in the mathematical literature. The binomial convolution of arithmetical functions and is defined as
where is the canonical factorization of a positive integer and is the binomial coefficient. This convolution appears in the book by P. J. McCarthy (1986) and was further studied by L. Toth and P. Haukkanen (2009).
Integral representation
When the sequence can be interpolated by a complex analytic function, then the binomial transform of the sequence can be represented by means of a Nörlund–Rice integral on the interpolating function.
Prodinger gives a related, modular-like transformation: letting
where U and B are the ordinary generating functions associated with the series and , respectively.
The rising k-binomial transform is sometimes defined as
In the case where the binomial transform is defined as
Let this be equal to the function
If a new forward difference table is made and the first elements from each row of this table are taken to form a new sequence , then the second binomial transform of the original sequence is,
If the same process is repeated k times, then it follows that,
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